

  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    possibly a combination of friction and irritation from the sweat, I have hyperhidrosis and the irritation from sweat is obvious on my hands. Clear it up with mild steroid cream, try a different bra for working out in, something very snug, seam and underwire free if possible and shower as soon as you can after a workout to remove the sweat.

    oh, I had a friend that suffered similar, hers was definitely friction, she wore her bra over a thin cotton vest top and lots of baby talc when horse riding to cure hers...she was riding in the fresh air so you might get a tad too hot for that tho
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    possibly a combination of friction and irritation from the sweat, I have hyperhidrosis and the irritation from sweat is obvious on my hands. Clear it up with mild steroid cream, try a different bra for working out in, something very snug, seam and underwire free if possible and shower as soon as you can after a workout to remove the sweat.

    oh, I had a friend that suffered similar, hers was definitely friction, she wore her bra over a thin cotton vest top and lots of baby talc when horse riding to cure hers...she was riding in the fresh air so you might get a tad too hot for that tho

    That would make sense, seeing as the spots are where a wire would run.
  • ashley_jorah
    ashley_jorah Posts: 71 Member
    Look at getting an underwire sports bra, I find they are built better for you and because they stay in place, there's less irriration from rubbing. I'm an odd size as well and my speciality store finally found a brand called Freya that fits my tiny size 30 ribs (and isn't only for As). Go to proper place and make sure you're fitted right. It really does make a huge difference. I was told that under no circumstances was I even to use the normal cloth-only racer back bras for exercise becuase the girls are too large for that.
    Wash your bra after every workout with a mild special cleanser. Or even make sure you're not using too much detergent when you wash your clothes. I've gotten rashes just from changing laundry soap.
    My old bra gave up during a 10K run and left bleeding abrasions where the band was rubbing and no longer tight enough. Those marks too a long time to disappear.
    Good luck.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Ever since I started working out everyday I have developed some wierd, dark, itchy spots on the side of my boobs. Like, righ where your boob meets your ribs, right under your arm pit.

    At first, my nips were itching the shiz outta me, then underneath my chest, and now these damned spots!

    i agree with those who say dermatologist. i had a similar problem with the dark spots - first it was a line underneath and between my boobs and down my belly, and then it kinda migrated under my armpits. it always got better in the winter. my doctor said it was a fungus, but that the particular one i had wouldn't go away with treatment like most do, it would only fade with the seasons as i sweated more or less.

    i put up with it for years, and over time i learned which skincare products made it better or worse, when was the best time to exfoliate that skin to keep it from getting worse, and what kind of bras to wear so that i wouldn't get irritated or itchy. and then, a couple of years ago, i was inspecting my skin (something i've always done; i'm a little nutty that way) and i realized the fungus was completely gone. haven't seen it since, even with my working out 6 and 7 days a week.

    but, like i said, mine was a rare form, and most types can be treated before they get too bad. better safe than sorry!
  • misssuperstitious
    Try putting some Body Glide on those spots before you put on your bras. Also, most Under Armour bras are antimicrobial, black death can't grow on them :wink: , so you may want to invest in one. They're spendy $45 or less, but you can get by wearing the same one all week by just rinsing it out after a workout and letting it dry.