Gym Harrassment

So I finally dragged myself back to the gym yesterday, and it wasn't my regular time, but hey, at least I was going, right? So I barely make it through a 20 minute work out and 15 minutes of stretching. I was feelin pretty good about the whole thing!

Then this morning, I get an email titled "Planet Fitness" (where I work out) - open it, and it was from a guy that I had been on two dates with over a year ago. He begins by saying he thought he saw me at the gym, but then went into gross detail (sorry if this is too graphic) about how he recognized my side boob and couldn't stop staring at me and how he watched me for most of his work out because he was on the treadmill behind me and then he watched me stretch...and I wont go into more detail.

I'm so disgusted and outraged...our last contact was me telling him how I wasn't interested in him and that I was seeing someone else. I dont feel I invited such comment in anyway!

I feel scared to go back at the gym...I know some guys think that way but to actually say it is another thing entirely. (Believe me, if someone had the audacity to say that to me in person, they'd get a freeweight to the face!)

Do you think that Planet Fitness has anything in their rules since they're a "judgement free zone"? Or do I just have to be brave?

Thanks for listening to me vent and your support!!


  • _LDM_
    _LDM_ Posts: 81
    That is creepy. Print it out, take it to the manager and ask what they do in situations like this!
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    GROSS! I hate the creeps! They do not get it! I would just feel disgusted.
  • Rocknsynchrogrl
    Oh Heeeeckkk NO!!! Does this guy work at the gym? Even if he does I'm sure he has a boss and if not go to corporate. Definitely say something. You will be making the gym a better place for everyone!

    Oh I read that the e-mail came from Planet Fitness!!! Still Complain!!!
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    Yeah...I'd definately print it out and take it to them. And keep it in a safe place in case you get more emails.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    How did he even get your info??
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I’m confused…was this e-mail from a PF employee? Or someone who is a member but with whom you had a previous relationship?
  • skinnyjeans13
    What a LOSER! Ew, such a creep. It's one thing to think it but to write it out? C'mon.

    I would definitely bring it to the attention of the managers at the gym. And if they say they can't do anything about it and it continues- it might become a legal issue.
  • Crossfire77
    Crossfire77 Posts: 17 Member
    Ignore him, don't reply....he only did that cause you shot him down and he's not over it!!
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    I agree w/ LDM.

    Print the letter out and take it to the Manager of the gym.

    What he did/said was 100% un-acceptable !!!!
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I agree print it out and take it to the gym... I'm sure there is something they can do!
  • joanipowell
    joanipowell Posts: 30 Member
    WOW! I don't know what to say about that. I am sorry that he (scum)made you feel that way. I would let someone know about the note.
    You keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    If Planet Fitness won't intervene, I'd take it to the police. It's definite harrassment and borderline stalking.
  • TXmama
    TXmama Posts: 37
    Absolutely!!! You should definitely report this to the gym! But... I hate to even have to say this, but you just never know... do be CAREFUL when you are out and about in case this guy is a bit of a crazy guy who will be very angry that you've reported him. I don't want to scare you but if he turns out to be a stalker you want to keep your wits about you. KEEP A COPY of the email. You absolutely should NOT have to put up with that from anyone, ever. What a creep! Ugh, so sorry you had to go through that, but do NOT let it keep you from going to the gym. You are doing that for YOU and you mustn't let some jerk keep you from doing something that's good for you and that makes you happy.

    Maybe your boyfriend could work out with you next time, just to keep your anxiety away the next time you have to go?
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    That is all out creepy.
    1. Do not respond. That's what he is trying to get you to do- get a reaction.
    2. Do print out the email and take it to the mgt. Let them know you are feeling harassed at their facility, and they are bound to take notice. If nothing else, it's on the radar.
    3. Do you have a workout buddy you can go with? Safety in numbers....

    Don't let this guy control you...
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    totally agree! print and show to PF staff... they will say something to him for sure...
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Safe to say the dude was out of line. I do not know if you can make planet fitness do anything about this at all.

    I am not a fan of the place because I think they are to anti the "super worker outer" if that makes any sense. I personally am not a "Lunk" as they call it but have friends who lift seriously and I didn't care for the commericals either.

    That probably seems a lil off topic but at the worst maybe look into another gym. I use the Y and knowing both I believe the Y to be more judgement free than any other facility I have attended.

    Good luck and hope he buzzes off!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Sounds like someone has a jealousy/hater problem. I remember when my ex started talking junk about me. We later talked and he told me it was cuz he was hurt and mad about how we ended things. I think he wants you to feel that way so he can have power over you. Dont let him get to you and i would talk with someone at planetfitness about the harassment. They should have measures in place for this kind of stuff and if not maybe they will after you express your concerns. No one should be made to feel uncomfortable especially when they are doing something so awesome! :)
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i agree with the above posters.
    i would print out the email and talk to the gym's owner/manager.
    that is totally unacceptable.

    i am sorry that happened to you :(
    keep us updated on what you decided to do, and what happens.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    I’m confused…was this e-mail from a PF employee? Or someone who is a member but with whom you had a previous relationship?

    I went on two dates with the guy, so it definitely wasn't a relationship - and no he doesn't work there, he just apparently goes to the same gym as I do now...

    I'm afraid if I take it to planet fitness they'll just say they can't do anything. I will print these copies and pray that it never happens again.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I've been in weird situations like that and its very important you take this seriously. Normal men DON'T behave like that. Repeat...NORMAL MEN DO NOT BEHAVE LIKE THAT.

    To start I would visit the local police station and show them the letter. It doesn't mean you are pressing charges or anything, but it means you are alerting them so in the event something else happens, they have something already on file which gives them more to work with. They can also give you good solid advice on what to watch for in the case this escalates.

    Then if it were me I would most definitely contact the head manager and book an appointment to see/him or her. I would show the letter and state that I wanted staff to keep an extra eye out for my safety, and whenever possible, I want and escort back to my car. If they aren't willing to do that I would tell them you want a full refund on your membership and will take your business elsewhere.

    Lastly I would send an email/ or something in writing that tells the guy in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away. (sometimes its hard to do something that sounds mean, but its important that he completely and wholeheartedly know you aren't interested - if his feelings get hurt, so be it)

    Be safe.