Almond Milk



  • celeste_xo
    Omg, unsweetened almond milk is AMAZING! I have it every morning with my Kashi Autumn Wheat cereal. Sooooo good together. Probably my favorite meal of the day and only 200 calories! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I was skeptical but for no good reason. Love it! It makes a great shake with a frozen banana and a couple of tbs peanut butter. I just bought some chocolate almond milk for the first time, haven't tried it yet though. Thought it would make mh peanut butter banana shake that much more amazing!

    Almond milk is good for oatmeal too, and is fine for baking. It doesnt work for jello pudding mix though.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I've been drinking organic milk. It's pretty good. Never tried almond milk. But after reading how much you guys like it I think I'll
    give it a try.
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    Awesome idea for the PB banana shakes with almond milk! SO going to try that! I use regular almond milk with my shakeology, and, you are right, it's GREAT on oatmeal! One of my FAVE breakfasts is steel cut oats, blueberries or bananas on top, almond milk, sprinkled with flax or granola (flax is so good for you, but watch the calories of granola or a flax mixture - they sneak up on you) - it's heaven in a bowl!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I was sooo skeptical when I first bought it BUT I have never switched back to cow's milk! This stuff is WAY better tasting than cow's milk and has more vitamins than cow's (even more calcium and vitamin D!). Here is the comparision:

    Cow's Milk- 120 Calories per cup
    Chocolate Cow's Milk- 200 Calories per cup (compare to chocolate almond milk)

    Unsweetened Silk almond Milk (still have not tried this one)- 35 Calories per cup!
    Original Silk almond milk (my favorite for everyday use)- 60 Calories a cup!
    Vanilla Silk Almond Milk (It is sweet so I use this one in shakes)- 90 Calories a Cup!
    Dark Chocolate Almond Milk (VERY good!)- 120 Calories per cup!

    Oh yeah, and the I use the original to cook with. I made mashed potatoes a few nights ago with almond milk and couldn't tell the difference!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I have wanted to try it, but I am lactose Intolerant. Is there any Lactose in it??

    It is dairy-free, so no lactose!

    I use it in my cereal as well to save on calories. I like the kashi cereal, which is high in calories but filling since it is a high protein cereal. The almond milk is just as good as real milk in cereal but I can't drink it in my coffee for some reason!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I haven't tried the Silk brand- almond breeze has good offerings though. The unsweetened original is 40 cals a cup and I found I really prefer it to the vanilla, for cereal. The chocolate I just bought is 45 calories a cup and unsweetened. I hope it's as good as you say the silk dark chocolate is!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    LOVE IT! I workout in the evenings and so need a healthy/protein calorie boost to meet my minimum intake and to aid recovery.

    I love a tall glass of vanilla almond milk with a scoop of vanilla whey powder in it. I just started adding a handful of blueberries and hitting it with a stick blender. Who needs prepackaged protien shakes?
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    I LOVE silk dark chocolate almond milk!!!! It is SOOO good!
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I wish they carried the chocolate Silk Almond milk by me but not yet..
    I will wait patiently, in the mean time I will keep on with the Nestle Quick powder.
  • skinnybyjuly
    It sounds great, I am going to try to buy some .Does anyone know if there is any calcium in the almond milk?
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    So the Almond milk has 15% more calcium than cows milk and is the same on everything else except fat and cow's milk has no vitamin E however Almond milk has 50% of recommended daily dosage.

    Some one else asked about Lactose.

    **Gross out warning regarding any Animal sourced milk, including human!!**
    Milk comes from lactating animals, and contains a sugar called lactose. People who are lactose intolerant cannot handle this form of sugar but it is worse from cow's milk usually, because it also contains a protein that humans cannot digest called casein. Here;s the gross part. We lactate because we have milk ducts. These are modified sweat glands. Therefore only critters can produce lactose.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Just bought the Chocolate Silk Almond milk.
    Made myself a strawberry , banana, and chocolate Silk almond milk shake.

    1 banana
    10 frozen strawberries
    1/2 cup chopped ice
    1 cup Chocolate Silk Almond milk

    Tastes great, very filling, and all for 175 calories !
  • Clarina1980
    I have never tried it or even heard of it over here in the UK. Does anyone know where I can get some?

    I was reading about it and there seems to be a downside if you have Thyroid issues.

    "Almonds are a goitrogenic food, meaning they contain chemicals that can harm your thyroid. Goitrogenic foods such as soy, cabbage, kale, flax, broccoli, and almonds, cause the thyroid to expand, and when consumed on a large level, cause goiters to form because one of the prevalent chemicals found in goitrogens blocks the intake of iodine. While goitrogenic foods can be harmful in large consumption, they are at the same time healthy and beneficial to the human immune system. However, for those with low thyroid functions, restraint from consuming high quantities of goitrogenic foods is critical. Almond milk contains levels of goitrogenic toxins produced from almonds, and should be avoided by those at risk of low thyroid function. For people who have healthy thyroid function, consuming a moderate amount of almond milk daily will have no negative side effects to the thyroid."

    Taken from
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    yep its the best, taste like Ice cream :)
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    I love it! A lot of people dog it b/c it does not have much protein but I love it! I do not lack on protein and save on the sugar!!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I know a lot of people seem to like it, but after reading this thread, I guess I'll take the plunge and pick some up next time I am at the store. Sounds like it is pretty darn tasty.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I had to update this after buying some almond milk the other day.

    Today i put the almond milk to the test - drank a glass of the 1% stuff we usually get (though I don't drink milk by itself much), and followed that with a glass of vanilla almond milk. Wow - that almond milk really IS pretty darn tasty! I'm converted. I'm going to have to go and try the dark chocolate variety.
  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    I use Trader Joe's Original Almond Milk. SO GOOD! I don't know why I waited so long to try it. But I can't drink unsweetened almond milk. It's too bitter.
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    I love to put almond milk in a bowl and then add frozen blueberries. In a minute or two the milk has crystalized around the blueberries and it becomes almost like ice cream. It fills me up like ice cream. I love it this way.:flowerforyou: