*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Week #15 Discussion 4.15.11

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Alrighty ladies...where are we? Mentally, physically, emotionally....where do you need to improve...and what are you doing well?

Here is a little bit of tough love for you though...let's make sure that we are not making the same "Need to improve" statements to ourselves, every week. If you know its something you struggle with...let's work on how to fix it. This week I want everyone to open about what they may struggle with (and some people may not feel like they struggle at all..which is great) and ask around and see if anyone else has been through the same. My idea is that when this challenge is over :( Everyone will have the necessary tools to succeed further. (And yes, I am thinking of another challenge for us :) )

So this is the week to spill it! :). Good luck and remember, loss, gain, or maintain...you are all awesome for sticking with is for the past 15 weeks! Amazing dedication to the group and yourselves!


  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    It's funny because I don't know why I eat. I'm not bored, depressed, anxious. I don't really consider myself an emotional eater or a mindless eater. I stopped eating in front of the tv because it did become like eating on auto pilot and I end up eating more than I expected. I guess I just have a period where I do really well and then I just throw it all away for 1 or more days. Then I have a hard time getting back into the groove again.

    I know what I'm supposed to be doing and how to do it, but I just continue to sabatoge myself. There's no underlying reason like I don't feel I deserve to be healthy or anything like that. I just have to keep pushing and keeping digging until I find out what will work best for me. Is it eating light throughout the day and then having a big dinner? Or is it eating more throughout the day and have a light dinner? I need to stop rewarding myself with food and find another way. I need to stop justifying my poor eating habits with my killer calorie burn during my workout.

    I could go on and on, but I have to get my day started. I will be more supportive and vocal in the discussion. Maybe that will help me too! :)
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Good morning Snowflakes!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I know it has been a while since I have actually posted anything on the discussion board. After speaking to Krystle last week I have decided to change that!!!!! :drinker:

    LW 160.7
    CW 158.3

    I want to thank Krystle for putting together this amazing challenge. She has helped so many people!!! I am dissapointed that I have not been able to participate in this challenge the way I normally would. I have been able to do the food part of it but, have been unable to really do any type of exercise since January!!! :noway: I have had some health issues and than surgery last month. I am fully recovered now and plan on kicking some butt, these last few weeks of this challenge!!!! :tongue:

    This past week I went back to exercising, walking , and going to the gym to lift some weights!!!! :love: I have been able to burn some serious calories this week!! Also, since returning full force after surgery I chose to do something different and that is to eat back my exercise calories!! Everyone is right.....I lost 2.4 lbs. this week!!!!! :drinker: So, ladies let's not starve ourselves and have our bodies hold on to the fat and eat at our muscles!!!!

    Everyone is doing amazing and I am so proud of each and every one of YOU!!!! I have met some pretty amazing women and have gained a wealth of knowledge, motivation and friendship from some pretty fantastic women!!!

    I wish each and everyone of you a FLAB-YOU-LESS WEEK!!!!!! :drinker:

    :heart: Sabrina
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Good morning, ladies! :)

    I broke my plateau this week and landed a sweet 3lb loss and I'm down to 184. That number made me tear up. I can not wait to be under 180 - it has been years since I was there and I just want it so bad! I am so very glad that I didn't give up when the stress and chaos of life piled up on me. I'm so glad I had all of you to shoulder me through the rough patches.

    Today is my first official day of unemployment and I'm obviously stressed out mentally and emotionally. We move in six weeks to a more expensive apartment that I no longer can afford and I have to call and tell my parents that I won't be able to come down for Easter because I just can't afford to drive that far. Everything will work out, I know. It is just stressful right now.

    Physically I feel amazing. My body is limber from all the yoga. I feel strong from the 30DS. And I feel light from the healthy eating. The healthier aspects have become routine rather than a forced habit, so that is a great thing.

    My struggle is exercise. I can find a million reasons not to do it - even though it feels amazing. I struggle with it every day.

    My second struggle is diet. Oh, boy -- it is really really tough to type this.... I have been trying to live a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle for the last 3 years and for the most part I have been successful with only a few stumbling blocks. In those three years I have also developed some serious issues and most recently I began losing hair, experiencing chronic fatigue, and having incredible headaches. Turns out, my body just can't handle a veggie only diet. And I didn't have the balance needed to sustain it. I started to reintroduce meat into my diet the past week (chicken, turkey, eggs) and immediately felt better and starting losing weight.

    I feel awful when I eat meat, it was an ethical decision for me to stop eating meat and to stop funding factory farming. So, I am trying to eat meat that is locally raised in my state or I buy it from a small farmer at the market and I look for organic. It is what it is and I'm sure I'll get over it. My diet is still 90% veggies and fruit and I don't do any dairy.

    Wow - I feel better having gotten that out there. :)

    I'm looking forward to a fantastic week filled with time for me to focus on working out more and hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can start the C25K program, too.

    Have an amazing day!!! :)
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    It's funny because I don't know why I eat. I'm not bored, depressed, anxious. I don't really consider myself an emotional eater or a mindless eater. I stopped eating in front of the tv because it did become like eating on auto pilot and I end up eating more than I expected. I guess I just have a period where I do really well and then I just throw it all away for 1 or more days. Then I have a hard time getting back into the groove again.

    I know what I'm supposed to be doing and how to do it, but I just continue to sabatoge myself. There's no underlying reason like I don't feel I deserve to be healthy or anything like that. I just have to keep pushing and keeping digging until I find out what will work best for me. Is it eating light throughout the day and then having a big dinner? Or is it eating more throughout the day and have a light dinner? I need to stop rewarding myself with food and find another way. I need to stop justifying my poor eating habits with my killer calorie burn during my workout.

    I could go on and on, but I have to get my day started. I will be more supportive and vocal in the discussion. Maybe that will help me too! :)

    Hey Leela -
    Are you a kinetic person? Touchy-feely? Always need to have your hands busy? I read once that people that are kinetic and always touching, fidgeting, moving, etc need to occupy themselves and sometimes they do that by eating or snacking more than they should. If so, the article recommended finding something for your hands to do - knitting, sewing, or even just having a stress ball to squeeze.

    Its a thought! :)
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    Well, I gained 1 pound this week and with gaining the last couple of weeks I feel like I am sliding backwards. I can't pinpoint why other than Stress and lack of exercise - I changed up exercising and went for a couple of really great bike rides this week.

    The stress is that I had to make the decision to take a different job that will eventually allow me to work at home - The problem: It is less money and hired for less hours. I'm nervous if we can afford the less money, but you can do anything you set your mind to, right?! Currently I drive one hour one way to work so 10 hours a week on the road and with the cost of gas it has got to be better than spending money in my gas tank, right?!!! - So today is my last day on my current job and I am sad - only because I have been here 8 years and have made some great friends.

    I'm also stressed becuse I quit smoking this week - I am officially 3.5 days smokefree!!! - I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment alone as I have tried in the past and trust me - it is not easy, just like this eating healthier and exercising journey - all one step at a time!!!

    so as far as gaining back a couple of pounds. I'm OK with that - I don't know how my routine is going to pan out as I start my new job next week with orientation, etc. and not sure if I can eat/drink at my desk or what kitchen facilities they even have for break/lunch. I will do my best to stay within my calories and get some form of exercise at least 4-5 days out of the week and see what happens.

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and stay strong and focused - WE ARE WORTH IT!!! :)
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228
    My recent challenge has been dragging my butt out of bed in the morning to exercise. I know what I have to do, but have been having a hard time doing it.

    I know that mornings are the best time for me to get some serious exercise in using my videos and I know that if I make time to add Tae Bo back in I will see results, but it has been difficult to convince myself of this at 3:00 am. Since I got sick and then better it has been a major stumbling block for me. So I am on day 2 of at least getting out of bed and doing some exercise. Yesterday was the gym for 35 minutes and today was 30DS L2.

    On the plus side - I can see a BIG difference in my arms - I actually have muscles there (that you can see) :blushing:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good morning Snowflakes!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I know it has been a while since I have actually posted anything on the discussion board. After speaking to Krystle last week I have decided to change that!!!!! :drinker:

    LW 160.7
    CW 158.3

    I want to thank Krystle for putting together this amazing challenge. She has helped so many people!!! I am dissapointed that I have not been able to participate in this challenge the way I normally would. I have been able to do the food part of it but, have been unable to really do any type of exercise since January!!! :noway: I have had some health issues and than surgery last month. I am fully recovered now and plan on kicking some butt, these last few weeks of this challenge!!!! :tongue:

    This past week I went back to exercising, walking , and going to the gym to lift some weights!!!! :love: I have been able to burn some serious calories this week!! Also, since returning full force after surgery I chose to do something different and that is to eat back my exercise calories!! Everyone is right.....I lost 2.4 lbs. this week!!!!! :drinker: So, ladies let's not starve ourselves and have our bodies hold on to the fat and eat at our muscles!!!!

