Has anyone tried the Neckline slimmer?



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Well that just dashed my hopes, I don't need a muscle workout on my neck, I need something to actually slim my "neck" I have to wear a tie which means I have to button the top button, the only shirts with a big enough neck fit me like freakin baggy dresses.

    Ah, but the googly eyes :love: you'd get from the ladies...think about that. :wink:
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm probably in a bad mood, but seriously they're just going to keep making this **** if people keep "buying" it. If you're going to invest so much of your time, emotion, and effort into fitness and exercise, take the time to read about it so you know you're on the right track. "Common knowledge" in the fitness and dieting community isn't worth the hot air it's communicated with.

    The only thing that makes your body look more "toned" or "slim" is loosing weight and building muscle (even for ladies, and no I don't mean bulking up like a man or female bodybuilder) or getting the skin removed.

    For the record... and I mean this very sincerely, first love yourself, that's so important, but also put up or shutup.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Well that just dashed my hopes, I don't need a muscle workout on my neck, I need something to actually slim my "neck" I have to wear a tie which means I have to button the top button, the only shirts with a big enough neck fit me like freakin baggy dresses.

    I have the same problem since I'm short and have a slim build. Try stores like Banana Republic, or brands with "slim fit" shirts whose cut is more "rectangular" than "square".