So guys many of you have joined me with other challenges that have been put up - here is a new idea that I thought you might be interested in!

It's an Online Biathlon - basically Running and Cycling (either road, treadmill or spin bike - whatever suits you)

The idea is in that in a WEEK you complete a certain number of kms for running and riding.

Option 1) 10km running and 25km ride in total over a full week (ie 5 x 2km runs and 5 x 5km rides for example)
Option 2) 20km running and 50km ride in total over a full week
Option3) 40km running and 100km ride in total over a full week.

This will challenge you as you need to mix your cardio to complete the goal - it could be the kick start you need or the shake you want to move off your plateau!!

If you dont think you can run the whole way, then use the goal as a run/walk.

Who's in?


  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I'd be in!!!! When do we start and what else do we need to do?

    I'd be doing a run/walk combo, and most likely option 2.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'd be in!!!! When do we start and what else do we need to do?

    I'd be doing a run/walk combo, and most likely option 2.

    I was thinking of next week (it's saturday morning over here in sydney) - im having the week off after completing a big challenge last week!

    I think the only other thing you will need to do to complete these (assuming you pick the option that is a challenge for you) is to get plenty of sleep, plenty of water and eat to fuel your body.

    We can either use this thread to stay in touch or friend each other if you want? i havent set up a closed group or anything like that before so we need to find a way to stay motivating each other!!
  • evertongirl
    evertongirl Posts: 120 Member
    me too - i need to do more than running so adding some cycling will be a good challenge and hopefully kickstart some serious calories burnt - Im going for option 2 but may struggle with the cycling total as I dont really like cycling -LOL
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    I'll do it!! I normally strength train, run, and row...but I could stand to do some biking. I'll probably do #2.....the running is no biggie, the biking I'll struggle at. lol!! Anyway, I need the burn so count me in! I'll friend you both. I'm in US so when should I start so we begin on the same day?
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    I'll give this a try! I love running, but tend to shy away from cycling, so this would be a good push. I think I'll start with Option 1 and maybe become able to try Option 2 next time.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    me too - i need to do more than running so adding some cycling will be a good challenge and hopefully kickstart some serious calories burnt - Im going for option 2 but may struggle with the cycling total as I dont really like cycling -LOL

    Great to see! This is a great way to stay motivated and try something new or something challenging!!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'll do it!! I normally strength train, run, and row...but I could stand to do some biking. I'll probably do #2.....the running is no biggie, the biking I'll struggle at. lol!! Anyway, I need the burn so count me in! I'll friend you both. I'm in US so when should I start so we begin on the same day?

    Ok so its Saturday morning here - Im having a couple of rest days like my earlier post, so Monday is fine to start by me!! (might be a challenge for me as we are losing light here now as we get into mid autumn!!) I guess if we start on Monday whereever we are!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'll give this a try! I love running, but tend to shy away from cycling, so this would be a good push. I think I'll start with Option 1 and maybe become able to try Option 2 next time.

    Love that you want to be involved! You will feel amazing after this kind of achievement!
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    Thank you!! Sounds great......
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'm in. Option 3!!!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'm in. Option 3!!!

    You had better be on option 3 Panda!! I need you on this cos guess which one im doing too ...?? Need all the help i can get!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I'm in, option two. I'm surprised at how many people struggle with the cycling part - that's the easy part for me. As an encouragement for non cyclist - cycling can take a few rides to get used to but it is a great way to burn calories, get fit, and before long it is so fun that the miles just fly by. It's like a free calorie burn!
  • Bavaria100
    I am in! Great! I will go for option 1) See you all on Monday :-)
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'm in, option two. I'm surprised at how many people struggle with the cycling part - that's the easy part for me. As an encouragement for non cyclist - cycling can take a few rides to get used to but it is a great way to burn calories, get fit, and before long it is so fun that the miles just fly by. It's like a free calorie burn!

    I think the biggest struggle when I started riding was getting used to the saddle. Yeesh, my first ride and after 40 min my *kitten* hurt like a mofo!! :laugh:

    After a proper fitting and some cycling shorts, I can ride for pretty much ever now.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I'm in, option two. I'm surprised at how many people struggle with the cycling part - that's the easy part for me. As an encouragement for non cyclist - cycling can take a few rides to get used to but it is a great way to burn calories, get fit, and before long it is so fun that the miles just fly by. It's like a free calorie burn!

    I think the biggest struggle when I started riding was getting used to the saddle. Yeesh, my first ride and after 40 min my *kitten* hurt like a mofo!! :laugh:

    After a proper fitting and some cycling shorts, I can ride for pretty much ever now.

    Good point, I forgot about that. For me it hit the day after - I could hardly walk. My co-workers laughed for days. For any newbies to cycling reading this - good cycling shorts are worth their weight in gold, cheap ones are worth only what you pay. But even with good shorts there may be some initial soreness. My first cycling shorts were 29.95 and did help. My next ones were 59.95 and were worth far more than double the first pair. In the last few years I am getting shorts that run 99.99 to 129.95 retail but only buying when on sale - usually paying 79.99. I'm afraid to buy more expensive than that; they may be worth it and I can't afford them!
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Run: 0 Miles
    Cycle: 43.48 Miles 04/16/11
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'm in, option two. I'm surprised at how many people struggle with the cycling part - that's the easy part for me. As an encouragement for non cyclist - cycling can take a few rides to get used to but it is a great way to burn calories, get fit, and before long it is so fun that the miles just fly by. It's like a free calorie burn!

    Great john!! Likewise - cycling was the "cheating" way for me to get back into running - and with something like this event IT COUNTS if you go out for a gentle ride with your family or something like that - enjoy the challenge!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I am in! Great! I will go for option 1) See you all on Monday :-)

    Brilliant!! This is a fantastic goal you and you will get the most amazing sense of achievement for completing it!!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Run: 0 Miles
    Cycle: 43.48 Miles 04/16/11

    haha - you're getting a great head start!! Im officially starting monday (tomorrow over here) as im still recovering from the LAST challenge ...!!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I think I'm gonna give this a try, my biking will have to be stationary bike though. I'm not much of a cyclist, but would love to get a road bike. I'm a runner that has lost motivation and endurance. Thank you! I will start Monday, option 1 to start out slow