Cheat Day - what are everyones thoughts?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    People have different concepts of "cheat days" or "cheat meals." Some people will say that any meal in which they eat/drink something that is not generally accepted as "diet food," such as ice cream or pizza or alcohol is a cheat meal. Others say that even if you eat/drink something "bad," you aren't cheating as long as you don't go over your daily calories. You have to decide how you want to think of it.

    I call it cheating, even though I never go over my calorie limit, and I only cheat once per week because I like having a constant reminder that it is not okay to reach for Oreos whenever I feel like it, even if I only have one or two. It is not okay to eat pizza every day, even if I only have one slice. Those are exceptions; they are not things that I can or should be eating every day, even in moderation.

    But these are my opinions. Obviously not everyone feels this way.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Ever since I started my healthier eating plan,I have always had a cheat meal once or twice a week. There is no way I can live without Baja Fresh Mexican Grill OR Panda Express OR Pizza or whatever! I will usually go over on my calories but it works itself out during the week and I still lose 2-3lbs at weeks end. My cheat meals are usually the same day as weigh in so I can work it of during the week. I have had a few days were I actually overate/binge that wasn't planned, I guess I was just feeling a bit down...using my emotions to control my food intake...I'm working on that. But yes, I beleve that a cheat meal is nessacary to your well being and sticking with your new eating habits or else you really start feeling deprived and end up blowing it.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I allow myself one cheat meal a week. It revs my metobolism and keeps me on track during the week in anticipation of that cheat meal!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    Planning ahead for meals like these is the only way to enjoy and get back on the wagon. ENJOY!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Food addiction is the only addiction where as a reward for getting your habit under control, you eat more! Drug addicts, alcoholics, and other addicts do not celebrate kicking the habit by indulging in the behavior that made them addicts. I don't mean to sound harsh, but the idea of a day of going over your calories sounds counterproductive to me. There are days when I eat a little more, special occasions, parties, etc., but overall I stick to my calorie goals. My plan is for this to be a lifetime habit, and the last thing I want to develop is a habit of cheating on myself! Just my opinion.
  • beachgirl667
    beachgirl667 Posts: 55 Member
    I have decided over the course of the last 3 weeks, cheat days are not worth it. I will not b doing them any more if I can help it. I'm sure I will see much better results. If I want something I will work it into my daily calories. Good luck to you!!!
  • redsoxy
    redsoxy Posts: 73 Member
    I really appreciate all the feedback! There is some great insight here - I guess it comes down to knowing yourself and how you handle/react to things and what your ultimate goals are. I'm going to have to really think about this as I continue on my way. Thanks all, keep the good advice rolling!
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    I think that sometimes you need a cheat day! I average about 1 every 10 days or so. I usually try NOT to have one but every couple of weeks I NEED one!! lol. With my cheat days I just try not to go over my calories....however sometimes I do. Good Luck.
  • Melaine
    Melaine Posts: 5
    I don't plan for them, but I try to be really faithful with being under my calories on a daily basis, SO that when I wind up with my husband and kids at a restaurant once a week or so, I can order a reasonable meal and not sweat if I may go over my calories. That flexibility is my "cheating" so far. I do weigh myself every day, though, and I see weight gain the day after I eat "bad" foods. Seeing an immediate gain takes the fun out of it for sure!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I will have either a cheat meal or a cheat item every once in a while, and usually it's because of a special occasion. That way I don't feel deprived, I can relax and be confident that the rest of the week I will be eating healthy.
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I prefer a cheat meal. But I do not do it very often. Once a month maybe.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I usually allow myself a day a week when I don't log my meals. I do this because it's difficult to try to figure out the cal content of down-home Southern cooking. Instead, I eat small portions and choose not to eat the things that are obviously high in fat. I hardly ever go over my cals during the week (often, I'll have hundreds left over), so I figured I have some freedom to have a "cheat day".
  • kathyw731
    kathyw731 Posts: 22
    Body for Life tells you to have a cheat day on their plan. For me it is easy to diet and be careful through the week while work and things are happening. I think having a meal to look forward to each week that allows you to splurge is great movtivation and worth working for.
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't normally have a cheat day. I've done this for over a year...I think about 410 days and have only gone over my calories a hand full of times...went for about 9 months before I went over at all. But that's because I know it takes very very little for me to gain back my hard work. I WILL occasionally have a cheat meal and of course there are times when my willpower is gone and I am over my calories. But I don't PLAN to do so. Saying that, everyone is different. I know I have read posts where people plan a cheat meal/day on a regular basis and still lose. You just have to find what works for you. There is no "right" or "wrong" way. That's why this site is great!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i am in all r nothing. having an indulgence food day just never works out for me and now i've had 2 weeks nearly of crap food. on track again today but i'm just one of those types that can't have a treat day
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Food addiction is the only addiction where as a reward for getting your habit under control, you eat more! Drug addicts, alcoholics, and other addicts do not celebrate kicking the habit by indulging in the behavior that made them addicts. I don't mean to sound harsh, but the idea of a day of going over your calories sounds counterproductive to me. There are days when I eat a little more, special occasions, parties, etc., but overall I stick to my calorie goals. My plan is for this to be a lifetime habit, and the last thing I want to develop is a habit of cheating on myself! Just my opinion.

    but not everyone who is overweight has a food addiction.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We were doing Gluten cheat days and realized it just messed with us and now we go over every now and then, but don't deprive ourselves which makes it easier to change our habits and still be sane. Well thats relative, so at least we stay focused. If you need support feel free to friend us. Good luck and stay healthy.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    To me it depend on WHY you are doing it. I had a cheat meal today because I was feeling stuck and had not hit my "net" of 1290 in way too long. It was yummy and I hope it helps. If you are a binge or emotional eater though, I think cheat days/meals are too dangerous especially at the begining of the journey.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I have saturdays as my cheat day. I don't cheat all day. I allow myself to have something I don't during the week. I will allow myself a pop with my meal on a saturday but don't during the week. I call it my cheat day but still try to track things. I still stay under my calories I just allow myself my foods/drinks I don't take in during the week. I don't know if you'd consider a cheat day but thats how I look at it. I never allow myself to go over board with things but it helps me say no during the week.