Healthy snacks for someone with a sweet tooth?

I find it hard to resist snacking when sat at my desk all day at work....and doesn't help that I work opposite a Co-Op and can pop and get anything I want whenever I want!!!!!!!

I have a real sweet tooth.......sweets/chocolate cutting it all out is really hard for me.

I also hate fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So thinking up healthy snacks that I actually like and am happy eating is a problem for me :(

If I have a real craving I sometimes have jaffa cakes as they're not TOO bad!


  • JoAnnLeahMurphy
    I was in the same boat last night, I was totally craving ice cream. So I blended up some frozen strawberries and made a smoothie, did the trick for me.
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    My mouth is full of "sweet teeth" :) I like the 100 calorie snack bags - brownie bite are good, especially with milk! Also, Reeses has snack sticks that are just like Nutty Bars - 2 wafers covered in chocolate and penaut butter !!
  • razberrysweetea
    Try Dannon Greek Honey on the Bottom 0 fat's oh so good and makes me feel like I"m cheating every time I eat it
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    So random recipe from Nilla Wafer book.. turned out to be great!

    Don't know if it will help you at work, but might be something new for home?

    Good luck!
  • mlpautzke
    mlpautzke Posts: 13 Member
    You say you hate fruit, just try frozen grapes!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    try dark chocolate, 2 finger dark chocolate kitkat, 2 biscuits?
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    I eat the 100 calorie packs from Nabisco. They have different one that include chocolate.
  • fullerlj
    fullerlj Posts: 25
    My chocolate cravings get pretty intense as well... Jell-O instant Sugar free pudding mix with skim milk is fast and east way to curb the craving. I have also have come across this amazing gum that tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream! I believe it is EXTRA plus i think there are also a couple pie flavors as well. Hope this helps! small piece of dark chocolate every now and then is good for ya!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I wish I liked fruit!!! lol!

    and that's not just me being fussy and saying I dont like it having not tried it, I've really tried to make myself like it but I just can't stand it! lol....strawberries, raspberries, oranges, pears, bananas........I don't mind apples, but don't like them enough to think "hmmm, I think I'll have an apple" lol!

    When are they going to invent calorie free chocolate that tastes exactly like dairy milk!!!!!!!!!!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I have a major sweet tooth. Here are my faves:
    Sugar free pudding
    Vitamuffins or vitabrownies (100 calories), I then put some sugar free hcocolate pudding and maybe some fat free whipped topping. If I have strawberries, I had some and its amazing!!!
    100 calorie- Blue Diamond almonds- cocoa roasted dark chocolate
    Kroger no sugar added ice cream - Rocky Road
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    You say you hate fruit, just try frozen grapes!

    Frozen grapes are THE BEST!!!! :)
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I see you are in the UK so you have Boots, and I absolutely love Boots Shapers blueberry & yogurt nougat bars, 89 calories each. I would much prefer them to most choccie bars etc. They really satisfy sweet cravings, give them a try!! :smile:
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    Kellogg's Fiber Bars - especially the caramel fudge coconut flavored ones. They are 120 calories & they taste sinful. I also will have some Hostess 100 calorie cupcake packs for times that i must have something sweet. Also, those Reese's 100 calorie sticks that a previous poster mentioned are GOOD.
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Hostess has 100 calorie little chocolate cakes (I like the cinnamon streusel ones better)..that might be a good option for you if you are really craving something sweet...
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    set a specific time when you can have a snack to keep from grazing. I have 2 snacks that I eat everyday and one of them totally takes care of my chocolate jones. Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips (40 calories for 8 chips-eat them one at a time and let them melt on your tongue-delish!). I know you said you hate sweets, but I love a tart apple with peanut butter on it. It's my daily after school snace. The jello mousse cups are really good too.
  • mitts1970
    mitts1970 Posts: 56
    carrots dipped in peanut butter is a fave for me! try sugar free jello cups w/ light cool whip. someone mentioned frozen grapes - delish! yogurt. plain almonds shaken in a little brown sugar/cinnamon. just a few ideas :)
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    try dark chocolate, 2 finger dark chocolate kitkat, 2 biscuits?

    yes good idea! I have milk kit kats sometimes as they're 107 cals, but presumably the dark ones are less! good thinking!

    I'll try the danon yoghurt too :)

  • flozick
    flozick Posts: 3 Member
    i'm goin to try the frozen grapes today. thanks for the thought
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    dark chocolate covered almonds or maybe to ease yourself into liking fruit try a Gala apple (they sweet) and some peanut butter.......make it a habit to add one new fruit or veggie a week, its all in your mind that you dont like them :wink:
  • labrennan
    labrennan Posts: 132 Member
    i like chocolate chip vitatop muffins with a glass of skim, vanilla soy or almond milk....very good combo to me