Working on body composition?



  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Thanks for getting the pic to work, she does not have much definition but coming from where I was I think this is a good goal. I still cannot see any abs but I can feel them under all my fat, so one day I may be able to see them, I hope. I really don't think anyone wants to see my underwear pics, they are scary
  • liveinbliss
    liveinbliss Posts: 108 Member
    Yeah...I love this thread! I am working on changing my body composition as well. My goal is to reduce my body fat by 11% and of course build some really sexy muscles! I try really hard not to care what the scale says, but sometimes it still gets to me. I've been doing Rushfit (Georges St. Pierres) workout since January and I love it. Also running 2-3 days a week. Working with a trainer who has helped me mostly with my nutrition. Found out I was way undereating for the type of changes I want to make. I've lost 8.5 inches mostly off of my waist and hips since January...but not a single pound, so I'm guessing there is some nice new muscle under there just waiting for some fat to melt off!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member

    The only thing I don't like about moderate female bodybuilders (meaning those who aren't trying to look like men :happy: ) is when their chests become so defined that their boobs separate and look like someone glued two grapefruits to their chest...Not sexy in my opinion :ohwell:

    Yeah. It looks good up to a certain point.

    You're looking pretty good already so I wouldn't ruin that chest :p
    Hahaha! That "chest" is the product of a Victoria's Secret miraculous swimsuit:laugh: