How did you discover mfp?



  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    It came to me in a dream after wandering for 6 days in the Mojave desert with a bottle of mineral water, 3 crisp new one dollar bills, and my lucky red spandex unitard. I was wavering, and the heat of the mid day sun was beating down upon my shoulders heavily in it's melodic ultraviolet assault. I stumbled upon a rock and started to sag down to my knees when I saw this shiny black rock, there was nothing special about the rock really, but I did see it. When I got up to resume my trek, a hazy bending of reality set itself upon me. GOD spoke to me then, he was standing there eating a Del Taco Macho Burrito, and he said unto me, "Mmmmffppp," and winked. It wasn't a kinky kind of wink, where one is sending innuendo into the nearest bedroom or bush as it were, it was more of a, "hey, you know what I mean," kind of wink, completely platonic. It took me by surprise, i immediately spit out the cactus that I had been chewing on and contemplated the depth of this profound statement he had directed at me.

    After I got out of the hospital (I had a little dehydration when the park rangers accosted me) I did a google search of that single word uttered through a Macho Burrito.. Mmmmffppp."
    LOL that is hillarious!!!! Great stuff!!!
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    It came to me in a dream after wandering for 6 days in the Mojave desert with a bottle of mineral water, 3 crisp new one dollar bills, and my lucky red spandex unitard. I was wavering, and the heat of the mid day sun was beating down upon my shoulders heavily in it's melodic ultraviolet assault. I stumbled upon a rock and started to sag down to my knees when I saw this shiny black rock, there was nothing special about the rock really, but I did see it. When I got up to resume my trek, a hazy bending of reality set itself upon me. GOD spoke to me then, he was standing there eating a Del Taco Macho Burrito, and he said unto me, "Mmmmffppp," and winked. It wasn't a kinky kind of wink, where one is sending innuendo into the nearest bedroom or bush as it were, it was more of a, "hey, you know what I mean," kind of wink, completely platonic. It took me by surprise, i immediately spit out the cactus that I had been chewing on and contemplated the depth of this profound statement he dehydration when the park rangers accosted me) I did a
    Mmmm DelTaco macho combo how I miss thee since I left california
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    It came to me in a dream after wandering for 6 days in the Mojave desert with a bottle of mineral water, 3 crisp new one dollar bills, and my lucky red spandex unitard. I was wavering, and the heat of the mid day sun was beating down upon my shoulders heavily in it's melodic ultraviolet assault. I stumbled upon a rock and started to sag down to my knees when I saw this shiny black rock, there was nothing special about the rock really, but I did see it. When I got up to resume my trek, a hazy bending of reality set itself upon me. GOD spoke to me then, he was standing there eating a Del Taco Macho Burrito, and he said unto me, "Mmmmffppp," and winked. It wasn't a kinky kind of wink, where one is sending innuendo into the nearest bedroom or bush as it were, it was more of a, "hey, you know what I mean," kind of wink, completely platonic. It took me by surprise, i immediately spit out the cactus that I had been chewing on and contemplated the depth of this profound statement he had directed at me.

    After I got out of the hospital (I had a little dehydration when the park rangers accosted me) I did a google search of that single word uttered through a Macho Burrito.. Mmmmffppp."

    That's how I discovered Mendocino Forest Products. The wink I got was a bit creepy, though.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    I was logging my calories in a planner i bought for a dollar at work and needed to know how many calories would be in one square of ghiradelli raspberry ... and just stumbled on it and though heh... this might be easier than trying to remember to write stuff down.
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    a ton of women on the justmommies message boards swear by MFP, I clicked on someone's ticker, to get my own...
  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    I found the blackberry ap and then saw it would synchronize with the site - I'm hooked ever since!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I heard about it from a bunch of people over at Livestrong forums *****ing about how the Droid App for Livestrong doesn't work, how you have to pay for it, and how Livestrong doesn't do crap to fix it, even though they have your money. They started mentioning this place and how much better it was, so I checked it out and joined!
  • AutumnisBSB
    AutumnisBSB Posts: 131 Member
    Android app on my phone
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    a referral from a friend :-)
  • cleckner04
    A parenting forum I'm on had quite a few mommies trying to lose weight and they recommended it. I'm super new to this place but it's already been amazing!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    From a friend.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,727 Member
    heard it from a friend
    ...who heard it from a friend
    ...who heard it from another
    ...who was messing around

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. Does anybody else remember REO Speedwagon? :tongue:
  • kelligonzales
    I had a friend that would post with it on and off for like a year and when i decieded i needed to do somthing i checked it out and glad i did
  • gardea
    gardea Posts: 75
    My brother told me about it. Best advice I ever got. Oh, and I totally love REO!!!
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I found the app for android. This was several months ago, then just recently when I decided to try losing weight again I decided to check out the site.
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    Like so many others, I was searching for a calorie counter on Google and this site popped up. The rest is history and it's looking to be nothing but good!
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I knew that logging my calories would be the thing that worked for me. I decided to write a website for personal use to do this. I searched the web for starter data and that lead me here. I saw that there was an iPod app, looked at the site, and decided to sign up. I think that the iPod app was the deciding factor to use this site rather than develop my own. Ironically, I almost never use the app because I love the website so much. I'm about to hit 110 days in a row logged in.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    My BFF told me about it.
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    On another message board I go to, someone had it in their signature.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I had decided that I was going to start exercising, and decided to browse through the apps on my Android phone (and iPod touch), and see if there were any health/fitness apps that might be cool to use. Found MFP's app, got on the website, and decided I might as well start counting calories eaten as well as burned...then, "hey - might as well lose a few pounds, too..."