*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Week #15 Discussion 4.15.11



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    It's funny because I don't know why I eat. I'm not bored, depressed, anxious. I don't really consider myself an emotional eater or a mindless eater. I stopped eating in front of the tv because it did become like eating on auto pilot and I end up eating more than I expected. I guess I just have a period where I do really well and then I just throw it all away for 1 or more days. Then I have a hard time getting back into the groove again.

    I know what I'm supposed to be doing and how to do it, but I just continue to sabatoge myself. There's no underlying reason like I don't feel I deserve to be healthy or anything like that. I just have to keep pushing and keeping digging until I find out what will work best for me. Is it eating light throughout the day and then having a big dinner? Or is it eating more throughout the day and have a light dinner? I need to stop rewarding myself with food and find another way. I need to stop justifying my poor eating habits with my killer calorie burn during my workout.

    I could go on and on, but I have to get my day started. I will be more supportive and vocal in the discussion. Maybe that will help me too! :)

    You know what's funny..I do the same thing! I know what I have to do some days and just don't. I struggled with this a lot in the beginning of my journey. And you know what helped for me..was educating myself. Breaking out Oxygen and Fitness magazines, reading things online, reading what people had to say on MFP, just soaking up as much as possible. And rewarding myself with food...OMG I did this all the time in the beginning...I would say, "I lost 2lbs this week great now I can go to Red lobster and eat an ultimate feast and 4 biscuits...I deserve it!". God I was sabotaging myself every time the weekend came around. So girl, do I know what you are talking about! In my heart, I knew that my body felt better when I ate right and exercised...and why wouldn't I want to feel better? You will get there girl...you can do this! And the first thing to do is identify what that problem is and try out different solutions for you. Reward yourself with a mani and pedi or with a massage...right now I'm working towards the latter and although I'm not going to make it by next Friday..I know I am going to have to work harder because I really want that massage LOL
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good morning, ladies! :)

    I broke my plateau this week and landed a sweet 3lb loss and I'm down to 184. That number made me tear up. I can not wait to be under 180 - it has been years since I was there and I just want it so bad! I am so very glad that I didn't give up when the stress and chaos of life piled up on me. I'm so glad I had all of you to shoulder me through the rough patches.

    Today is my first official day of unemployment and I'm obviously stressed out mentally and emotionally. We move in six weeks to a more expensive apartment that I no longer can afford and I have to call and tell my parents that I won't be able to come down for Easter because I just can't afford to drive that far. Everything will work out, I know. It is just stressful right now.

    Physically I feel amazing. My body is limber from all the yoga. I feel strong from the 30DS. And I feel light from the healthy eating. The healthier aspects have become routine rather than a forced habit, so that is a great thing.

    My struggle is exercise. I can find a million reasons not to do it - even though it feels amazing. I struggle with it every day.

    My second struggle is diet. Oh, boy -- it is really really tough to type this.... I have been trying to live a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle for the last 3 years and for the most part I have been successful with only a few stumbling blocks. In those three years I have also developed some serious issues and most recently I began losing hair, experiencing chronic fatigue, and having incredible headaches. Turns out, my body just can't handle a veggie only diet. And I didn't have the balance needed to sustain it. I started to reintroduce meat into my diet the past week (chicken, turkey, eggs) and immediately felt better and starting losing weight.

    I feel awful when I eat meat, it was an ethical decision for me to stop eating meat and to stop funding factory farming. So, I am trying to eat meat that is locally raised in my state or I buy it from a small farmer at the market and I look for organic. It is what it is and I'm sure I'll get over it. My diet is still 90% veggies and fruit and I don't do any dairy.

    Wow - I feel better having gotten that out there. :)

    I'm looking forward to a fantastic week filled with time for me to focus on working out more and hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can start the C25K program, too.

    Have an amazing day!!! :)

    I'm glad to see you broke past that plateau! Awesome! And you are right, I'm glad you didn't give up when stress mounted. Congrats to you! I know what you mean about the unemployment thing, but honestly, I have found that it has given me time to refocus and just prioritize, set goals, etc. It has been a blessing and a curse at the same time...because obviously bills need to be paid. But you will push through it.

