Male Perspective

I have known many women who struggle with eating disorders. They mostly stem from two things: body dysmorphia (look it up) and being able to control at least one thing about their life when everything else is out of control. I'm more like my father, the perennial 12-year-old who, when asked if he has an eating disorder, answers affirmatively then shoves food into his forehead.

I have a special message for all you women out there. 99% of all heterosexual men think this woman is disgustingly emaciated. Even if it may offend, I want to drive the point home by saying that she looks like a concentration camp victim, except of course that she's prancing around in a bikini. Observe the look on her face, like she's the ***** of the universe. That kills any attraction for the remaining 1%, who prefer demure pretzel women.


My advice to young ladies who see this picture and think "oh, I am so fat" is this: only about 30% of you are actually fat, according to the statistics I just made up in my own mind. The rest of you are just fine the way you are. You are not in competition with other women. The simple truth is that not every man is attracted to the same kind of woman, or the same look. Some prefer blondes, some brunettes, some redheads or auburn. Some men actually prefer women who are overweight. Many men actually like it when a woman's stomach plumps out a little near the waistline. Perhaps this is a hard-wired biological response akin to being pleased with the look of a pregnant wife.

Not only that, but personality can go a long way. In fact, a good personality and being fun to hang out with are so important to a man that I recommend you switch gears. Instead of starving yourself to death...chill...go with the flow. Realize now that this woman is in a love/hate relationship with her body and do not follow her down the path to becoming a leathery husk of bones.

(taken from


  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I have known many women who struggle with eating disorders. They mostly stem from two things: body dysmorphia (look it up) and being able to control at least one thing about their life when everything else is out of control. I'm more like my father, the perennial 12-year-old who, when asked if he has an eating disorder, answers affirmatively then shoves food into his forehead.

    I have a special message for all you women out there. 99% of all heterosexual men think this woman is disgustingly emaciated. Even if it may offend, I want to drive the point home by saying that she looks like a concentration camp victim, except of course that she's prancing around in a bikini. Observe the look on her face, like she's the ***** of the universe. That kills any attraction for the remaining 1%, who prefer demure pretzel women.


    My advice to young ladies who see this picture and think "oh, I am so fat" is this: only about 30% of you are actually fat, according to the statistics I just made up in my own mind. The rest of you are just fine the way you are. You are not in competition with other women. The simple truth is that not every man is attracted to the same kind of woman, or the same look. Some prefer blondes, some brunettes, some redheads or auburn. Some men actually prefer women who are overweight. Many men actually like it when a woman's stomach plumps out a little near the waistline. Perhaps this is a hard-wired biological response akin to being pleased with the look of a pregnant wife.

    Not only that, but personality can go a long way. In fact, a good personality and being fun to hang out with are so important to a man that I recommend you switch gears. Instead of starving yourself to death...chill...go with the flow. Realize now that this woman is in a love/hate relationship with her body and do not follow her down the path to becoming a leathery husk of bones.

    (taken from
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    It is really nice to get a guys perspective!! It is sad when society pushes ultra thin. I am so thankful that I have a husband who is okay with curves...(tho probably not THIS MANY curves ÜÜ). You are a gem of a guy and a blessing to have on MFP! Thanks for all your insight and wisdom!!!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Looking at the photo of the women makes me feel sad and vaguely nauseous. The thing is, any able-minded person can look at her and tell something is terribly wrong there, and yet she's walking a runway, being paid a hefty sum to show off that bikini. SOmeone needs to wake up and realize that putting the bikini on a regular sized woman, saya size 4 to 12, would sell a lot more bikinis than that 000.
    Thanks for posting the opinion. I think most women agree that being THAT thin is simply wrong.
  • klikittyklak
    Oh god, I agree with you. I would rather I look like I do now than look like I am on the verge of death by starvation!

    But thank you, you said very nice things and it's wonderful to hear them from a guy. :smile:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ick! This heterosexual woman thinks the woman in the pic is disgustingly emaciated too. I agree with you that some men like overweight women. My son is one of them. He's always been attracted to heavier women. I've never in my life wanted to be that skinny. I want a little padding on me and some curves but just not quite as much as I have right now. :smile: Thanks for the male perspective.
  • our5cooks
    our5cooks Posts: 77 Member
    LOL Thank you for a males view! That picture is disgusting!!!!
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    As you said there are different reasons for this behaviour; just want to say that not all the thin bodies are on purpose daughter who is soon to be 28 has suffered from an eating disorder (amongst other things) since the age of 12. She doesn't know why. It has been only in the last year that she has it stabilised, through joining a self help group, Food Addicts in Recovery,.....Food still controls her life to an extent but at least I know she is not swinging from overweight to skeletal and back again now which is a godsend.
    She makes me proud as she has also conquered her alcohol addiction (2 years with AA) and this year given up smoking and her coke(drink!)/caffeine addiction as well. I think it shows great strength of mind to do all this and I love her to bits.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink

    Personally I've never understood the "stick figure thin" trend. I suppose alot of it has to do with what we are shown through the media. Sometimes I feel like the definition of beauty has been twisted so much into something unnatural and unattainable, instead of just being healthy and normal, that it's almost impossible to feel attractive. :frown:

    It's nice to be reminded that wanting to be just average and healthy is okay.

    Thanks for the post. ^__^
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Thanks for the post/perspective
    When I saw the pic of this woman on the runway, it gave me chills
    I think it is JUST AWFUL that the fashion industry can call this woman a model and think it's OK for her to prance down the runway...
    Model thin is one thing.....this is a step further (IMO)
    Maybe I should pass judgement, but I would almost bet my right hand, she isn't naturally this thin...

    Sad :(

  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    I so wanted to puke when I saw that photo! Believe me, ladies, that abso is NOT attractive, I don't care *what* society and the media are telling you! I decidedly like "all the right curves in all the right places"! And so does just about every other guy I know. In fact, I have NEVER heard any guy tell me that he wants some woman that looks like Skeletor, so don't friggin believe it girls.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    But I wanna be that thin (whining). The glamour of eating one pretzel a day with a baby bottle full of water so I can parade around in less than my daughter's pull up covers just seems so, well, i don't know.. Hollywoodish...

    Just kidding. I just want to be comfortable when I walk in front of a mirror naked. And of course I
    wanna look hot in my bunker gear for my husband...
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    uh...yea..that chick needs a hamburger:) lol j/k but seriously. Women need to understand that as long as they are healthy eaters, exercisers, and Proud of who they are emotionally ...they will be allright.
    thanx for that post Sarge.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    some women are just naturally thin-believe me because I have grown up in a family of naturally very tall, very thin women-my sister is one of them (and there are guys that like that). i am not going to hate on her or any other very thin person. they has issues too.

    and some guys like girls with body...
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I think we need to remind ourselves too that AVERAGE is good not only when it comes to our figures but in every aspect when it comes to our appearences. We will never have sexy lips like Julia Roberts or eyes like Angelina Jolie. We need to be happy with who we are. I personally Have had to learn to love every stretch mark, every blemish, every cellulite bump..... and to know i am beautiful even if i dont resemble any sort of model or actress....

