I read an interesting study, whats your opinion.



  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I, for one, looove my curves. I'm just trying to get a flatter tummy and thinner arms so I feel better in my own skin
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    I would love to be a size 12-14, and look healthy. I have been over weight most of my life and I have always wanted to be a plus sized model. I am 5'7'' so wearing a size 12 I will still look thin, I want to be thin, but have meat on my bones.

    I'm 5'8 and just got into a size 14. I still think it's to big. (for me). I was thinking like a 6 when I started but now I'm going for a 10 (i think). I want my athletic body back then i will be happy!!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I don`t think women try to look good so that men think they look good; they want to look a good according to what they think looks good.

    That opinion of what women think is attractive tends to be influence by media a lot and social pressure. Its a vortex. Women are influence by media, then other women are influence by those women.

    This is sooo true! I've told my bf many times that I don't really dress cute to impress him, I do it to impress other girls. Stupid, but true.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I like having curves so I wouldn't slim down like that. My husband likes curves to. To me it's about being healthy & not having a lot of excess fat. Heidi Klum & Giselle Buendchen have perfect curves
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    Sounds like the study is spot on and you all ready have OUR opinion! Pointy shoulders, scarecrow thighs and a snake skelton back... blah... thats why i believe strenth training is SOOO important! Put some muscle over them bones and now we're talking!
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I am definetly not skinny. I don't think I will ever be skinny. My body type does not lend itself to that look. Even after losing pounds AND inches, I am still athletic looking. I would rather look strong and fit than curvy or skinny. Right now, I am trying to put on some more muscle and take off some more fat, it seems to be working and I am achieving the look that I want.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    As a woman watching celebs in the media, I constantly hear myself say 'she needs to eat a sandwich'.

    The media and Hollywood have come up with this ideal that just is NOT attractive.

    Just look at some of the actresses that were acting in the 90's (like Aniston and Jolie) they were so pretty with a little meat on them...now they try to be so rail thin..it is not attractive at all. :sick:

    I am a HUGE fan of Mad Men and Christina Hendricks on there is the curvy beautiful Joan. Well, there was one season where she had lost weight and her face looked awful, she was obviously MEANT to have meat on her. Luckily the next season she was back to her old self. I can only hope the producers stepped in and said...put the weight back on!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Jennifer--I much prefer her Then. Now her face is too pointy and manish almost.


    Angelina, although still super skinny on the left she looked healthier. Now she is just waaaaaaay too bony and her head seems to big for her body. With her large features she needs the muscle there to support it.


    Christina Hendricks

    Beautiful full face

    Not so much

    Okay, I am done pick apart the celebs. :laugh:
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    To be honest... For me it's about a way a person carries themselves. I have in my lifetime had partners of varying shapes and sizes... curvy, sleak, petite and voluptuous.

    Sex appeal is an attitude not a measurement. :bigsmile:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It's so weird to me that some women work so hard to become rail thin because they think it is more attractive and they actually end up being less attractive to the opposite sex. Guys whats your input on this?

    I think the answer is obvious. Now, before anyone drop kicks me for saying this or puts me in a headlock this is obviously just my opinion.

    It's because the prime motivation isn't to attract men. We're just not that important.

    The prime motivation is to look better than other women. You ladies, not all of you but a serious amount, have this weird competition thing going on where the perception is that being slender elevates you in status above other women.

    Sisters are doing it for themselves? I'm not so sure about that....
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I prefer curvy, but unfortunately I don't have curves in all the right places! My ideal look would be toned and athletic (not too skinny & not too muscular). Speaking of women with curves, you know who I thought looked stunning? Chantal from "The Bachelor". She was curvy and beautiful.
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    It's so weird to me that some women work so hard to become rail thin because they think it is more attractive and they actually end up being less attractive to the opposite sex. Guys whats your input on this?

    I think the answer is obvious. Now, before anyone drop kicks me for saying this or puts me in a headlock this is obviously just my opinion.

    It's because the prime motivation isn't to attract men. We're just not that important.

    The prime motivation is to look better than other women. You ladies, not all of you but a serious amount, have this weird competition thing going on where the perception is that being slender elevates you in status above other women.

    Sisters are doing it for themselves? I'm not so sure about that....

    Dude, you so have a good point.

    I want to have a skinny waist, arms, and legs. However, I have the booty and it will never go away even if I want it to, but honestly I don't want it to. Growing up I was told I had a huge fat *kitten*, but then once I became older I got a job and left that behind, I got compliments on the booty all the time. So I finally am happy with it (well mostly LOL) and I never wanna have a flat no-butt. Also my chest, even when I was 105 and a young girl they were huge, so I don't want to be really slender... the girls in my workout videos look great but have NO chest and NO butt. I'll keep those.

    I also hate when you can see someone's rib bones, that's not attractive to me at all.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I think the answer is obvious. Now, before anyone drop kicks me for saying this or puts me in a headlock this is obviously just my opinion.

    It's because the prime motivation isn't to attract men. We're just not that important.

    The prime motivation is to look better than other women. You ladies, not all of you but a serious amount, have this weird competition thing going on where the perception is that being slender elevates you in status above other women.

    Sisters are doing it for themselves? I'm not so sure about that....

    I have to admit theres some truth behind this...
    Ok theres alot of truth about this.

    I do want to loose weight and look good for myself,
    i dont care about other people so much.

    but the second i see someone walk past me who's skinny.
    im like **** i gotta loose some weight!

    or if i see a girl walk past with a smaller bum than me, sometimes im like her bums smaller but i love the shape of my bum!
    but then i'l see her get attention for it.
    and be like ow no i need to looe so weight from my bum!

    i think it's like built in animal instincts,
    if u look better u have a better chance of being choosen to reproduce, maybe?

    Who knows lol..