    You can also think about introducing more protein in general so you don't have to eat as much meat. But I'm happy that you did re-introduce it in order to get your body back functioning the correct way. And going organic is a great way to make you not feel bad about eating the meat! Good for you and trust me, take the time off from work as a mini-vacation to get you together and reorganized! :)
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Good Morning again Sunshines!!
    I posted already my weight
    Last week 189lbs
    This week 187.8lbs
    Lost 1.2 lbs

    Last week after the weight in I gained a little bit :frown: but from past experience I know if I do the right thing and keep the consistency my body will readjust. Like I said before, it's very important for me the CONSISTENCY of what I'm doing and the ability of not OVEREATING.

    This past week I didn't bike as much as I should and planned (my husband didn't fix my bike and his bike sucks :laugh: ) but weather was nice and aside of subbing for some friends for tennis, I played outside too so I got a good amount of exercise. I did drink all my liquid (12+ cups/day)

    For next week I have some more subbing to do and if weather is nice I will play outside too. I'm not counting biking and if I have time I will but I will tackle the yard too this week ( at least a couple of hours).
    I will keep up with the 12+ cups of liquid per day

    I can "smell" the 165lbs already but don't expect that much of a lost for next week.:laugh:

    For those not losing or gaining weight my advice is reevaluate your plan.Like Teresa said - MAKE CHANGES
    Go back to your food diary, if you have a real life/everyday diary better yet. Look for the TRIGGERS (we all have them)
    Triggers that make you overeat, triggers that make you overreact to emotions/foods/etc and work mentally to be prepared to your action and reaction.See yourself trans pondering barrier. If nothing is working, remember GO BACK TO BASICS - FUNDAMENTALS - FUNDAMENTALS - FUNDAMENTALS - eat less then you burn is the basic, it's the FUNDAMENTAL.

    When you play a sport or have a kid/friend that play a sport, you know you have to practice to be good at it. Like a football, baseball, tennis player , the better you want to be, the more practice you will need. But it's not only real life situation practices, it's the repetition and the MENTAL thing. What to do or not to do when you really have to put practice to work for you. In the weight loss The Michel Jordans, Tiger woods are those few blessed people that can eat anything they want and don't gain a pound. All the rest of us need a lot of practice to get even closer to be good and in this journey there is no time to quit. During a match/game there isn't such thing as quitting - with weigh loss/living healthier also. Do no quit,make changes but don''t quit.

    Sorry for the long post :bigsmile:

    Wish you all a great week
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Hi All you Snowflakes!

    I'm down 1.2 pounds this week!

    I worked hard at the gym and stayed under my calories everyday - kept an eye on the sodium (below 1300 except 1 day which was around 2100). I am thinking of trying to eat back my exercise calories (my net calories are averaging between 550 and 850 on a daily basis) which sounds a little difficult. But the weight seems to come off very slowly - but slow is ok as it will ingrain the lifestyle change in me more deeply the longer it takes. I'll try that AFTER we get back from spring vacation.

    Struggles for me: #1) getting to the gym/"making time" I know how much better I'll feel and I feel a difference in my clothes so that is helping motivate me more. That is the biggest - and I see what happens if I don't get in "real" exercise time - and I prefer the results when I do :-)

    Struggle #2) Keeping away from sweets when the kids ask me to make cookies! Sweets are my biggest downfall - I really need to make sure they're not left out on the counter because they scream to me as I walk by. If they are put away, I have to make a conscious effort to open the cabinet, find them, open the bag, take one out, and put one in my mouth - that gives me 5 chances for me to change my mind - and usually out of sight is out of mind so I don't have to worry about the other 4 chances if I don't see them :laugh:

    Next week we'll be on vacation in a new city and I'll be honest, I'm concerned about gaining while we're there. My husband is a quick walker so when we've gone to NYC and walked our booties off, I've actually lost weight - but the kids will be with us (they like to enjoy the scenery) AND it's supposed to rain nearly the entire time - so not so much outdoor sightseeing by foot. Please keep your fingers crossed that the weatherman is WRONG!!!!!

    I'm going to try really hard to take 'tastes" of the kids yummy things, or share a portion and keep to the healthy side of things. Also will be logging whatever exercise I get using MFP estimates (minus at least 1/3 since I think they estimate on the HIGH side).

    Please kick my tush if you see I need it next week. Prayers for being strong enough to avoid temptation.

    @ Teresa:
    Me in my first bikini since 15 years ago, Yeah I need to lose another 12 pounds but I'll get there soon.

    Thank You MFP! Thank You Krystle And all you wonderful ladies!!


    You look AMAZING - SOO very good for you, wolf whistles, pats on back, high fives all around!!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    bump for later :) have a great day ladies
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Well this past week was pretty bad...I didn't eat and when I did it wasn't always the healthiest. I was between 1000-1200 calories for the last two weeks just like my dietitian wanted and I stayed exactly the same. I also didn't exercise like normal since I was sick with strep. :cry: Anyway, feeling better now and ready to get back to it! My dietitian is stumped as to why I'm not losing the weight... She has had me as high as 1800 calories a day and as low as 1000 and nothing seems to work. So I guess that is my biggest obstacle right now...finding the right caloric intake for me. I love to exercise and when I'm feeling good I exercise every day for at least an hour. I track everything I eat and measure everything I eat so I'm not accidentally overeating. Its so frustrating at times! I am losing inches (I lift weights) but that is slow as well! Yeah, I know instant results are not going to happen--it doesn't stop me from wanting them though!:wink: So, any ideas? I have been thinking of trying a system of changing my calories...for example 1200 for a week then up to 1400 for a week and then 1800 for a week, then back down to 1200. Any suggestions?
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Well, I gained 1 pound this week and with gaining the last couple of weeks I feel like I am sliding backwards. I can't pinpoint why other than Stress and lack of exercise - I changed up exercising and went for a couple of really great bike rides this week.

    The stress is that I had to make the decision to take a different job that will eventually allow me to work at home - The problem: It is less money and hired for less hours. I'm nervous if we can afford the less money, but you can do anything you set your mind to, right?! Currently I drive one hour one way to work so 10 hours a week on the road and with the cost of gas it has got to be better than spending money in my gas tank, right?!!! - So today is my last day on my current job and I am sad - only because I have been here 8 years and have made some great friends.

    I'm also stressed becuse I quit smoking this week - I am officially 3.5 days smokefree!!! - I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment alone as I have tried in the past and trust me - it is not easy, just like this eating healthier and exercising journey - all one step at a time!!!

    so as far as gaining back a couple of pounds. I'm OK with that - I don't know how my routine is going to pan out as I start my new job next week with orientation, etc. and not sure if I can eat/drink at my desk or what kitchen facilities they even have for break/lunch. I will do my best to stay within my calories and get some form of exercise at least 4-5 days out of the week and see what happens.

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and stay strong and focused - WE ARE WORTH IT!!! :)

    Congratulations on quitting the smoking habit! Just keep going one day at a time! I had to tell myself that if I really want a smoke I have to wait 15 minutes... then I got busy doing something else...pretty soon I was saying just one day without a smoke... I quit cold-turkey a year and a half ago and feel so much better! I did gain some weight even without modifying my diet... The doctor said that cigarette smoking can actually increase metabolism. Crazy! But I don't get sick near as often and I can walk down the street and up stairs without being out of breath! Keep it up!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Wanted to share this with you all...


    I thought about this, because I know a lot of ladies say they have trouble with the veggies...
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So for me...this was a bad week! Well I guess I can't say bad...I just took a week off from logging and working out. Last week, I had totally burned myself out. Then I started this week with those horrible stomach aches!

    Good news is...I got the job!!! Yeahhhhh! And after taking measurements yesterday...I lost 5 inches from my hips, 1 inch from both arms, and 1/2 inch from my waist and am so pleased because that was in the matter of 4 weeks! So I know TurboFire is working! The scale may not always say it, but the tape measure does not lie!

    The bad news is, I had a gain this week..but again, at least I know why. And it doesn't look I will be meeting my mimi-goal for next Friday...but that's ok, I'm still going to work hard to get as close as possible because my rewards is a massage! And boy can I use it! :).

    So this week, I need to do some more grocery shopping and getting back to "eating clean", logging and exercising all week. And since I'm working it is easier for me to bring my lunch and snacks and I am a lot more conscious about my water intake when I'm working. So no excuses this week AT ALL! :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    One last thing I wanted to share with you all today :). Shakeology...its a BeachBody meal replacement shake that is AMAZING. This thing has all kinds vitamins, superfoods, nutrients in one shake! Now you can use it as a snack in your day...or jazz it up to make it a full meal replacement. But every person that drinks it, swears by it and its effects on the body!

    So I just wanted to pass it along to you all...you know typically I don't do the BeachBody endorsements on the forum but in this case...I think its worth everyone taking a look :). If you are interested, please let me know. I know there is usually some sticker shock...but I tell people to think about it as buying 30 days worth of meals or snacks upfront and with way more nutrients then you could ever pack into your own concoction. :)

  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    I'm down 1.2 pounds this week!

    Ok, so when did I NOT pay close attention to numbers? I'm down 1.5 pounds. I was thinking of the .2 of the total when I posted. DUH, Me!!!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I am up this week, marking over a month of wavering up and down without any real downward trend. I am scared because I have generally kept my calories under 1400 net, and exercised at least 3 days a week (except when I was really sick) and yet haven't been losing. I'm scared because I want to get these last 15 pounds off and then go to maintenance calories, which I had hoped would be 1800 plus exercise. Now I am afraid if I go to that calorie level I will regain. I don't think I can face the rest of my life at 1400 net calories a day!

    I already change exercises all the time, and have added more weights, but I am still plateauing. I didn't stay to plan yesterday or today (today was a complete disaster from a nutritional perspective) so maybe that will shake my body out of its funk. I have been a little extra stressed the past couple of weeks, so maybe that will improve soon. There isn't really any change I plan to make, except to stay on target with diet, exercise and water for another couple of weeks and see if anything changes. I just don't want to feel this desperation sweep over me, that I'll never be able to loosen up any about my diet. That would send me back to gaining for sure.

    It will be ok. The weather is improving and I'll be getting out more, expending more calories and eating less. This plateau will pass and I still have time to end the challenge nearly on track.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am up this week, marking over a month of wavering up and down without any real downward trend. I am scared because I have generally kept my calories under 1400 net, and exercised at least 3 days a week (except when I was really sick) and yet haven't been losing. I'm scared because I want to get these last 15 pounds off and then go to maintenance calories, which I had hoped would be 1800 plus exercise. Now I am afraid if I go to that calorie level I will regain. I don't think I can face the rest of my life at 1400 net calories a day!

    I already change exercises all the time, and have added more weights, but I am still plateauing. I didn't stay to plan yesterday or today (today was a complete disaster from a nutritional perspective) so maybe that will shake my body out of its funk. I have been a little extra stressed the past couple of weeks, so maybe that will improve soon. There isn't really any change I plan to make, except to stay on target with diet, exercise and water for another couple of weeks and see if anything changes. I just don't want to feel this desperation sweep over me, that I'll never be able to loosen up any about my diet. That would send me back to gaining for sure.

    It will be ok. The weather is improving and I'll be getting out more, expending more calories and eating less. This plateau will pass and I still have time to end the challenge nearly on track.

