Any Endomondo users out there? =)



  • wdrake98
    wdrake98 Posts: 8 Member
  • Scott15Fit
    My details are:
    If anyone wants to add me. Especially in Australia.
  • clk1255
    clk1255 Posts: 3 Member
    Using Endomondo with my FitBit. But when I try to hike a trail where it is constantly searching for GPS, eats battery up in no time. Went for a hike on a favorite trail and phone died within first 2 miles, whereas with My Tracks it charted whole trail. Using HTC Sensation. Used My Tracks for quite a while to map out trails but it won't share info with other two. Ahhh technology, gotta love it!
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Love Endomondo! I've had it for a couple years now, but only recently started really using it. I don't have an HRM to use with it and I live in Michigan so I don't use it much in Winter, but once Spring, Summer comes around I hope to be using it often. I love that it now syncs up with MFP... No more entering in cardio. (I have a personal assistant for that now.) ;-)
  • clk1255
    clk1255 Posts: 3 Member
    I have same problem with Endomondo. Think it must be from it constantly using GPS.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    I recently upgraded from the free app to the paid PRO endomondo app and am using the 'low power' mode on it all the time when I'm out running. It's fab and doesn't eat my battery much at all, even with the gps on! <- if you want to add me? I'd love to have active friends on endomondo too!

    Thanks :)