How to get something through someone's head?



  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member

    Eats nothing most of the day then a pile of crap at night all at once.

    SO I told him he just needs to change his eating habits, eat right. T

    Just venting.:grumble:

    I wouldn't tell him anything, directly. Show him. Make him some special low-cal meals without telling him they're low-cal, you know, as if you were doing something FOR him not against him. Also, why don't you suggest some activities together? NOT because HE needs it but because YOU would like the company?
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    until he is ready to make changes, he won't hear you. Or he will but won't do anything actively productive.

    my husband let his diabetes rage out of control for years ( thought blood sugars of 400-600 were normal for him) and no matter what anyone said, in any way.. nothing got thru to him. Nearly dying ( seriously -massive heart attack that he wasn't supposed to survive at all) made him aware. He's still not great.. but he is keeping his sugars well under 200.

    When I started eating better and exercising for me he was supportive. Not much at first, now very much so.. and is now starting to watch his sodium and calorie intake. In addition to that he bought a bicycle last week and is slowly getting his endurance back and exercising more.

    you can't openly push him. The best thing you can do for yourself is to lead by example. If he feels a million crunches will do the job.. then let him do it.. its still an exercise and that will gradually increase to more without him being aware of it .. with you subtly influencing his decisions... and letting him think they are his as the others have said.