Cheat Day - what are everyones thoughts?

I'm new to MFP - so I'm sure this topic has come up in the past. Wondering what everyone's opinions and experiences are with "cheat days" or "cheat meals" once a week? I'm torn.


  • TheNewMe28
    I usually have a cheat day or a cheat meal depending on how my week went. I always make sure that my cheat day is the day after I weigh-in so that I can have the chance to work it off during the week.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I don't, not on a weekly basis anyway. I've had I think 9 days since I started over 100 ago that I went over my 2100 calories. Far better than I was doing before.
    I eat the things that I'll be eating the rest of my life, I still have cheese, yogurt, whole milk, I just have less of it, and realize that I'm full with less than I was before.
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    I personally wouldn't recommend a whole cheat day because the calorie count could reeaaaaaaallly add up. But I choose to have a cheat meal (ok, occasionally a cheat day, lol) once every other week. It has worked out good for me, but I am not in a big hurry to lose my weight. I am still going in the direction I want and will reach my goal when I reach my goal and I'm happy with that.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Lifesavers. :) Lol. Especially when I first started a year ago: to know that if I'm good all week, I have a day on the weekend to splurge. It absolutely helped keep me sane. Now... I don't need cheat days so often (except for lately... because I've been pretty stressed and, again, knowing I have a day at the end of the week keeps me from eating everything in sight). I definitely recommend! Now, I'm trying not to have a cheat meal each week, because my cheats turn to full-on binges, and I make myself sick. I think it's starting to affect my weight loss.

    But, if you can keep yourself from going TOO crazy, cheat days are fine. Go for it!
  • babytmarie27
    I'd say dont reward yourself with food. Thats part of what got most people here overweight. Find a different way to celebrate your weeks success. If you must do something to keep you sane I would do a cheat meal, an entire day could demolish all your hard work. One of those little convenience store brownies is 500 calories! It doesnt take much to set u back.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I prefer not to think of it as a "cheat" day. I'm in this for life, and life has days where you're going to be celebrating and eating things you "normally" don't. That said, if you're going to have a day where you decide you're going to eat what you want, just do not go overboard. Having pizza and beer for dinner is different than clearing out the pantry in an 18 hour sugar binge because it's your "cheat day". I'd recommend trying to stay withing a few hundred calories of your target and making up for it by having slightly smaller meals the rest of the day. Do not skip meals or you'll have more trouble controlling your hunger when you do eat.

  • Sway
    Sway Posts: 100 Member
    Read my last post.... one cheat meal. although it wasn't much of a cheat, and motivation sinks... don't bother.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I don't have cheat days ... I eat things that I like and enjoy just in moderation and not everything I like every single day. I want this to be a long-term change in my eating habits so I haven't given up any foods ... just the amounts
  • tiggr62
    tiggr62 Posts: 64 Member
    If I have a cheat day it takes me all week to get rid of the weight I gained, so no cheat day for me.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Why a "Cheat Day," Why not just build into your eating plan for that day what you want to eat. I eat a sweet treat twice a week, I build it in my plan. I eat out/get take out once a it in the plan. Be realistic and honest about what you can live with, that way you have a much better chance of Living the Lifestyle you desire. You gotta keep up on the Food to be honest with yourself or it will QUICKLY get out of control.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I have some days when I eat more than average, sure. But I try to keep them few and far between. I also enjoy treats on a regular basis--ice cream, alcohol, etc. I just plan for the treats and keep them within my goals (for the most part). I could never stick to a meal plan without including treats.

    I typically find that, even on the days I eat the most, I'm still right around maintenance and more often I still have a calorie defecit. So I'm still moving in the right direction.
  • gstrouphar
    At first, I didn't do an off plan day but as I went along, I started to give myself some treats, just on the day after weigh in. I also find it really helpful, that if you are going to do this to continue to log your caloreis. I do that for several reasons but the biggest reason is because when I start to see my calories adding up, it helps me to not wayyyyy over do it and keeps me accountable. I think that if you are going to make your eating habits that are helping you lose weight a lifestyle change, then you'll realize that after you reach goal, you'll be able to stick to healthy eating more often than not. You'll be able to manage your eating better which will occasionally include some things that aren't necessairly the most healthy for you!

    That's just my two cents if ya want it! Good luck to you!

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  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    i had a cheayt meal the other week for a wedding. Did have slightly smaller dessert and didnt over do the entree. But I did havew a few champagne. I think its ok as long as you dont go totally overboard and dont do it all the time. also can try exercisign during the day to sort of counteract it a little. Enjoy life still.
  • Mommy07inlove
    I have attempted cheat days lol and the last one i tried was so pathetic i just worked off the measly 141 calories i went over lol. I have had a few meals that i cheated on though,but still never went over for the day. I think if there is something worth cheating once a week or every other week for then try to work that into you days calories,if its over a little for your days allowance work it off,if its over alot label it a cheat day,log it,and go onto you regular cals the next day :)
  • mommomlynn
    mommomlynn Posts: 35 Member
    I only started 25 days ago....but I have a cheat day once on the weekend...don't go crazy but have pizza or fast food. I agree it helps...yes I know I am trying to make a change in my food selections...but for me if I say I can never have something I will not be successful. I haven't been able to exercise because of a really bad knee....but I have still manged to lose 4.5 lbs. in 25 days. I am okay with that. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    My "cheat day" is on Saturdays for two reasons:

    1) I can sleep in and breakfast becomes brunch, so basically I'm missing a meal
    2) I can always fit in exercise on Saturdays, usually for longer periods of time

    Today was supposed to be a cheat day for me, but since my first meal of the day was at noon and I'm going to have time to make atrip to the gym this evening, my net calories are still coming close to my1200 goal. This is despite eating pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast, splurging on a small cup of mint chip ice cream, and having pizza planned for dinner. I don't feel like I'm missing out on any thing I enjoy.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i don't schedule my "cheat days", i'll just take one if i wake up in one of those moods. i usually feel like i really need one around every 3 weeks or so. i eat whatever i want and i don't log anything. the next day i just get right back to it. they keep me sane. :)
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    My "cheat day" is on Saturdays for two reasons:

    1) I can sleep in and breakfast becomes brunch, so basically I'm missing a meal
    2) I can always fit in exercise on Saturdays, usually for longer periods of time

    Today was supposed to be a cheat day for me, but since my first meal of the day was at noon and I'm going to have time to make atrip to the gym this evening, my net calories are still coming close to my1200 goal. This is despite eating pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast, splurging on a small cup of mint chip ice cream, and having pizza planned for dinner. I don't feel like I'm missing out on any thing I enjoy.

    This is how I view it, too. I slept in this morning, had a brunch (including a bloody mary!), Chinese food for dinner, ice cream, nuts... and still right around 1200 cal. (Thank you, StairMaster!)
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days, because I found out they will automatic happen and now you have had.two cheat days. I found this out from experience.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I occasionally have "cheat" meals, but I still to try to get as close to calorie goal as possible (50 kcal over/under). If it's a flat out "Cheat" meal, I won't go over maintenance calories; and those happen less than once a month.