thinner thighs with running or elliptical?



  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    In stead of focusing on time, I focus on distance.... my first attempt at running on the treadmill was laughable, I only lasted a minute and was done. So I decided that instead I would build myself up by watching the distance instead - cover up the time, turn my music on and go for 1/10th of a mile. That felt OK. That was 3 weeks ago and Monday I ran a mile and 2/10ths in the fast (well, for me!) time of 15 minutes. I'm not a rocket, obviously, but hey - I am running more than a mile now! I run 3 days a week and do elliptical the other 2 days when I do strength training. I haven't lost much weight but my jeans are getting looser, so I know it's working!
  • steffmd25
    steffmd25 Posts: 24 Member
    Thinner thighs = Running. It is awesome for them. But I do advise to change it up and do different types of cardio if you belong to a gym!
  • lvcsy1
    lvcsy1 Posts: 28
    Run Run Run girll!!! You burn calories sooo much faster running than when on the elliptical!! I used to be an elliptical girl, then switched to the treadmill and lost a significant amount of weight quicker by running!! I started slow, running .25 then walking .25 until i got to 2.0 miles, and worked my way up from there!!
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Running would be my answer too! I run at least 3 times a week and sometimes mix in elliptical or stair master. Last year I only did intervals on the elliptical, but this year I decided to give the treadmill a try. My boyfriend always asked me if I would run with him, but I would tell him I'll be by the elliptical machines.

    Like the other posters mentioned, C25K is a good way to work up your endurance. I followed it loosely and was able to run 5K straight. After I reached that goal, I started to run in intervals. My workouts now are typically a warm up and then 2 minutes at a jogging pace and 1 minute sprint. I repeat this for about 20 minutes and then cool down. I also incorporate weight training, which includes squats, lunges and step ups. It took awhile, but my thighs and calves got slimmer. Trust me when I say it will take awhile! Thighs are my stubborn area, but I never gave up and I'm still working on them.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat.
    You gotta reduce overall body fat.
  • tellybelle
    tellybelle Posts: 144
    Great thread! Thanks!!
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    Running has helped me lose inches on my thighs. I mix it with a lot of squats and lunges though.
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