i cant poo.



  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    2 weeks without having a bowel movement is NOT good. Have you thought of seeing your doctor?
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    A lot of times I have the same problem. But here's a few things that have really helped me. I drink more water. Activia actually works wonders and tastes very good as well :) and there are these pills called Yeast Defense that you can buy off of amazon that also work, but personally I choose Activia yogurt over pills.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    All my life, I've only gone like once a week. But now that I'm drinking more, it's like 3-4 times a week. Drink more water. Have you tried those digestive yogurts like Activia and all that?
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    It's possible that your meds caused this, but it's even more reason to see your doctor. Frequent constipation seriously increases your risk of bowel obstruction, colon cancer and infection. According to a friend of mine who is a professor of kinesiology (science of the body) and nutrition you should poo once a day every single day. The kind of constipation you're talking about is dangerous. Please do see a doctor.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Like everyone is saying, water and fiber. But if those don't make a difference, you may want to see a doctor. My mother-in-law only "goes" once every few weeks, and long story short, she found out that part of her colon is basically dead. I'm not sure how that works... But I don't really want to know.

    Exactly!! The fecal load is full of bacteria - if you don't get rid of it regularly you can get massive infections, bowel rupture, the whole nine yards. In fact the not being able to poo might be a symptom of a serious problem with the colon already. You don't want to find out you have necrosis when you spike a 105 fever. (I'm not kidding - it happens.)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    My Daughter has the same problem. The Doctor told her to take Milalax everyday.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I have IBS-C. I have found a few things that fix it.

    Just as important as WHAT you eat, is that you have a regular diet without mixing it up too much. I eat a lot of foods every day like spinach, wraps, humous, tinned tomato etc and have found since I regulated my diet my digestive system seems to have figured out how to deal with what I feed it much better. It's like new or varied foods confuse it.

    I also drink like 12 glasses of water some days which is definitely making a great difference and I highly recommend that you try it. I find 8 makes no difference to my digestion but 10+ does.

    A few things I have cut out completely through trial and error which were all definitely screwing my body up in that department:
    1) Cow milk and all products from it (use soya and goat instead)
    2) Regular bread (all kinds - even wholemeal)
    3) White pasta (I now hardly ever eat anything but wholewheat and if I do eat white, I eat a half serving)
    4) Minimise on sodium!! Another thing that just confuses a sensitive digestive tract.

    Hope you find that helpful, I have been in the emergency room for pains from this issue before and spent over a year investigating what eating habits help and hinder it.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    This topic made me lol.. I gotta wonder, how much cheese do you eat?? I just went a whole week without a shred of cheese and 3 days later the floodgates opened. hehe...

    I don't really miss cheese either, but in all my diets, I ALWAYS had to have cheese somewhere and this is the first time I didn't. If your eating cheese, try cutting that out and eating more fiber. :flowerforyou: