It's my life not yours



  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I'd say join a gym ... it's usually the overweight people that are uncomfortable there because so many others are healthy and fit. I know I was at first but now I just do my thing and could care less what others are thinking:) I have never tried Curves but it never seemed like a good "workout" but more of a social thing. I could be wrong though, lol. You should be fine and don't let their jealousy get to you. You're right, it's your life:) Good luck with everything and keep us posted!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Hey pretty lady, pshhh!! Whatever! Dont you let these women get to you. I have the same kind of people at my gym. Some of these woman may be jealous because, as ive learned, you have an excellent personality and the body to match. You just focus on you because at the end of the day thats who you have to live with.

    Thank you for the nice comment. When I told my man about this, he thought maybe they were jealous too. That very well could be the case. Either way, I will say something to the manager if this keeps up. She has been very nice to me and understands why I am working out. She is thin too, but she still works out.
  • ANewton401
    ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
    Hey pretty lady, pshhh!! Whatever! Dont you let these women get to you. I have the same kind of people at my gym. Some of these woman may be jealous because, as ive learned, you have an excellent personality and the body to match. You just focus on you because at the end of the day thats who you have to live with.

    Thank you for the nice comment. When I told my man about this, he thought maybe they were jealous too. That very well could be the case. Either way, I will say something to the manager if this keeps up. She has been very nice to me and understands why I am working out. She is thin too, but she still works out.

    exactly, everyone has the right to be healthy.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    You may be correct that these busybodies at the gym had malicious intent.

    However, keep in mind that they may have meant well and genuinely been concerned. Odd that they went to the manager, instead of speaking to you directly, but their idea of 'healthy weight' and yours may be very, very different. It's possible they were actually worried.

    It's also possible though that they prefer their gym to be full of other people who have no real interest in working out and would rather use it as a meeting place for gossip and drama. So you sort of shook it up a bit by actually working out!

    A co-worker suggested this as well. I thought about it and just pretended it didn't happen in case this was why they said something. But getting dirty looks because the manager asks you if you had a good workout and you say "Yes I did! I burned enough calories to have the desert I really wanted" is not acceptable to me. Like I said in response to ANewton, I will go to the manager if I have to.
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I quit curves because of the cliques too. It was nothing but social hour most of the time and I had a hard time completing my circut with them in the way. I got tired of having to wait for people to stop talking and start moving. Some days I would leave more stressed out than when I came in. For the price it deffinately wasn't worth it. Maybe you could find another gym in the area, where they don't have a problem with people coming there to actually work out. Good luck:smile:
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I got all kinds of dirty looks and snide remarks when I tried Curves.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I live in South Central Pennsylvania. I joined Central Penn Fitness Center (don't know if any of you are from the same area and might find this useful). They are wonderful. They have a kids club that I can have my little ones in for up to 2 hours per day (though they're closed on Sundays, so that's usually grocery shopping day for me) with both morning and evening hours of operation. There's a smaller room by the locker rooms that has cardio and strength training equipment is that is reserved for women and seniors.

    I have this irrational fear of men and find unknown males to be terribly intimidating. They don't even have to say something or give me a dirty look, just being around them kinda makes me uncomfortable. It's really strange because most of my friends are males, but it's some weird quirk. I make a diligent effort to overcome it most of the time, but trying to get fit is stressful enough (especially with a 4 year old, a 1 year old, and a husband who's deployed with the air force currently) without dealing with this underlying fear I have. Sometimes if a piece of equipment in the women's/seniors' room is broken, or seems to be occupied, I'll head over to the general work out areas and use that equipment. I usually go in the late mornings (i'm a stay at home mom, thank god I don't have to deal with a job on top of the rest of this), so it's not that busy and I generally feel okay just for one machine.

    To the person who posted about their family, I feel you! With my family, every time it comes up that I'm working on a better lifestyle, they want to shove junk food down my throat. It's almost as bad as the times I've tried to quit smoking (if you don't want to quit, but can't afford a pack, just tell your smoker friends that you're quitting). It seems some people just need you to be unhappy too. It's like they need you to be worse off than them so they can look at you to feel better about themselves instead of actually trying to better themselves. Ugh! Glad I'm not alone with the family issue though.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Curves was better last night. I think it had something to do with the fact that the ladies that give me dirty looks weren't there! I also saw another "skinny" girl there. She mainly kept to herself, did the circuit, and then left. So, if she can keep going without caring what those other women think, then so can I. I might befriend her so then we have each other to rely on when those mean women are there.

    @Spayrroe, I understand your feeling of fear with unknown men. I have a little bit of fear as well since I have had two friends that have had bad encounters with unknown men. When in a setting with lots of people, I am usually ok, but I still get creeped out when men stare at me. I know it's a natural reaction for men to look at women and I generally find it a compliment if men give me a good glance, but for some reason I mostly get the creepy men that seem to be undressing me with their eyes. So, when that happens, I get really uncomfortable. That is the main reason I joined Curves. I wanted to be away from the creepy men.
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    I didn't want a gym because of all the people that have more weight to lose than me looking at me like I'm a freak for wanting to exercise, so I figured Curves would have women that maybe have the same goals as me.


    Go to a gym. No one will care. Most the people there will be more fit, anyway.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Am I the only one who wishes you had a profile pic to judge for myself whether you look like you have an ED or not?

    I'm smart enough to not ACTUALLY say such things to you b/c if you don’t have an ED then I believe you, no reason not to but whenever people start threads complaining that it sucks to be thin too I find it hard to believe when there is no photo to back up such coments.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Oh, just seeing it quoted reminds me, the thing about people looking at you at the gym like you're a freak. Sometimes when a really fit looking girl comes into the gym I give her a glance (though I try to be really discrete and not stare) and remind myself that eventually I can look like that, and that's why I'm there. lol. There's probably a healthy dose of envy in the look too, to be honest.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Oh, just seeing it quoted reminds me, the thing about people looking at you at the gym like you're a freak. Sometimes when a really fit looking girl comes into the gym I give her a glance (though I try to be really discrete and not stare) and remind myself that eventually I can look like that, and that's why I'm there. lol. There's probably a healthy dose of envy in the look too, to be honest.

    You have a good point. I am thin with what I call 15-20 lbs of fluff (more like 5-10 now) and I do look thinner with my workout clothes on (they're a pair of dark pants and a dark top...very slimming :smile: ). I'm already signed up for Curves for 12 months so I am going to stick it out. what you said also makes me think that maybe the "dirty" looks from the older women is actually a little bit of envy. Not so much envy for what I look like, but maybe they never had other women in their lives that told them you need to work at it when you're younger and keep at it, because it gets harder when you're older.