    I totally understand where you are coming from! I go through this every few months where I bounce up and down for a month! It is so annoying! But I have noticed when I go back to my diary, although I'm under calories...I'm not eating the right things (for example, for me that would be eating every two hours and my protein and complex carbs at every meal). Sometimes we forget that under calories isn't always the only thing. Not saying that is the case with you, but its worth a look right :). Also, how much are you netting after exercise? Just some things to think about. But only 15lbs left...wow! I can't wait to have that problem lol
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    bumps :glasses:
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    :flowerforyou: I had an ok week... didn't exercise as much as I had hoped. I ended up with a late meeting at work on Wednesday and was frankly just too tired to think about going to the gym. I live in Upstate NY and the weather up here has been hideous. It's still cold and rainy and WINDY as all get out... It is GREATLY affecting my outside runs, which is what I REALLY need to be doing because I have a 5K next month!! I did get hit a milestone of running over 4 miles on Thursday (on a treadmill unfortunatly) so I felt pretty good about that.

    Now, an area where I could use some assistance.... FOOD!
    My MFP calorie intake says it should be 1220/ day. uh... that is not enough. I don't really like to eat my exercise calories but adding the extra miles totally forces me to- I am absolutely ravenous. I definitely could use a few helpful ideas of what I can eat that would be filling and not tack on a TON of calories.

    As far as my goals for the week are concerned.. I have been promising myself some yoga since the challenge began. I haven't done it once. I am still going to put it on my week's list of goals, and hope I get around to it. I promised the girls from work I would go to Zumba with them on Thursday (I am really not a Zumba person) and I really want to get at least 16 miles logged between the road (unlikely with this weather) and the treadmill. I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow and stock up on healthy "fuel-food". Suggestions welcome on that topic for sure!

    Nice job everyone! Have a great next week :happy:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I said I would be more vocal on the boards. that was one of my goals for the week. So here goes! I have had a great weekend so far and I hope to continue it throughout the week. I am terrified about going out of town next week, but I have a solid game plan. I just hope I don't through it all otu the window when I actually get out there.

    Emma, the weather was really nice the first half of the week and I tried to take advantage of those nice days and walk first thing in the morning after I took my daughter to the bus. But I wasn't able to yesterday or today. I hope it is nicer next week because walking is really good for my bummed knee. I've recently learned that apples are very filling (Thanks Teresa!). Also anything with fiber should help you stay full longer. When I eat oatmeal in the morning, I drink a whole glass of water so the oats will swell in my tummy and trigger that I'm full. I love zumba. I never thought I would love zumba either. I was "dragged" into going to a class with my friend back in August and now my week doesn't feel complete if I didn't do a couple hours of zumba.

    So I am going to try to stop eating after 9 o'clock unless its something like fruit or raw veggies and water. I need to start going to bed earlier because staying up late, I usually tend to snack. I am going to zumba tomorrow at 2:30. I usually don't go on Sundays, maybe a few times out the month. I am trying to workout as much as I can before I go out of town on Thursday afternoon (and I won't be able to go to my thurs pm zumba class). I did find a zumba class that is not far from where I will be visiting. My aunt has already agreed to take me. I told her that it started a half hour sooner than it actually does because I don't want her to get me there 'right on time' or late for that matter. She's rarely on time for anything! :laugh:

    Well I hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Please search for your name! I love commenting. Hope I made some useful suggestions...
    I guess I just have a period where I do really well and then I just throw it all away for 1 or more days. Then I have a hard time getting back into the groove again.
    BEEN THERE! Except I know I'm a boredom eater. Keep working on it, and you'll find out what it is!
    I wish each and everyone of you a FLAB-YOU-LESS WEEK!!!!!! :drinker:
    You're doing great Sabrina!! :laugh:
    I feel awful when I eat meat, it was an ethical decision for me to stop eating meat and to stop funding factory farming. So, I am trying to eat meat that is locally raised in my state or I buy it from a small farmer at the market and I look for organic. It is what it is and I'm sure I'll get over it. My diet is still 90% veggies and fruit and I don't do any dairy.
    barefootbeauty... Don't worry! Things will work out in the end. They always do. I always wish I could go vegetarian, but I know I wouldn't be able to do it. I more or less don't eat a lot of meat as it is, and it works for me. Free-range grass-fed meats are the best way to go! I try to only eat an animal if I know it's lived a happy life. :wink:

    netter43... Keep doing great! I'm sure working at home will have great benefits eventually. Just keep in touch and maintain the relationships that you have built over the years. :happy:

    bhonniered... ARM MUSCLE!!!