    Everyone is doing amazing and I am so proud of each and every one of YOU!!!! I have met some pretty amazing women and have gained a wealth of knowledge, motivation and friendship from some pretty fantastic women!!!

    I wish each and everyone of you a FLAB-YOU-LESS WEEK!!!!!! :drinker:

    :heart: Sabrina

    I'm so Happy what your doing is Working for You!!! 2.4 pounds is awesome!!! Sounds like your really on the right track. :drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Leela -
    Are you a kinetic person? Touchy-feely? Always need to have your hands busy? I read once that people that are kinetic and always touching, fidgeting, moving, etc need to occupy themselves and sometimes they do that by eating or snacking more than they should. If so, the article recommended finding something for your hands to do - knitting, sewing, or even just having a stress ball to squeeze.

    Its a thought! :)

    Yes, that's probably a good way to describe it. I want to take up crocheting. My mom used to love it and my friend made some of the most amazing baby clothes for my daughter. I think that will be a fun hobby to take up and keep my hands preoccupied and my mind off food. I usually try to chew gum, sometimes its something as simple as chewing or just wanting to have flavor in my mouth. Thanks for the tip!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm down this week 1.8 pounds
    LW 154.8
    CW 153

    I have been lifting weights for 4 weeks now and I am feeling a huge difference and I can see a huge difference too. My stomach is tighter and my thighs. Boy! another couple of months, I can't wait to see the results.
    Im actually wearing a bikini. Another 12 pounds and I should be at my healthy weight & out of the Fat Zone. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Feel so Strong & Healthy. My energy level is Great!!!

    If what your doing is NOT working for you!! THEN CHANGE WHAT YOUR DOING!!!

    GOOD LUCK To You ALL!! ANd EAT HEALTHY!! and Exercise More!! :drinker:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
  • forgiven4life
    Hello ladies! I managed to lose a little from last week. Still not exactly where I was before I had that massive gain! :grumble: That's okay though. I have been doing some reading and I am changing up my diet for the next 2 weeks. I really think I will see some results from the change. I'm adding green tea with every meal as it is supposed to aid in digestion and kick your metabolism up a notch. I'm also tweaking a few other things as well. Now I just need to stick to my plans. I still plan on working out my usually 3-4 times a week.
    It's funny because I don't know why I eat. I'm not bored, depressed, anxious. I don't really consider myself an emotional eater or a mindless eater. I stopped eating in front of the tv because it did become like eating on auto pilot and I end up eating more than I expected. I guess I just have a period where I do really well and then I just throw it all away for 1 or more days. Then I have a hard time getting back into the groove again.

    I know what I'm supposed to be doing and how to do it, but I just continue to sabatoge myself. There's no underlying reason like I don't feel I deserve to be healthy or anything like that. I just have to keep pushing and keeping digging until I find out what will work best for me. Is it eating light throughout the day and then having a big dinner? Or is it eating more throughout the day and have a light dinner? I need to stop rewarding myself with food and find another way. I need to stop justifying my poor eating habits with my killer calorie burn during my workout.

    I could go on and on, but I have to get my day started. I will be more supportive and vocal in the discussion. Maybe that will help me too! :)

    TeamLeela- I can totally relate. I don't know why I eat sometimes. I don't consider myself an emotional eater, but I am definately a bored eater. Like barefootbeauty said, I must be one of those people who has to be doing something with my hands. I figit a lot and am constantly moving my feet and legs around. You'd think I would burn more calories! :wink:

    My second struggle is diet. Oh, boy -- it is really really tough to type this.... I have been trying to live a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle for the last 3 years and for the most part I have been successful with only a few stumbling blocks. In those three years I have also developed some serious issues and most recently I began losing hair, experiencing chronic fatigue, and having incredible headaches. Turns out, my body just can't handle a veggie only diet. And I didn't have the balance needed to sustain it. I started to reintroduce meat into my diet the past week (chicken, turkey, eggs) and immediately felt better and starting losing weight.