    I was watching this the other day on youtube and thought it was interesting.... remember also all the pics you see in the magazines are photoshoped
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    So funny,I just had this conversation with someone today...why do women want to be so thin? I think it's because we are in such competition with other women. Also, we are very critical of ourselves and thus critical of others. I am repulsed by people who are obese. There I said it. I am. This is due mainly out of fear that I'll ever become that out of control. Even though I've struggled with wanting too much of other things in my past, overeating shows. I have been taught by the media that thin is beautiful. I don't want to be thin in order to impress a man, I want to be thinner because I do not want to be put into that category of the typical fat American. Being a healthy weight is a sign of self control, discipline, and "having your **** together." This doesn't mean that all healthy women have their **** together, but in our society appearances are everything. There are assumptions made about all of us based on our looks no matter how we try to deny it. I don't want to be passed up for a job because someone thinks I will sit on the internet all day and stuff cookies in my mouth. Not that all overweight people do this, but like I said, appearances say a lot. I know some people have medical conditions, etc that cause them to gain. But no one asks you that when they first lay eyes on you. The assumption is already there. At the end of the day, I want to feel comfortable with myself. I will never be 5'8 and 135. My body is not meant to do that. But I can be 5'8 and 155 and look fantastic. I'm really trying to get there. Who knows, there will probably be someone who thinks that my goal weight is not thin enough. I don't care. That's what's best for me. I don't mean to offend anyone, that's not my intention, I'm just being painfully honest.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    I think we need to remind ourselves too that AVERAGE is good not only when it comes to our figures but in every aspect when it comes to our appearences. We will never have sexy lips like Julia Roberts or eyes like Angelina Jolie. We need to be happy with who we are. I personally Have had to learn to love every stretch mark, every blemish, every cellulite bump..... and to know i am beautiful even if i dont resemble any sort of model or actress....

    I was watching this the other day on youtube and thought it was interesting.... remember also all the pics you see in the magazines are photoshoped
    :noway: wowzers
    thats wow!
    has anyone ever told you you look like this chick, coz i think you do

    anyway... kudos on the brilliant post sarge!
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I think we need to remind ourselves too that AVERAGE is good not only when it comes to our figures but in every aspect when it comes to our appearences. We will never have sexy lips like Julia Roberts or eyes like Angelina Jolie. We need to be happy with who we are. I personally Have had to learn to love every stretch mark, every blemish, every cellulite bump..... and to know i am beautiful even if i dont resemble any sort of model or actress....

    I was watching this the other day on youtube and thought it was interesting.... remember also all the pics you see in the magazines are photoshoped

    That's freakin awesome. (Now everyone knows my secrets to lookin' so hawt!!! OH NOES!!! :noway: )

    *Actually, I just wish I could photoshop like that, that person was amazing, lol*
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I think we need to remind ourselves too that AVERAGE is good not only when it comes to our figures but in every aspect when it comes to our appearences. We will never have sexy lips like Julia Roberts or eyes like Angelina Jolie. We need to be happy with who we are. I personally Have had to learn to love every stretch mark, every blemish, every cellulite bump..... and to know i am beautiful even if i dont resemble any sort of model or actress....

    I was watching this the other day on youtube and thought it was interesting.... remember also all the pics you see in the magazines are photoshoped
    :noway: wowzers
    thats wow!
    has anyone ever told you you look like this chick, coz i think you do

    anyway... kudos on the brilliant post sarge!

    I look like her???? really?

    Thats a really awesome dove video, i have seen it before but it puts things into perspective.... what we see in comercials n stuff isnt reality
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I think we need to remind ourselves too that AVERAGE is good not only when it comes to our figures but in every aspect when it comes to our appearences. We will never have sexy lips like Julia Roberts or eyes like Angelina Jolie. We need to be happy with who we are. I personally Have had to learn to love every stretch mark, every blemish, every cellulite bump..... and to know i am beautiful even if i dont resemble any sort of model or actress....

    I was watching this the other day on youtube and thought it was interesting.... remember also all the pics you see in the magazines are photoshoped

    That's freakin awesome. (Now everyone knows my secrets to lookin' so hawt!!! OH NOES!!! :noway: )

    *Actually, I just wish I could photoshop like that, that person was amazing, lol*

    Neat eh?!?!?!
    I have never used photoshop before but i had no idea that they could do so much with it.... on youtube they also have video of how they make fat people skinny with photoshop... its neat to see ..... scarry too

  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Great videos all.