How honest is too honest?



  • maritza0486
    I am 25, my boyfriend is 23. We have been together 2 months and right away we began talking completely openly about our lives. For me, there is nothing to ever hide or hold back. I am fully outspoken, honest, and straightforward. Those things are key to any relationship. WIthout that, nothing can go well for too long. I believe this man is my soulmate and I will always be this way with him. What is the point of being fake? Tell it like it is people. Be yourself :)
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    After a bad flare up with my MS that left me pretty much incapable of doing anything for nearly a month, I learned to swallow most of my pride. I couldn't drive, lift most things, turn or twist due to a severe spasm in my neck and shoulders. Nothing is more humiliating than your spouse having to "clean" you after using the bathroom. That's the only time, I was grateful for never having normal female cycles. I think that would've killed me right there if he had to take care of me in that regard.
    So, nothing is secretive here.
  • musicoflife08
    I tell my fiance' EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. Lol. I'm only completely comfortable around him though. I always say, Babe, I have to poo. We sometimes even ask each other how our poo went. Lol! It's just something we think is hilarious. But he is also the guy who thinks there is nothing wrong with burping at the dinner table and doesn't understand why a bodily function needs to be excused, which I understand. But I grew up in a family where it was rude to do that, so I've had to compromise with him and ask him to excuse himself when he's with my family. When it's just us I could care less. Anyway, if you can't be open with the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, then what's the point, you know?
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    I fugure, once my husband has seen me push out a baby, there aint much point in hiding anything else.

    haha ya cuz you poop doing that too lol

    awe this has made me smile.. all the responses its fantasically unintentionally funny

    i'm really private even when no ones home i shut the bathroom door taking a shower or using the toilet so i dont do that in front of him just because its habitual for me to do that alone.
    But somehow even when I think i'm going to miss my period he knows when i'm going to get it even when im not pmsing its insane .. lol

    I still get a little pink in the cheeks when it comes to passing gas but lol it doesn't kill me i just laugh. I just wondered if i were the only weird one that's completely open with my bf about stuff like that
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    After a bad flare up with my MS that left me pretty much incapable of doing anything for nearly a month, I learned to swallow most of my pride. I couldn't drive, lift most things, turn or twist due to a severe spasm in my neck and shoulders. Nothing is more humiliating than your spouse having to "clean" you after using the bathroom. That's the only time, I was grateful for never having normal female cycles. I think that would've killed me right there if he had to take care of me in that regard.
    So, nothing is secretive here.

    kudos to you for your fight its good when bad things happen I suppose to feel comfortable asking for help or in his case not even waiting to be asked to help but just... doing it becasue it doesn't gross you out and you love that person .. its second nature.

    I'm always thankful when i get my period for the longest time due to stress and a horrible living situation Im sure my weight was a factor too i didn't get it for months at a time... but i'm always thankful because it can be scary no matter what to not get it... so its wonderful to be thankful for it... and at least i don't have to explain myself or my actions to him lol since he already knows when its coming lol crazy

    i also find less reason to have huge arguements because there's really not much that we hide
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    The longer we've been together, the more "honest" we've gotten. We don't really keep anything from one another, and I think it's common courtesy for him to know when my TOM is starting and ending.

    I also have a nurse for a mother, so things that might seem embarrassing to talk about are kind of commonplace to me because I grew up with that.