    I feel awful when I eat meat, it was an ethical decision for me to stop eating meat and to stop funding factory farming. So, I am trying to eat meat that is locally raised in my state or I buy it from a small farmer at the market and I look for organic. It is what it is and I'm sure I'll get over it. My diet is still 90% veggies and fruit and I don't do any dairy.

    Glad you figured out what was causing you to feel so fatigued and got some protein back in your diet. Don't feel bad about having to go back to eating meat. Some people just can not do the vegan lifestyle. At least you are making conscious decisions to eat organic and locally farm raised which is awesome!
    So glad you broke through your plateau too!

    The stress is that I had to make the decision to take a different job that will eventually allow me to work at home - The problem: It is less money and hired for less hours. I'm nervous if we can afford the less money, but you can do anything you set your mind to, right?! Currently I drive one hour one way to work so 10 hours a week on the road and with the cost of gas it has got to be better than spending money in my gas tank, right?!!! - So today is my last day on my current job and I am sad - only because I have been here 8 years and have made some great friends.

    I'm also stressed becuse I quit smoking this week - I am officially 3.5 days smokefree!!! - I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment alone as I have tried in the past and trust me - it is not easy, just like this eating healthier and exercising journey - all one step at a time!!!

    Congrats on stopping smoking! It's going to be hard, but just keep thinking about how much good you are doing your body. I come from a family of smokers and I just never took up the habit, thank goodness. It's so hard being in a room full of my family and being the only one who doesn't smoke, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I see what it has done to their bodies and how it has aged them tremendously. So you can do it! Your body will thank you for it!

    I hope your new job situation is going to be a better fit for you. I can understand about the gas and cost. And it's supposed to get worse before it gets better. Good luck!
  • 2LiveAgain
    Hey ladies, ok so I've been saying more than am onth now that I'm gonna get back to into the groove and I never id it. Plain and simple-I was being lazy. I was sitting imagining my life being better and filled with more joy because of me losing weight, and not actually doing anything about it. I've been through this journey before and lost 80 pounds with just changing a few simple things. I didn't count calories, but I stopped the bad snacks and switched to special k bars and yogurt with granola, one of those 2 things would also be my breakfast p5 days a week. I stopped drinking coke and drank diet, and then I exercised at least 4 nights a week. Before when I made these changes it didn't seem hard like it is now, it just seemed like it was normal and I just stuck with it, I didn't even think about it most days, like wow I would rather have a brownie than this yogurt, that thought didn't cross my mind.

    And here's the only reason I can think of that made this so much easier for me last time around. Last time around I was a single mother with one child living with my dad and brother, and I had a full time job which I had to be to at 530 in the morning, that's why I had those things for breakfast because I had a very active job and didn't really have time to eat breakfast. I also had more of a life than I do now. That sounds horrible because now I have 2 kids, but it's true. I haven't had a job in over a year, I've been having such a hard time getting a job. And it sucks because I know that would help me with the weight because it is an active job so I would be a lot more active. My boyfriend is the one working right now and he's kind of a workaholic which can be a good thing but not if you wanna have any kind of social life. We only have the one vehicle so therefore I am stuck at home with the kids. And barely get to get out because he works such long hours. So I think the change in lifestyles is definitely a factor in this journey. And with all that said, I've realized and am willing to adit that I eat and don't exercise because I am bored. I don't have much of a life so I sit here and have to be doing something, like on the computer, I can't really stand just watching tv alone, I have to be doing something, which is usually eating while watching tv. Which is why I spend a lot more time on the computer and avoid the tv unless a show I am currently watching is on, because the computer keeps my mind and hands busy!

    But with all that being said, I think I have finally found my motivation again! My boyfriend had no choice but to take 3 days off this past week so we actually had time to go out and shop and do things! We were out Friday, Sat, and Sunday all day and I loved it! Because of this I forgot to weigh myself at the end of last week. I weighed myself on Monday and was 341.4, then again on Tuesday which I made my official "come back" day, and I was 340.4, so a pound lost there somehow! I started exercising again on wednesday and have been pretty motivated in doing so, I even worked out again at the end of yesterday! I'm doing my taebo which I love and it worked for me before so I know it will work again. I have also been actually entering my calories in and have done pretty well. today I weighed in at 339.8, so since Monday I am down 1.6! not bad for my first official week back at it, I'll take it! I'm exited for this again and I haven't been that way in a couple months. So what I need to change is to stop being lazy, I'm here all day, with nowhere to go no one to see, there's no reason why I can't get AT LEAST 30 minutes of exercise in, as for the eating I need to find something to do to keep me occupied besides the computer, cuz I know sitting on here all day isn't too good either.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I'm also stressed becuse I quit smoking this week - I am officially 3.5 days smokefree!!! - I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment alone as I have tried in the past and trust me - it is not easy, just like this eating healthier and exercising journey - all one step at a time!!!

    Netter--I know how hard it can be to be a quitter but congrats on making the step. I think you are in the right place too. To quit and have this team of people here for you to cheer you on!!! Keep strong, I know its hard. And you can do it. I finally did the same about a year ago and I was surprised at how quickly I stopped craving and now the smell drives me absolutely crazy. Baby carrots saved me when I wanted to have something to distract me from wanting to smoke.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Happy Friday Snowflakes--

    I lost almost a pound this week but I took my measurements and everything was up about 1/4-1/2" which makes me wonder what's up! I feel a lot stronger and my endurance has improved and I can feel muscles under there. But I really have got to get my eating in order so I can get rid of the fat! So my focus this week is lots of protein, lots of complex carbs. My graduation party is in exactly one month and I've decided to make a conscious effort not to have any sugary foods or desserts until then. My skin and my waistline will thank me for it.

    I need to step up the workouts too. I can say my eating was 70% this last week. Next week, I want that to be about 90%
    So the workouts are
    Sat/Sun: YogaWorks Body Slim
    MWF: C25K and 30DS
    Thursday: Something
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Me in my first bikini since 15 years ago, Yeah I need to lose another 12 pounds but I'll get there soon.

    Thank You MFP! Thank You Krystle And all you wonderful ladies!!

  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well, I gained 1 pound this week and with gaining the last couple of weeks I feel like I am sliding backwards. I can't pinpoint why other than Stress and lack of exercise - I changed up exercising and went for a couple of really great bike rides this week.

    The stress is that I had to make the decision to take a different job that will eventually allow me to work at home - The problem: It is less money and hired for less hours. I'm nervous if we can afford the less money, but you can do anything you set your mind to, right?! Currently I drive one hour one way to work so 10 hours a week on the road and with the cost of gas it has got to be better than spending money in my gas tank, right?!!! - So today is my last day on my current job and I am sad - only because I have been here 8 years and have made some great friends.

    I'm also stressed becuse I quit smoking this week - I am officially 3.5 days smokefree!!! - I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment alone as I have tried in the past and trust me - it is not easy, just like this eating healthier and exercising journey - all one step at a time!!!

    so as far as gaining back a couple of pounds. I'm OK with that - I don't know how my routine is going to pan out as I start my new job next week with orientation, etc. and not sure if I can eat/drink at my desk or what kitchen facilities they even have for break/lunch. I will do my best to stay within my calories and get some form of exercise at least 4-5 days out of the week and see what happens.

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and stay strong and focused - WE ARE WORTH IT!!! :)

    Well no cigarettes! Awesome! You have no clue what you just did for your health! Amazing! And remember with your job, you can always speak with your supervisor and let them know that you need to eat every so often and drink water throughout your day, due to your current health plan. They do have to make reasonable accomodations for you! So no sweat you will do this! You can do it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Me in my first bikini since 15 years ago, Yeah I need to lose another 12 pounds but I'll get there soon.

    Thank You MFP! Thank You Krystle And all you wonderful ladies!!


