Celiacs, Anyone found a GF Protein Powder??



  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    you may try Jay Robb protein powders.. they come whey and egg white protein.. they should be gluten free..but of course you will have to read the label.. I used to use the egg white and it's pretty good
  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    I was on WW, the plan changed, so I had more points and could have more food, so I decided to start eating oatmeal for breakfast. And that was when it started for me. SO I thought it was an oatmeal allergy, and changed to Cream of Wheat, bad idea. So switched to Rice cereal. And that was fine. Then learned about the gluten stuff and what not, so I tried GF oatmeal, and was so disappointed in the same results. So now I have a bunch of oatmeal, a bunch of gf oatmeal, a tub of cream of wheat, and a box of rice cereal, I was just thinking today I better throw em out, cause no ones going to touch them. I dn't even eat the rice cereal anymore, cause of the calories, and I eat rice cakes, rice chips, and rice spaghetti. lol

    awww, well hopfully there will be a a food drive sometime soon, and you can donate, or bake up some foodies (in the aluminum take n bake pans so you dont cross contaminate your own pots/pans) and bring it to work, most of the folks will feel so lucky and love you for a lil breakup in the workday (i mean comeon even being a GF dieter, i know i'd love a surprise baked goodies party too! haha) and than you don't have to waste anything. yeah the way all the GF products seem to use rice i had to give it up cause it was causeing blood sugar spikes and weight gain after awhile. but my fear way more my blood sugar because i have diabetas as a hgh risk in my family on both sides and according to an article written by a fellow GF nutritionist she's found out there is actually alink between gluten intolerant/celiac patients and genetic diabetes..
  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    I started using Olympian Labs Pea Protein after Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser suggested it for vegans and people with food allergies. It's 100% Gluten Free, according to their website.

    were you able to actually buy it in store? or was it an online purchase? i actually had a bfast bar that had pea protein and it was stupid high in fiber and was yummy, so i could def get down with it if i can get it in a store.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    This is very interesting. I don't understand enough about spiking blood sugar, but I know mine was a mess when I started to lose weight, and the weight loss helped it go away. But the last couple, three months I have been noticing it again. I have tried to figure out what it was. I stopped eating light yogurts that I was eating sometimes twice aday since going gf cause it says the sugars in it is 14 grams. My go to snack is rice cakes all the time, and it's my bread and what not. It almost always happens in the morning, and I almost always have rice cake.Course I have a 1/2 tbsp of pb too, but thats 7 grams per 2 tbsp. So maybe it's the other carbs I need to look at. I don't know.
    I was on WW, the plan changed, so I had more points and could have more food, so I decided to start eating oatmeal for breakfast. And that was when it started for me. SO I thought it was an oatmeal allergy, and changed to Cream of Wheat, bad idea. So switched to Rice cereal. And that was fine. Then learned about the gluten stuff and what not, so I tried GF oatmeal, and was so disappointed in the same results. So now I have a bunch of oatmeal, a bunch of gf oatmeal, a tub of cream of wheat, and a box of rice cereal, I was just thinking today I better throw em out, cause no ones going to touch them. I dn't even eat the rice cereal anymore, cause of the calories, and I eat rice cakes, rice chips, and rice spaghetti. lol

    awww, well hopfully there will be a a food drive sometime soon, and you can donate, or bake up some foodies (in the aluminum take n bake pans so you dont cross contaminate your own pots/pans) and bring it to work, most of the folks will feel so lucky and love you for a lil breakup in the workday (i mean comeon even being a GF dieter, i know i'd love a surprise baked goodies party too! haha) and than you don't have to waste anything. yeah the way all the GF products seem to use rice i had to give it up cause it was causeing blood sugar spikes and weight gain after awhile. but my fear way more my blood sugar because i have diabetas as a hgh risk in my family on both sides and according to an article written by a fellow GF nutritionist she's found out there is actually alink between gluten intolerant/celiac patients and genetic diabetes..
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Here is a gluten free hemp protein powder. I have no idea what hexane is.


    Ingredients: 100% raw organic hemp protein powder. NO hexane, gluten, dairy, lactose or sweeteners.

    Yes, I was going to aslo suggest Hemp protein powder. It is fantastic!!!

    Also, Jay Robb has gluten free, all natural protein powders, sweetened with Stevia.
  • MissMe2morrow
    This is very interesting. I don't understand enough about spiking blood sugar, but I know mine was a mess when I started to lose weight, and the weight loss helped it go away. But the last couple, three months I have been noticing it again. I have tried to figure out what it was. I stopped eating light yogurts that I was eating sometimes twice aday since going gf cause it says the sugars in it is 14 grams. My go to snack is rice cakes all the time, and it's my bread and what not. It almost always happens in the morning, and I almost always have rice cake.Course I have a 1/2 tbsp of pb too, but thats 7 grams per 2 tbsp. So maybe it's the other carbs I need to look at. I don't know.

    If you look at the glycemic index, rice cakes (or rice cereal, etc) are super high on the list, meaning they spike your blood sugar. Try a complex carb instead-- I know, I know, not nearly as convenient!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Oh wow, I guess I have some things to learn. I rely on those rice cakes for so much, lol.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I use the vanilla protein by Arbonne. It's GF and it's sweetened with Stevia which is a plus for me. I have candidiasis (an overgrowth of yeast in my intestines often misdiagnosed as IBS) and this protein shake gets along well with me. It's a bit pricey compared to store bought protein powder's.

    It tastes really good plain or sometimes I mix it with some strawberries and mangoes.

    They also have a Chocolate one too.

    Edited to say that it is also Whey free.
  • mayandreamer
    mayandreamer Posts: 8 Member
    interesting read: http://www.naturalnews.com/025070_protein_products_taste.html

    I think I'll try one of those other brown rice protiens to find a smoother one.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I mentioned this on the other board, asking if anyone knows anything about it. A friend of mine had this, was able to get it cleared up and went back to eating gluten. When I started having problems a few months ago, and was talking to her about it, I realized I had symptoms of two different yeast infections and didn't know, I had been living months or longer with it, thinking It was just perimenopause stuff. When I went to my doc, she said most doctors don't believe this can happen in the intestines. SO I have just been trying to find others who believe it has happened to them.
    I use the vanilla protein by Arbonne. It's GF and it's sweetened with Stevia which is a plus for me. I have candidiasis (an overgrowth of yeast in my intestines often misdiagnosed as IBS) and this protein shake gets along well with me. It's a bit pricey compared to store bought protein powder's.

    It tastes really good plain or sometimes I mix it with some strawberries and mangoes.

    They also have a Chocolate one too.

    Edited to say that it is also Whey free.
  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    I mentioned this on the other board, asking if anyone knows anything about it. A friend of mine had this, was able to get it cleared up and went back to eating gluten. When I started having problems a few months ago, and was talking to her about it, I realized I had symptoms of two different yeast infections and didn't know, I had been living months or longer with it, thinking It was just perimenopause stuff. When I went to my doc, she said most doctors don't believe this can happen in the intestines. SO I have just been trying to find others who believe it has happened to them.

    just as a previous poster adress, you're spiking your blood sugars with some many simple carbs that you can give yourself yeast infections. Cause sugar rises in th ebody does that, which is why there are so many infection medications for diabetics on the market. If you have the will power, try a 21 day detox, and stop eating so many simple carbs (i.e. rice, sugars, corns, etc *if you ned a full list of what will spike it, i'll gladly send it to you*) and see if that regulats your body chemistry again. it may be exactly why your friend regulated herself too, because she wasn't eating the normal gluten/carbs (becaue gluten tends to break down into a good portion of sugars) and regulated her body chemistry and it wet away. also, try and incorperate raw garlic into somewhere in your diet. (i personally love it as a replacement for horseradish sauce on my roast beef lettuce wraps) and it'll also work as an anti-inflammatory/anti-fungal and help rid your body of the over-abundance of yeasts in your body that your feeding with the sugars. (idk if you bake, but that's how bakers get yeasts to go bonkers is to put a pinch of sugar in with it) again if you have ANY questions at all, i'm an open book, i unfortunatly spent years messing with my own body chemistry too, and sent the first half of my teenage years with almost a constant yeast infection until i started correcting my eating/living :D
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Thank you so much! I know that sugars definitely exacerbate yeast infections. I try and stay away from sugars for the most part, but have learned they throw em into things where you don't think they are. And obviously I break down and dig into sugar anyways, like last night having some ice cream and a couple of gluten free cookies. Would my sensitive to gluten coincide with my sugar intake if my gluten sensitivity is because of yeast? Cause it just seems so sporadic, how sensitive I am or am not. I actually hadn't baked for two years because of being on ww and eating healthier I stayed away from it, then all of a sudden i had a huge desire to bake and went nuts, right about the time I found oatmeal didn't agree with me anymore. So over the holidays I ate like crazy (though I hadn't done that the previous two years, I lost weight over the holidays) but this last year, I baked and ate, and right after New Years is when I began having all the pain. I have been trying to cut out Aspartame, so I guess that means I have been getting more sugar again,. When I had gone to the doctor and was treated,one of my yeast infections went away but not the other, and now I'm think that it's coming back.

