Do you weigh yourself everyday



  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I weigh myself a couple times a day when I'm actively trying to lose weight. First thing in the morning, then a couple times in the evening. Weighing so often makes me accountable throughout the day, and because I weight myself regularly, I am familiar with my body's fluctuations. Like I know that almost always, I will be about 4 pounds heavier at night than in the morning, if I am maintaining my weight. So less than 4 pounds typically means I am on the verge of losing. That keeps me motivated, when I'm tempted to snack late at night.

    I also agree that weighing myself regularly gives more data points. If I were to only weigh myself once a week, and it happened to be on a day where there is a slight gain or no change, I know it would zap all my motivation. Weighing in regularly lets me be aware of the fluctuations, and know that there has been progress throughout the week. I only record it once a week though.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I weigh myself a couple times a day when I'm actively trying to lose weight. First thing in the morning, then a couple times in the evening. Weighing so often makes me accountable throughout the day, and because I weight myself regularly, I am familiar with my body's fluctuations. Like I know that almost always, I will be about 4 pounds heavier at night than in the morning, if I am maintaining my weight. So less than 4 pounds typically means I am on the verge of losing. That keeps me motivated, when I'm tempted to snack late at night.

    I also agree that weighing myself regularly gives more data points. If I were to only weigh myself once a week, and it happened to be on a day where there is a slight gain or no change, I know it would zap all my motivation. Weighing in regularly lets me be aware of the fluctuations, and know that there has been progress throughout the week. I only record it once a week though.

    Oh, now that is super interesting! I haven't really been weighing myself at night, but I think I may start to do that as well, so I can figure out on average how much heavier I am then. Very neat. Yay data!
  • michellemariescott
    michellemariescott Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself most mornings and post losses. Personally, I get more positive motivation than negative discouragement, even if there are fluctuations. I found it frustrating to only weigh once a week, because the odd time my weigh-in day was also the day my weight went up because of water retention or some indulgences the day before. I found that very depressing - felt like I had blown a whole week, even though that wasn't the case.
    I feel like daily weigh-ins give me a much better picture of my weight loss, but thats just me.
  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    I have always weighed myself almost daily. The only time I stopped was in the last two years while my weight creeped up into the overweight category. I knew it wasn't a number I wanted to see so I stopped weighing. Now that I'm back to a healthy weight, I will continue to weigh daily just to keep an eye on it. I don't expect to see a daily loss and don't freak out over fluctuations, but I can see how it would be harmful to some people to weigh daily. For me, if I don't make it a habit, then I start to let other bad habits (eating junk, failing to exercise regularly) creep in and I can stay in denial about what effect they are having on my body and health. It's a sign of my commitment to a healthy lifestyle to make regular weigh-ins a part of my habits.
  • lisam724
    lisam724 Posts: 58 Member
    I every morning about 15 min after I wake up right after I use the bathroom. I log once a week but I like to see what changes can happen !