Healthy snacks for someone with a sweet tooth?



    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Your villa waffer recipe somes some yummy
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    carrots dipped in peanut butter is a fave for me! try sugar free jello cups w/ light cool whip. someone mentioned frozen grapes - delish! yogurt. plain almonds shaken in a little brown sugar/cinnamon. just a few ideas :)

    carrots and peanut butter?!?! I would never think to put those two together! lol! but I love carrots...and I love peanut hey why not!

    Yeh we have a Boots near where I work so I'll give the nougat bars a try :)
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    dark chocolate covered almonds or maybe to ease yourself into liking fruit try a Gala apple (they sweet) and some peanut butter.......make it a habit to add one new fruit or veggie a week, its all in your mind that you dont like them :wink:

    I love veggies, will eat them all....just never taken to fruit!

    I'd love to like it though, and have tried in the's a skin/seeds/juice thing....just don't like the texture of most fruits! maybe if I disguised them in something lol x
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Emerald Just came out with 100 calorie Cocoa roast almonds. Dark chocolate and nuts! mmmmm :)
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    Those fiber bars are the best!!! Thats my fave flavor as well!!:heart:
  • llovegrove
    llovegrove Posts: 94 Member
    I have been doing the sugar free jello cups with light whip cream that I keep in the freezer! Its pretty good and helps me out. I also bought the Carb Smart Breyers vanilla ice cream. 1/2 cup 90 cal and I put it on a small come that is only 20 cal. That really helps me out a lot. I have heard the sugar free jello pudding mousse temptations is really good..have not tried that yet.
  • RideSLC
    RideSLC Posts: 1 Member
    It's all about being prepared. If can take the time in the morning and prepare some snacks for the day, I think it will help curb your urge for the other (junk food) more accessible snacks. In fact, if you plan ahead with some healthy alternatives your mind will be looking forward to those snacks instead of vending machine food. As far as specific items knowing you hate fruit...that is a tough one. Perhaps, peanut butter, nuts, popcorn, jerky, veggie sticks. Lastly, chocolate! There is no sense in fighting of the urge completely, why not pack 1-2 little Hershey's Kisses, that may be just enough to keep you from jumping entirely of the wagon having a sugar filled binge session.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    one of my FAVES!! >>

    A deep chocolate vitatop muffin with a little light cool whip and a few sliced strawberries on top - around 150 calories.
    the vitatops are good with a little peanut butter on them, too, if you don't want the fruit. :)
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Fiber one makes a chocolate/peanut butter bar that is really yummy! and only 90 calories. They also have a 90 calorie brownie.
    I also love the kellogg's - Fiber Plus Antioxidants Chewy Bar - Caramel Coconut Fudge, 1 bar is 120 caolories...and taste like the yummy samoa's

  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    These are somethings I've tried since mfp that I was surprised at how good they were.
    If you want something sweet- Yoplait Delights Parfait- Lemon Torte 100 calories.
    There is a chocolate raspberry one that DH likes. I haven't had one yet, I'll probably try one today!

    Blue bunny sweet freedom fudge bars. 35 calories each

    Kellogs Special K fruit crisps Blueberry. Wow- I just had one and they are really good! They are by the granola bars. 2 crisps have 100 calories. They have an outside that reminds me kind of like a poptart in a way, but they are much better! I don't know if you would like the blueberry inside since you don't like fruit, but it reminds me of a blueberry pie or something. I was impressed.

    Another thing I love to do is take yogurt and add a sliced banana. Yum!

    I love all kinds of fruit, so that's what I usually have when I want something sweet though.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    nom nom nom i have discovered i LOVE the Boots Shapers mint nougat bars...81 calories per bar! Woohoo!
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    I love chocolate covered espresso beans. the flavor is so intense you just need a few....
  • SGartz
    SGartz Posts: 57
    Chocolate Nutella on oatcakes is a personal fave of mine! Seems to do the trick.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    nature valley granola thins with dark chocolate. 80 calories. mmmmmmmmmm
  • x_AmandaJayne_x
    x_AmandaJayne_x Posts: 35 Member
    VitaTop Muffins <3
  • cdez80421
    cdez80421 Posts: 88 Member
    I know you said you don't like fruit but you can kind of eat apples, well sweets are my crack, call it an addiction, but I have found two types of apples that are so sweet they are literally like candy, fuji apples and pink lady apples, both are soooo very good, so before you write fruit off completely, please try these, you may actually like them:)
  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    I love Breyer's Smooth and Dreamy no sugar added dark choc velvet ice cream
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I know you said you don't like fruit but you can kind of eat apples, well sweets are my crack, call it an addiction, but I have found two types of apples that are so sweet they are literally like candy, fuji apples and pink lady apples, both are soooo very good, so before you write fruit off completely, please try these, you may actually like them:)

    oooh really, I'll give them a go! x