Where were you??



  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    The defining moment of our generation...

    I had worked night shift all night and had gotten home about 7am. Usually I never heard the phone ringing but I heard it when my Dad called me to tell me I needed to turn on the TV. I got up, woke my roommate and we watched both towers fall. Soon after that I was called in, and we worked riot control. There was so much confusion and fear that day. The college was crippled. I remember for weeks after that, if someone saw you in a police uniform they wanted to shake your hand or give you a hug or free meal. It was crazy.

    The sad thing is....I taught kids that have no idea why this was such a big deal.

    That *is* sad Bunny.

    Some didn't even have a clue it happened. That we are sending people over seas just for fun.

    Is this *our* failure? Shouldn't we be teaching our kids about this?
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)? I was in 9th grade and I remember the teachers rolling in the TV and we watched it and we all cried and was very shocked.

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)? I was only 9 years old but I remember my grandparents watching it on TV and there was so much talk.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)? I was on my way home from taking my kids to school, When I heard about the first plane. I was thinking wow that is terribble, Then as I was getting ready to go donate blood something I do often i heard about the second plane, I was starting to get scared then they were talking about the DFW airport was a possible target and that the schools were possible targets I was very scared I went to get my kids out of school I wanted them with me, I was scared of an all out war on our land. I was thinking that this could be the end and I took my kids home and we watched it on TV. I did not go give blood that day but I did go the next day knowing how important it was. I was happy to donate that day.

  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    ** Not even a twinkle in my pappy's eye yet... (born 1987)

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    ** I was at day care (age 3 1/2)

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    ** I was at school, they didn't tell us until about noon, because they debated whether they should tell us or not at school. When it happened, I was probably in homeroom. When I found out though, I was in Spanish class, and then my history teacher the next hour let us watch the news, even though he wasn't supposed to, and almost got fired for it. Love that man!

    Jill, honey...

    How is it you were 3 1/2 in 1981, but were born in 1987???

    *takes bottle away from you* That's about enough of that for one night girlie....

    whoops.... thought that said 1991. hm.......... maybe no more drinking after working evening shifts... lol
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    ** Not even a twinkle in my pappy's eye yet... (born 1987)

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    ** I was at day care (age 3 1/2)

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    ** I was at school, they didn't tell us until about noon, because they debated whether they should tell us or not at school. When it happened, I was probably in homeroom. When I found out though, I was in Spanish class, and then my history teacher the next hour let us watch the news, even though he wasn't supposed to, and almost got fired for it. Love that man!

    Jill, honey...

    How is it you were 3 1/2 in 1981, but were born in 1987???

    *takes bottle away from you* That's about enough of that for one night girlie....

    whoops.... thought that said 1991. hm.......... maybe no more drinking after working evening shifts... lol

    *takes hand and pops knuckles* 'NO! Bad Jill!'