

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Word up.

    The posts "I need to lose 20 pounds in the next month!!!" for some event where a special dress or bikini will be worn are the ones that frustrate me. Not gonna happen that fast! You knew that wedding, reunion, vacation was coming... why'd you wait so long?!

    It's self-sabotage. Why set yourself up to fail like that?
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    Co-sign. I know it's a cliche but this really is a lifestyle change. The reason why I've had success with MFP is it's all about making smarter choices with my food. I eat healthy in general but don't have to deny myself a plate of buffalo wings or the occasional slice of chocolate cake, as long as I find a way to make it work within my daily calorie limit. And of course exercise is just as important.

    I'm looking to lose a pound a week which means I wouldn't get to my goal weight until next January, but I am fine with that. I didn't gain this weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight. That's just common sense.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    It is so true that to get the desired results, one must work at it.

    I have recently quit smoking. You would be amazed at how similar people's posting about their quits are to people who are trying to lose weight. People want a quit fix and have the withdrawal over and done with right away. When they don't see quit results, many give up. The same goes for losing weight and making a lifestyle change. You have to take it one day at a time. You aren't going to lose 50 pounds in 2 months. It just isn't healthy and realistic. I see people make unrealistic goals on both websites and on both, people fail and give up.

    Never give up. Changing one's mindset takes more than a few days or even weeks or months. You have to work at it until you finally get it.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    There is a huge misconception about how long it takes to lose weight. I can't believe the number of people who think it's realistic to plan on losing 5 lbs/week EVERY week. My brother wants to lose weight, and when I told him that 2 lbs/week is the upper end of what's considered a normal, healthy rate of weight-loss, he looked at me like I was crazy. I told him he might lose more than that for the first few weeks (he's 80 to 90 lbs overweight currently), but he should not plan on losing all that weight in a matter of a few months. He was really discouraged by that.

    What I always tell people when they ask me for "tips" is that the first thing you have to do is get it through your head that losing weight is HARD. It takes a very serious commitment. You have to wake up every day and rededicate yourself to making good decisions. If you think it's going to be easy or that it will happen quickly, you will give up at the first sign of difficulty. It may not be what you want to hear, but it's the truth.
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    I wholeheartedly agree!!!
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    Agreed. There's no such thing as an "easy" way to do it. Anything that doesn't require dedication and planning has every reason to fail once the instant gratification of quick success is acquired.

    SO true!
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    It is so true that to get the desired results, one must work at it.

    I have recently quit smoking. You would be amazed at how similar people's posting about their quits are to people who are trying to lose weight. People want a quit fix and have the withdrawal over and done with right away. When they don't see quit results, many give up. The same goes for losing weight and making a lifestyle change. You have to take it one day at a time. You aren't going to lose 50 pounds in 2 months. It just isn't healthy and realistic. I see people make unrealistic goals on both websites and on both, people fail and give up.

    Never give up. Changing one's mindset takes more than a few days or even weeks or months. You have to work at it until you finally get it.

    YES! And sometimes.... work at it even THOUGH you DON'T get it. Perseverance will win out!
  • jen2bhottie
    jen2bhottie Posts: 48 Member
    So, what you are saying is that because I chose to go to a weight-loss clinic 2 months ago and am now taking phentermine and 5HTP, that I'm weak and looking for the easy way out? Wow, you couldn't be more wrong! It certainly has helped me not feel starved all of the time so I'm not reaching for the first thing I can get my hands on to eat. Once I researched the foods I had been eating, I was horrified and that is how I finally 'got' it and realized what I was doing wrong.
    In 6 weeks, I have gone from being completely sedentary, willing to wait 10 minutes in order to get the parking space closest to the store, to joining a gym and starting on the elliptical for 15 min 2x a week to now doing 45 min on the elliptical 4x a week and walking at least 2 miles 2 more days a week and increasing to include weight training this week. This is all me, not the meds.
    The best way for me to explain this is that the medication has helped me keep my head above water as I learn how to swim.
    Do I ask questions here? Of course I do. I comprehend that eating healthy food+exercise=weight loss, but did I know that I had to increase my caloric intake as I increase exercise? No, not until I stopped losing weight and asked questions here. Lucky for everyone there are those of you who have never struggled with their weight loss and have all the answers.
    I realize that there are some people on MFP who want results without having to work hard to achieve them. Why not just ignore those posts? I mean, they've joined MFP in order to track what they're least it's a start...and for those who need extra support and encouragement then I think this is the place to be...for the others who have resorted to 'lose weight quick' gimmicks, they'll live and learn...but when they fall, someone should be there to give them a hand.