    Woo woo go girl! Can't wait to get to that point myself!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hey ladies, ok so I've been saying more than am onth now that I'm gonna get back to into the groove and I never id it. Plain and simple-I was being lazy. I was sitting imagining my life being better and filled with more joy because of me losing weight, and not actually doing anything about it. I've been through this journey before and lost 80 pounds with just changing a few simple things. I didn't count calories, but I stopped the bad snacks and switched to special k bars and yogurt with granola, one of those 2 things would also be my breakfast p5 days a week. I stopped drinking coke and drank diet, and then I exercised at least 4 nights a week. Before when I made these changes it didn't seem hard like it is now, it just seemed like it was normal and I just stuck with it, I didn't even think about it most days, like wow I would rather have a brownie than this yogurt, that thought didn't cross my mind.

    And here's the only reason I can think of that made this so much easier for me last time around. Last time around I was a single mother with one child living with my dad and brother, and I had a full time job which I had to be to at 530 in the morning, that's why I had those things for breakfast because I had a very active job and didn't really have time to eat breakfast. I also had more of a life than I do now. That sounds horrible because now I have 2 kids, but it's true. I haven't had a job in over a year, I've been having such a hard time getting a job. And it sucks because I know that would help me with the weight because it is an active job so I would be a lot more active. My boyfriend is the one working right now and he's kind of a workaholic which can be a good thing but not if you wanna have any kind of social life. We only have the one vehicle so therefore I am stuck at home with the kids. And barely get to get out because he works such long hours. So I think the change in lifestyles is definitely a factor in this journey. And with all that said, I've realized and am willing to adit that I eat and don't exercise because I am bored. I don't have much of a life so I sit here and have to be doing something, like on the computer, I can't really stand just watching tv alone, I have to be doing something, which is usually eating while watching tv. Which is why I spend a lot more time on the computer and avoid the tv unless a show I am currently watching is on, because the computer keeps my mind and hands busy!

    But with all that being said, I think I have finally found my motivation again! My boyfriend had no choice but to take 3 days off this past week so we actually had time to go out and shop and do things! We were out Friday, Sat, and Sunday all day and I loved it! Because of this I forgot to weigh myself at the end of last week. I weighed myself on Monday and was 341.4, then again on Tuesday which I made my official "come back" day, and I was 340.4, so a pound lost there somehow! I started exercising again on wednesday and have been pretty motivated in doing so, I even worked out again at the end of yesterday! I'm doing my taebo which I love and it worked for me before so I know it will work again. I have also been actually entering my calories in and have done pretty well. today I weighed in at 339.8, so since Monday I am down 1.6! not bad for my first official week back at it, I'll take it! I'm exited for this again and I haven't been that way in a couple months. So what I need to change is to stop being lazy, I'm here all day, with nowhere to go no one to see, there's no reason why I can't get AT LEAST 30 minutes of exercise in, as for the eating I need to find something to do to keep me occupied besides the computer, cuz I know sitting on here all day isn't too good either.

    You are absolutely awesome! Why?! Because you identified your "trigger" and found a way to fix it...you found what worked for you and adjusted your life. I love it! I'm so very happy for you. Here is a suggestion also, since you like to be more active...strap the kids up and go for a walk or to the park...They will love it and so will you :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Friday Snowflakes--

    I lost almost a pound this week but I took my measurements and everything was up about 1/4-1/2" which makes me wonder what's up! I feel a lot stronger and my endurance has improved and I can feel muscles under there. But I really have got to get my eating in order so I can get rid of the fat! So my focus this week is lots of protein, lots of complex carbs. My graduation party is in exactly one month and I've decided to make a conscious effort not to have any sugary foods or desserts until then. My skin and my waistline will thank me for it.

    I need to step up the workouts too. I can say my eating was 70% this last week. Next week, I want that to be about 90%
    So the workouts are
    Sat/Sun: YogaWorks Body Slim
    MWF: C25K and 30DS
    Thursday: Something

    Great thinking! Eating is so much of it and I know I had tremendous success when "eating clean". So you can totally do it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello ladies! I managed to lose a little from last week. Still not exactly where I was before I had that massive gain! :grumble: That's okay though. I have been doing some reading and I am changing up my diet for the next 2 weeks. I really think I will see some results from the change. I'm adding green tea with every meal as it is supposed to aid in digestion and kick your metabolism up a notch. I'm also tweaking a few other things as well. Now I just need to stick to my plans. I still plan on working out my usually 3-4 times a week.

    I love that you are always looking for solutions! There is something to be said about people who find solutions instead of being oblivious to the problem. There is so much to be learned out there that is at our fingertips! Great job!