    I will get garlic, and figure out ways to use it, I have wanted to, my family is just picky. But Since I'm more and more cooking separate for myself, then might as well.

    A few people suggested I read Yeast Connection, would you agree? I just gave up on that theory after my doc (I hadn't seen her before this was the first time, my regular is no longer there) said most doctors don't believe in the yeast infection in the intestines. I thought it sounded crazy, cause why could it grow everywhere else but not there. She said it's there so why wouldn't it be able to increase. But she is the doctor.

    I would love the list, I tried to check out stuff on the glycemic index a bit. Seems right now I'm trying to understand so much, including calories, cals net, cals deficit, etc... no matter how many times I go over it, it just doesn't click for me. But my brain just feels like it's on overload, lol. And with all this switching up foods, and taking away foods, I feel on the verge of exploding, lol. I'm kind of ashamed that I don't understand the blood sugar level stuff more, since my dad is a severe and unstable diabetic, even with the pump. I have some learning to do. lol
  • mayandreamer
    mayandreamer Posts: 8 Member
    Candida is not recognized in "traditional" medicine. I was diagnosed by a naturopathic doctor. It's more of an alternate theroy, similar to adrenal fatigue.

    But when I followed the candida diet, i felt GREAT! It was the hardest diet i've ever done, with way too many restrictions, but I felt so much better. The worst was the first month when I couldn't even eat fruit. Then I got pregnant and dind't care what I ate.... and I put on 30 plus pounds (other than the kids).

    Now I'm trying to just control my sugar and starch (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) intake to keep my gut issues under control. I also find that if I have too much gluten I have more gut problems.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm trying to figure out if I should just focus on the starch and sugar, get a probiotic, and do the onion and garlic. (It says raw I don't know if I can do raw) or if I should do the whole thing, so basically eating eggs and vegies. I had been thinking about finding some vegie smoothies to have, I'm not being able to have a lot of hard vegies.

    I was thinking that maybe this started for me a couple years ago or so, I had two bladder infections and an ear infection, and I got a piece of glass in my eye, so it was all this antibiotics in a year. Then I started ww and got very healthy compared to what I was, and it may have helped me not notice so much, but I never recognized symptoms of yeast infection, which got worse last year, and then I basically binged over the holidays on all kinds of carbs, maybe it exacerbated it to the point in which I had to stop eating gluten. BUt I still have some symptoms when I know I haven't had gluten. So like this morning I had 2 pieces of fruit, and a rice cake with PB. And I had symptoms. I didn't know fruit was a sugar that would make it worse, but now I figured out why I feel the way I do after breakfast cause I always have 2 or 3 pieces of fruit.

    When I was at the doc in Feb, for the yeast infection, I was told to get nystatin, but that wasn't what I got. SHe said what I had would get all the yeast infections, but it didn't. Only one cleared up, but is obviously back.

    Interesting stuff, but I don't know have money to see anyone, right now, but It won't cause harm for me to try. I just don't know what probiotic to try.
    Candida is not recognized in "traditional" medicine. I was diagnosed by a naturopathic doctor. It's more of an alternate theroy, similar to adrenal fatigue.

    But when I followed the candida diet, i felt GREAT! It was the hardest diet i've ever done, with way too many restrictions, but I felt so much better. The worst was the first month when I couldn't even eat fruit. Then I got pregnant and dind't care what I ate.... and I put on 30 plus pounds (other than the kids).

    Now I'm trying to just control my sugar and starch (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) intake to keep my gut issues under control. I also find that if I have too much gluten I have more gut problems.
  • flthorn
    flthorn Posts: 1
    Hy Vee Grocery store caries NNW Protein Power. I have tried the Strawberry and Vanilla and I really like them.

    Today I tried the Cinnamon Bun flavor. It said gluten free on the package, but I got really sick 2 1/2 hours later. I should have known that anything labeled Cinnamon Bun would be hard to get gluten free.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I use an egg protein powder that is sweetened with stevia.
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    I use Whole Foods 365 label Whey Protein Powder, which is labeled as GF. It's surprisingly cheap, considering it's from WF, too.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    SPIRUTEIN PROTEIN POWDER - I like Chocolate Peanut Butter the best but most flavors are yummy! :)
  • ChristinaRamos
    vi shape nutritional milkshakes are gluten free and kosher. They are packed with nutrition but only have 90 calories, 1 fat, 7 carbs, 1 sugar.  I mix mine in a blender with milk, juice, or coffee,  ice and cocoa powder or peanut butter. Sweet cream flavor only!!!!!!!!!!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    not sure but try proteinfactroy.com or trueprotein.com . They are custom protein powder websites. Make your own.