arezou_vancouver Posts: 39 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Hello all,

I need help with planning a low carb diet as I can''t even imagine a meal with out bread/rice/potatoes. How you all get full on low card diet? Any ideas on what's up with me and how to train my body to get full already with other stuff? Ideas on low card meals?

Thanks in advance,



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well, what do you mean by "low-carb"?

    I started my journey by halving my usual carbs - not cutting them out completely, or even to a difficult low level.

    I got away from cereal or toast based breakfast and instead have eggs, cheese, meat or porridge.

    I switched from a sandwich based lunch to a soup or salad based one.

    And for dinner I still had carbs, just not so many - 1 spoon of mashed potatoes instead of 2 or 3, 1 spoon of rice, less pasta etc.
  • lilybug13
    lilybug13 Posts: 154
    Eat a lot of meat and eggs
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    protein and healthy fats take the place of carbs in a LC lifestyle. Eat fat to stay satieted (avocados, coconut oil, etc) in the place of carbs.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Eat a TON of veggies and lean meats. I also like snacking on low sodium cheese sticks. I tried Atkins last summer for a couple months and eventually had to stop because it was way too low carb for me. However, the Atkins book is a really great read, and it'll help give you some ideas on how to proceed with a low carb diet! Good luck!! :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Raw veggies help fill you up and keep you full :)
  • arezou_vancouver
    arezou_vancouver Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks ladies, I am trying to cut the carb as MFP keeps warning me of it everyday ( I go over pretty much every day).
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What have you got it set to? And why?
  • samiko
    samiko Posts: 34
    I did Low Carb for 8 years...I would get very skinny eating low carb, and then when I went back to eating carbs again, gained it all back. The problem with low carb diets at least back in the day when I did it was it lacked portion control and frequency. If you are looking for a quick way to get thin before summer, sure it will work for you, but if you want something that is long term and something that is more realistic in any situation, look for an eating plan that is well rounded....MEANING you eat Carbs, Fats, and Proteins, teach you portion size so you can enjoy a full meal, and encourages light snacking to keep your blood sugar levels even throughout the day. Believe it or not you will still lose weight, and I think you will be happier not feeling deprived and you will also find it easier to maintain throughout your life!
  • arezou_vancouver
    arezou_vancouver Posts: 39 Member
    I did Low Carb for 8 years...I would get very skinny eating low carb, and then when I went back to eating carbs again, gained it all back. The problem with low carb diets at least back in the day when I did it was it lacked portion control and frequency. If you are looking for a quick way to get thin before summer, sure it will work for you, but if you want something that is long term and something that is more realistic in any situation, look for an eating plan that is well rounded....MEANING you eat Carbs, Fats, and Proteins, teach you portion size so you can enjoy a full meal, and encourages light snacking to keep your blood sugar levels even throughout the day. Believe it or not you will still lose weight, and I think you will be happier not feeling deprived and you will also find it easier to maintain throughout your life!

    Thanks Samiko :) that sounds fair and sustainable :)
  • arezou_vancouver
    arezou_vancouver Posts: 39 Member
    What have you got it set to? And why?

    I didn't set it myself...I don't think. I just signed up on MFP with my current weight and ideal goal.Will look into it further, my be I messed up on sth.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Hello all,

    I need help with planning a low carb diet as I can''t even imagine a meal with out bread/rice/potatoes. How you all get full on low card diet? Any ideas on what's up with me and how to train my body to get full already with other stuff? Ideas on low card meals?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi ya.
    We may be doing exactly what you're looking for.
    Check it out here:
    Good luck!
  • One thing that is a must is to plan what you eat and how much of it you eat every day.
    Moderation is key! No one is perfect though so every once in a while treat yourself...If you are having a problem going over your carbs then the best thing to do is to burn extra at the gym the days you feel like splurge eating a couple rolls at dinner.

    A motto i learned in my nutrition classes in college is: calories in vs calories out
    the calories you are taking in have to equal the calories you are expending throughout the day to maintain weight...so if you are wanting to lose weight you have to burn more than you are taking in.

    For the rest of the days keep a diet with a good source of lean meat. I usually prepare my meals for the next day the night before so i can just grab on the go...going to a fast food place is just too tempting not to splurge so i keep away.
    Here is a great webpage full of meats that are a great source of protein and low in saturated fats


    As for staying full plan healthy snacks throughout the day..foods high in fiber are great for making you feel full for longer so stick to those fruits and veggies such as
    1 cup of rasberries is 8g of fiber
    1 apple is 4.4 grams
    1 pear is 5.5grams
    1 cup of broccoli is 5.1 grams
    1 cup of split peas(cooked) is 16.3g of fiber

    Just remember carbs arent the enemy as long as they are taken in moderation :)
    Hope this helps and good luck :)
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    I personally found success with the the South Beach Diet. This diet is broken down into 3 stages. The first phase is very strict and will last 2 weeks (mainly eggs, cheese, lean meat, nuts, veggies, healthy fats). The 2nd phase will the be phase you will be on until you get down to your goal weight (add fruits and healthy grains) and the 3rd phase will be how you will live for the rest of your life.

    The first week or so you will be tired as your body gets used to the new sources of food. By the end of the 2nd week, I had the most energy I've ever had. The good thing about this diet is that you eat until you are full and you dont have to track anything. There are many low carb plans out there and how strict they can be.

    Here is a sample of what I ate for the first week (lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks)

    More information on the south beach diet

    This link will teach you more about Ketosis (low carb)

    Any helpful links I come across, I will post in my blog

    I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i aim for under 100 grams of carbs. for me, that is 25%-30% of my diet from carbs. i eat a lot of cheese and other protein. protein and fat help you feel full. i do 35%-40% protein and 30%-35% fat.

    i cut out cereal. on special occasions, i like special k cinnamon pecan, but i hate all the sugar that is added to processed cereal. i also cut out most of my bread, but that's because i didn't really like it anyway. i eat open-face sandwiches (only one slice of bread) and take half the bun off my burgers, etc. i still eat pasta, but i measure out the one (cooked) cup for a serving size. i try to use whole wheat grain pasta, which i think has a great nutty flavor but a slightly chewy texture.

    greek yogurt (i think the best kind is stonyfield okios with honey, but fage 2% with peach is nice), cottage cheese with a small amount of blueberries/raspberries/blackberries. lots of filling salads (3+ cups of lettuce/spinach). lots of veggies - try hummus for dipping. try grating or finely chopping them into spaghetti, tacos, sloppy joe's, burgers, etc. add mashed black beans and chopped portabello mushrooms to your meat for 'bulk'. remember that chicken and steak and pork and fish and eggs and cheese are your friends.

    make sure you get enough fiber! apples and peanut butter is a great snack - eat the skin. popcorn and white potatoes with skin have nice amounts. lentils, brown rice and squash do too. also, avocados and almonds.

    a glass of chocolate milk after a workout is great.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    What have you got it set to? And why?

    I didn't set it myself...I don't think. I just signed up on MFP with my current weight and ideal goal.Will look into it further, my be I messed up on sth.

    the mpf default on carbs is 55%. in my opinion, that is really high. if you are going over the 55%, you do need to lower your carb intake, but you will not be eat 'low carb'. :)
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I've cut out most breads, pastas, and potatoes/rice. I just add in more veggies and lean meats. Tonight, instead of having my chicken and mushrooms with quinoa, I cooked an extra artichoke, and had 3. Or for my lunches, instead of having two pieces of 100 calorie, HIGH carb bread, I use the sandwich thins, add alfalfa sprouts, have a salad or another cooked veggie on the size, and I'm full. And remember that fruits have a lot of carbs, so that will add to your daily total as well.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    protein and healthy fats take the place of carbs in a LC lifestyle. Eat fat to stay satieted (avocados, coconut oil, etc) in the place of carbs.

    This!! I eat animal fats and coconut oil to get full and stay full. Vegetables help to fill you up and keep you full also.

    So, include ample fats (animal fats, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, maybe add some olive oil). Snack on fresh, raw veggies - if you can have dairy products then get some sour cream and make yourself a decandent ranch dip. I have some recipes.........

    Drink lots of water, herbal and green teas. Black coffee.

    The best thing that also helps me out is to stay away from added sugar and artificial sweeteners. They cause great hunger in me.
  • protein and healthy fats take the place of carbs in a LC lifestyle. Eat fat to stay satieted (avocados, coconut oil, etc) in the place of carbs.

    This!! I eat animal fats and coconut oil to get full and stay full. Vegetables help to fill you up and keep you full also.

    So, include ample fats (animal fats, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, maybe add some olive oil). Snack on fresh, raw veggies - if you can have dairy products then get some sour cream and make yourself a decandent ranch dip. I have some recipes.........

    Drink lots of water, herbal and green teas. Black coffee.

    The best thing that also helps me out is to stay away from added sugar and artificial sweeteners. They cause great hunger in me.

    All of these things sound great but I would be careful taking in animal fat as a way to get nutrition.
    Based on a 2000 daily caloric intake you should only consume 20 grams of saturated fats. If you constantly are going over your bodys need for saturated fats the liver can no longer clean the blood of the saturated fats causing clogged arteries over time. Butterfat foods such as sour cream, ice cream, milk....ect should be monitored and taken in moderation
    ex: sour cream has 14 grams of butter fat per 4oz serving thats only 6 grams short of an average daily intake

    GREAT video about effects of animal fat
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    protein and healthy fats take the place of carbs in a LC lifestyle. Eat fat to stay satieted (avocados, coconut oil, etc) in the place of carbs.

    This!! I eat animal fats and coconut oil to get full and stay full. Vegetables help to fill you up and keep you full also.

    So, include ample fats (animal fats, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, maybe add some olive oil). Snack on fresh, raw veggies - if you can have dairy products then get some sour cream and make yourself a decandent ranch dip. I have some recipes.........

    Drink lots of water, herbal and green teas. Black coffee.

    The best thing that also helps me out is to stay away from added sugar and artificial sweeteners. They cause great hunger in me.

    All of these things sound great but I would be careful taking in animal fat as a way to get nutrition.
    Based on a 2000 daily caloric intake you should only consume 20 grams of saturated fats. If you constantly are going over your bodys need for saturated fats the liver can no longer clean the blood of the saturated fats causing clogged arteries over time. Butterfat foods such as sour cream, ice cream, milk....ect should be monitored and taken in moderation
    ex: sour cream has 14 grams of butter fat per 4oz serving thats only 6 grams short of an average daily intake

    GREAT video about effects of animal fat

    There is no evidence that saturated fats are bad for us and they are natural occurring. There is no evidence that saturated fats cause heart disease and quite the contrary, heart disease is caused from chronic inflammation.

    I have almost completely cut out dairy products and use a bit of butter from time to time, but most of my saturated fat comes from animal fats (like coconut oil, chicken skin and fat on my steak, etc). I may also eat some full fat greek yogurt on occasion. I don't like the extra mucus, phlegm and yuck that dairy causes me to have. I also have far less seasonal allergy symptoms since cutting out most dairy products. I am not a cheese lover either, so I don't have it very often.

    Here is some reading I have done in regards to saturated fats...........




  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I would say make your way over to a topic called 70% fat - Paleo diet. Lots of information on the subject from both sides. It's right on the food and nutrition forum
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