Just a lil fact about Splenda:



  • EllaMae0023
    EllaMae0023 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes...if it sounds too good to be true..it must be bad..lol...i am a hypoglycemic...and i am not to eat sugar(refined) that is...i do use Splenda and i love the taste..i am aware of the possibilities of adverse health effects...my consumption is very low....when i crave...i reach for a little bit of it....but would love some advice from any diabetes out there that may have a good idea for natural sweetness that doesnt affect the glucose as much as refined? ty
  • EllaMae0023
    EllaMae0023 Posts: 3 Member
    they also can put chlorine in as well to contain contamination of any living organisms....just saying...lol....
  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393

    Well actually, the only way to create chloride is through it becoming a compound with another element.
    Or ionizing using an electric potential difference, strong magnetic or electric field, etc.
    However none of that changes my point. If you are going to quote chemicals in food, its best to get the name right, because there is a large difference between chloride and chlorine in your food. Especially when most people are going to think of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) when they read the word chlorine.

    Yes I agree. :]
  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393

    So I was half right. in a sense. More right given that the chloride being discussed was part of whatever compounds are in Splenda.

    Ah, I misunderstood that when you said "Chlorine is different from Chloride.. best to get the compound right" that you implied chlorine was the compound. XD I now realized you meant the compounds within Splenda.

    I just like discussing Chemistry and stuff. :] lol. It isn't done too often here.
  • jimbo831
    jimbo831 Posts: 15
    I never understand the thought that so many people have that because something is man made, it has to be dangerous and likewise if it is natural, it is perfectly safe. Please show one study, on humans, that show any negative affects of Splenda. Why did someone post about a family member getting Pancreatic cancer somehow implying it was caused by Splenda, but not follow up with a description. Correlation does not equal causation. Additionally, there are a lot of natural substance out there that are very harmful.

    You can go through life being paranoid about everything, or you can trust the general scientific consensus which is based on studies and facts, not rampant paranoia and anecdotal observations.