    Teresa... I loved hearing about your victories! You are moving along so nicely! BIKINI!!

    Brandy... Green tea is supposed to be excellent! I drink it all the time.
    So what I need to change is to stop being lazy, I'm here all day, with nowhere to go no one to see, there's no reason why I can't get AT LEAST 30 minutes of exercise in, as for the eating I need to find something to do to keep me occupied besides the computer, cuz I know sitting on here all day isn't too good either.
    funlovingirl... I've been promising myself that I'll get back with it for a while now too... I can relate to your story, but without the kids. It's great that you know what worked for you before, so you can tap into some of those methods again! I know what foods I used to eat that helped me lose 55 lbs, but I just need to implement them again, so I can get this ball rolling again. I think what I've quoted from you above is exactly the attitude you need for success!

    Suzeesmu... Avoiding sweets has been terrible for me lately. If I see something, I want it, and after I see it, there's not much I can do to stop myself. I want to throw out everything, but my mom bought the sweets (mainly granola bars) for my brother's lunches, when they were on super sale (so we have a LOT of them). Have fun on vacation!!

    dinareed... Maybe there's another reason besides calories as to why you're not losing weight. I would try to see a naturopathic doctor if I were you. :happy: Working out has been key for me lately, instead of watching my food so much (although, that's clearly key as well). Good luck!
    Wanted to share this with you all...


    I thought about this, because I know a lot of ladies say they have trouble with the veggies...
    Correction: http://www.vegan-nutritionista.com/fruits-and-vegetables.html THANK YOU Krys!! Amazing inch loss!

    givprayz... Just keep giving it your all! Maybe add another day of working out. I always read that 3 days of working out are good for overall health, but it takes at least 5 days per week if you want to lose weight.

    emma44ny... If you're hungry and doing hard workouts, I really think you should be eating more of your exercise calories, so you aren't famished! Try going for lean protein, or adding some healthy fats like olive oil and avocado. Try eating proteins with carbs if you aren't already. If I eat just a protein, I'll end up being REALLY hungry within an hour. And like Leela says, fiber fiber fiber!! I try to throw ground flaxseed on my cereal most times, or in smoothies!

    TeamLeela... Your going away plan is fool-proof! You're gonna stick to it like a rock (if rocks could stick...). If some anomaly happens, and you do something totally rash, I know you've got it in you to pick up where you left off, and keep going strong until you return. And :laugh: my friend that drives me to Zumba is always right on time or late. It's so strange to me since I am almost NEVER late for anything, and would rather be 20 mins early than 1 minute late.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    LW: apparently 179.5
    CW: 176.5

    I've seen as low as 175.5 and I really want to make it there again this Friday!!!

    I've been snacking like a madwoman! I need to hide EVERYTHING in my house so I can't be tempted by it. Lately, anything related to food will make me want to eat. That never used to happen before, and it's not cool. So I gotta snap out of it.

    I'm starting Ripped in 30 today, but as of right now, I'm still here at the computer. I'm gonna be on my way to the DVD player soon though. I've slacked with working out since about a week after I finished 40 days of the Shred, so I think Ripped will get me back on track with working out again.

    The biggest thing I'm finding for me right now is that when I have things going on in my life, the workouts disappear. One day I'll figure out how to balance the life and workouts... (And eating healthy, for that matter!)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone!! Sorry I've been so busy lately...so busy that I'm retaining water like crazy. 3 lbs gained this week. :frown:

    But last night was Med School Prom and I looked smokin' in my hot red dress, so I thought I'd share! I certainly wouldn't have looked or felt this good 40 lbs ago! :bigsmile:

    So I decided to keep all three dresses that I got a few weeks ago....LOL. They all looked awesome and my husband and I decided I needed a treat. :smile: So I wore the dark red one to Med School Prom and the black one to a wedding last weekend. Now I'll need to convince my husband to take me out for a fancy dinner so I can wear the third one! :smile:

