I need help.. P90 or ChaLEAN Extreme..?!



  • Peaceoutmfp
    I think I'm going to have to get the P90 myself - sounds fantastic! :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I think I'm going to have to get the P90 myself - sounds fantastic! :)

    it does doenst it!
    i wanna place an order in now!
    but which one do i get?!?!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Iv decided on the P90...
    it seems easier to follow, and its proven to work in 90 days..
    whereas the other one.. who knows how long it takes to work.
    so im sure in 60 days i will of toned up alot!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    It really doesn't matter what you do for an exercise program - if you don't clean up your diet, you won't get results. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. You also need to make sure you are eating enough.

    You can use resistance bands with any of the programs: P90, P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme. All three programs come with an eating guide, which will also walk you through a formula to figure out how many calories you should be consuming. All three programs will work if you put in the effort and eat properly.

    I have done ChaLEAN Extreme three times and have been very happy with my results.
  • nomoredrivin
    nomoredrivin Posts: 7 Member
    but i no ur suppose to eat more than 1,000 calories...
    which would be pushing myself to eat more.
    and that wil just make me feel very sick...

    really? because I see with the pizza and the kfc and all, you are eating over 2,000 calories some days. doesn't seem like pushing.
  • nomoredrivin
    nomoredrivin Posts: 7 Member
    Helice your menu looks really good today! a suggestion... raisin bran is filling and less than 200 calories per cup (plus milk). can you ahve some of that for dinner (last meal)?
    Also, you say dinner was "being served" as you were starting to exercise. What does that mean? Do you live with your family, and if so why are they not supporting you? Do you live in a sorority or school dorm? If so there should be someone at the school gym to help you. What is your living situation, that may be adding to your problem!
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I do think Power 90 (NOT P90 X they are different programs) is a good place to start. I did Chalean after doing p90 myself.. I like Chalean because you are lifiting weights and building muscle.
    You need to make sure to follow the nutriton plans. Looking at your diary you are an all or nothing type of person but you have to make sure you eat the healthy foods but more of them so you eat at leasta net of 1200 per day of GOOD calories not easter choocolate and all that(in small qtys treats are ok)

    I wish you the best it's not easy but you will feel a lot better when you are eating right na doing the workouts together.