Makeup = false advertising??

Soooo..listening to my morning radio show and a lady claims she's been married for 20 years & her husband has NEVER seen her w/out her makeup on...:noway: :noway: :noway:

She always wakes up super-duper early & is in full warpaint when he wakes up. She won't go to bed until all the lights are off. Can you imagine???

I'm usually makeup free on the weekends, and if I come in to work w/out it, my co-werks know I'm in one of my don't-give-a-d@mn moods & to stay away. :devil: :devil:


  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Soooo..listening to my morning radio show and a lady claims she's been married for 20 years & her husband has NEVER seen her w/out her makeup on...:noway: :noway: :noway:

    She always wakes up super-duper early & is in full warpaint when he wakes up. She won't go to bed until all the lights are off. Can you imagine???

    I'm usually makeup free on the weekends, and if I come in to work w/out it, my co-werks know I'm in one of my don't-give-a-d@mn moods & to stay away. :devil: :devil:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Holy cow..that is ODD!
    Can u imagine putting in all that effort because you are that insecure with who you are...sad.....

    Don't get me wrong..I'm a make-up kinda gal..I go for the natural look though..I try :)
    So it looks like I'm not wearing make-up at all, but I it?

    I NEVER go out of the house without a little something
    I can put my face on in about 2 minutes though...for me, it makes me feel why not?
    The norm is concealer, where needed.....bronzer/blush...curl lashes..slap on some mascara and lip-gloss....

  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    LOL, what a waste of time. If it works for her and her husband more power to them. Although if the lady is this extreme in this, I wonder what her other issues are...(not really).

    I wear a tiny bit most days, but if I forget no-one cares.

    I do wear sunscreen, but there is no tint to it.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    and yet i dont own a morsel of make-up at all!
    and refuse to buy any and wear any

    the only thing i guess you could count anywhere close to make-up is lip balm/gloss
    and i only have those so that my lips dont dry out on the days when i dont drink alot of water - yes i know thats bad
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Yipes! I wonder what dh would say if he ever saw her w/out makeup - probably head straight for the attorney!! I go all summer with out it cuz it doesn't stay on in the heat anyway and irritates my skin when its hot out. I do try to use my moisturizer with sunscreen though!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    Holy cow..that is ODD!
    Can u imagine putting in all that effort because you are that insecure with who you are...sad.....

    Don't get me wrong..I'm a make-up kinda gal..I go for the natural look though..I try :)
    So it looks like I'm not wearing make-up at all, but I it?

    I NEVER go out of the house without a little something
    I can put my face on in about 2 minutes though...for me, it makes me feel why not?
    The norm is concealer, where needed.....bronzer/blush...curl lashes..slap on some mascara and lip-gloss....


    I like to have a little bit of mascara on because my lashes are so light. Otherwise I look like a bunny. :laugh:

    And sadly, not of the Playboy variety. :grumble:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    A man worth having is one that tells you you are beautiful when you aren't wearing any makeup..imho.

    Being 100% made up is false advertising...examples:
    Eva Longoria

    Jessica Simpson

    Kim Kardashian
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I don't agree with the whole false advertising thing
    I think many people and celebs (Kim K. being one of them) look beautiful w/ out any make-up
    But I think we should all have the right, w/ out being made to feel 'bad' or 'fake' to enhance our appearance...if we want to...

    I don't want to start a fierce debate but can u say MOST people (NOT ALLLL) don't look a tiny tiny bit better with a little bit of make-up..ESPECIALLY as we get older
    Now that I'm 35, with very pale skin (and light hair/lashes)
    I feel like I need that little pick-up much much more than when I was in my 20's

    BUT when I am at home, I don't wear make-up and don't feel like I NEED to for, or in front of DH
    Maybe I'm scaring him and I don't even know it./....LOLOL

    Just my .02

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    My DH knew what he was getting into when we met in high school. We both were in that *awkward stage*...No false advertising here! :tongue:

    Me without makeup:



  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    My DH knew what he was getting into when we met in high school. We both were in that *awkward stage*...No false advertising here! :tongue:

    Me without makeup:




    :laugh: :laugh: Can hardly tell the difference. :laugh:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I wasn't knocking makeup. I wear makeup too and take care of my appearance. I am saying that women feel they need to live up to the made up standard of celebrities. And a lot of guys think that is what these women really look like when they are doing laundry and running errands. That is what I meant by false advertising.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I hear ya!
    I totally agree....I didn't mean for my post to sound argumentative towards you..just my overall thoughts on the topic
    I guarantee 99.9% of men will say they don't like woman wearing ANY make-up and they like the 'natural' look...

    They don't realize most woman they think aren't wearing make-up....are

    Did that make sense :)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    I hear ya!
    I totally agree....I didn't mean for my post to sound argumentative towards you..just my overall thoughts on the topic
    I guarantee 99.9% of men will say they don't like woman wearing ANY make-up and they like the 'natural' look...

    They don't realize most woman they think aren't wearing make-up....are

    Did that make sense :)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    As in, the "natural look" is still a style of face painting with makeup? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: YUP!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I always wear makeup if I go anywhere but this woman has issues if she is that worried about even he husband seeing her without it. That's just sad.
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    Soooo..listening to my morning radio show and a lady claims she's been married for 20 years & her husband has NEVER seen her w/out her makeup on...:noway: :noway: :noway:

    She always wakes up super-duper early & is in full warpaint when he wakes up. She won't go to bed until all the lights are off. Can you imagine???

    I'm usually makeup free on the weekends, and if I come in to work w/out it, my co-werks know I'm in one of my don't-give-a-d@mn moods & to stay away. :devil: :devil:

    actually i know someone like that. her husband her he have been married for almost a decade.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    I think that in those pics, Kim looks the worst!

    I admit that I do look somewhat different when I don't have makeup on, it's only because my eyes look smaller and my nose is red! :blushing:

    But usually by the end of the day my makeup has somewhat faded so I think people have seen me semi natural!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Soooo..listening to my morning radio show and a lady claims she's been married for 20 years & her husband has NEVER seen her w/out her makeup on...:noway: :noway: :noway:

    She always wakes up super-duper early & is in full warpaint when he wakes up. She won't go to bed until all the lights are off. Can you imagine???

    I'm usually makeup free on the weekends, and if I come in to work w/out it, my co-werks know I'm in one of my don't-give-a-d@mn moods & to stay away. :devil: :devil:

    actually i know someone like that. her husband her he have been married for almost a decade.

    Holy cow!! Why does she do it???
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Makeup shmakeup!

    I wear makeup once a month.. if that!
    The reason being is I don't like the feeling of it. I'm always sneezing(allergies) so I rub my eyes alot and there goes the makeup. I've been wanting to get Bare Minerals makeup b/c it seems easy to use and light... I am getting older and my complexion isn't the same.

    To each their own I say!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am not a huge make up person but. I had a friend who was neighbor with a gal who did this every day not just to herself but her daughters as well. And before bed they were made up hair and all. It still flabberghasts me. But I guess there are people so insecure in who they are that they do that. Sad in my opinion.
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    I know the discussion is about makeup, but just for the sake of argument, lets take it a step further:
    Hmmmmm, is my underwire bra false advertising????:noway: I'm voting for the "if it makes YOU feel good go for it" party. I wear light (aka the natural look) most of the time and feel nekkid without it, but it's for me no one else.

    As for false advertising, do you REALLY wanna see grandma in a T-shirt with NO foundation garments???? OMG she didn't feel like putt'n in her teeth either...yipes!:embarassed: