HCG drops thoughts and opinions??



  • JustMichelleB
    I look forward to the day that the FDA starts cracking down on the clinics and doctors that sell the HCG diet to unsuspecting people that come to them for advice. The is absolutely no provable science behind the HCG diet theory, and the so-called doctors that push the HCG diet should be stripped of heir medical licenses!

  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I hear it helps boost natural testosterone output after a clen/deca/test cycle.

    didn't know that.

    Gonna be the new nolvadex? haha
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    True but HCG comes after the Steroid cucle, often used in the middle of a cycle, and then before the clen. It is also only the injectible and it is generally dosed at 5000IU taken all at once each week for 4-6 weeks, or broken into two or three injections over the week. Testosterone boosts have been recorded between 300-400% with a dose this size, but at these levels it becomes highly armotizable and can lead to gyno if the proper precations are not taken.

    I hear it helps boost natural testosterone output after a clen/deca/test cycle.