

  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member

    ...Months of produce and turning down delicious junk food... months of eating raw this and boring that...

    I don't know how to explain your 10 lb. gain, except to suggest that in addition to weighing yourself, you should take measurements, to know for sure if the changes you FEEL are in your head or real. My instinct tells me they're real. I'd also go back to weighing weekly for a few weeks to see what trend the scale shows.

    But, your statement above makes it sound like you don't really LIKE the changes you're making to what you eat on a daily basis. I'd suggest that you incorporate a little more moderation, so that you can feel satisfied in your body and in your head with what you're eating.

    Thank you! I do like all of the foods I'm eating (thank goodness!), and am now even at the point where I feel really off if I don't consume lots of fresh vegetables throughout the day. However, you're right, as I am still having a terrible time turning down the bad stuff. I am most definitely a food addict and cave in too often - especially because it takes sooo long and sooo much work to get even the tiniest results. So, I am going to try this "moderation" creature you all speak of and see if maybe that will help me turn it down more often in the long run. Thanks so much!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    swayne, been there done that as well......Ive stopped losing this year, plateaued I guess, not sure

    but Im now able and do up to 3 hours of workouts a day, 6 days a week. Couldnt have even tried that last year this time. I can also , now, see muscles instead of flab, took off 17 inches in my waist, so I lost inches instead of the pounds for the time being.......its discouring for sure, but I can feel the difference in my clothes, and the ability to work out for a much longer period of time , as opposed only being able to have originally worked out 10 mins or so......Ive come a long way

    dont believe your scale, its there just to keep you in the ball park. For me, I stopped weighing, it got me so pissed that it began to sabatogue my weight loss.....I go every day, except Sundays to the gym for 2 - 3 hours of work outs ,and like I said, this time last year, I couldnt come anywheres close to the amount of time I put in now. My gym work outs are my scale

    I also used to have exercise induced asthma, but all my symptoms are now gone, as well as my high blood pressure , and I dont have to use my relief inhaler to run, its what I used for one year , to be able to stay on a tread mill or eliptical for 2 hours now......I love cardio.

    I know its upsetting not to see the results on the scale, but there are other indicators of a good weight loss.....Just being able to walk and not have to catch my breath is great. I can walk for miles now, up and down stairs, am not out of breath, I sleep great and thru the whole nite, and I dont have to go to special Mens stores to buy my previous size ( 52) inch waisted pants.....Im wearing 34 inch waist pants now. See, these are all victories of my weight loss. I havent lost any weight this year, but its all going to add up in the end......I need to lose 20 more lbs and when it happens, whoa......great, but Im getting healthier just trying........Best wishes, Lloyd

    p.s, You may want to include sodium in your menu MFP Chart ........youd be blown away if you only knew how much sodium you are retaining when you eat processed foods.....that is what was killing me until I put sodium in my menu make up......

    Thanks!! What a great story - good for you! - and a good idea to add sodium to my nutrition. I really haven't been paying attention, because I don't really add salt or seasonings. But you may be onto something there. Thank you!!!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I have no advice other than I wish you the very best of luck!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I have no advice other than I wish you the very best of luck!

    Thank you! I need lots of luck!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Just an added note for myself (and anyone interested): Now that I have been documenting and paying very close attention to all I'm doing, I see several mistakes I've been making. I feel like someone else doing what I am would succeed, but something about my body chemistry (or even something psychological) rejects the goodness and fights to keep the comfy, cozy fat it's grown to love. So, I have to accept that it's going to be much harder (and as unfair as it is, there are people out there like me or worse) and keep at it until I get the health I deserve.
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    You said you feel lighter? Did you take starting measurements? If so, what are your measurements now?
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    You said you feel lighter? Did you take starting measurements? If so, what are your measurements now?

    I did end up taking my measurements, but it wasn't until after all the (my) confusion. So, I have no idea what they were before. I'm going to take them again about a month after the first ones, which I think will be around May 20th, and see if there's a difference.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Has anyone had experience with DHEA? Should I post this as a new topic?

    My HRM seems to think I'm burning way more calories than I'm consuming overall. Even the treats I have every couple of days aren't putting me over my calorie goal, and I'm exercising off the ones that do. The HRM says I burn a minimum of 1920 calories a day (that's if I were to sit in a chair for 16 hours; it's calculated well more than that every day I've worn it). I just did a report for the last 90 days, and only four or five were over 1800 calories. This means by all rights and means I should be losing weight. I swear to you, MFP, that I am not cheating. I log all the crap foods along with the good stuff. I may miss a morsel here and there, but it's maybe one thing a week that I've forgotten or didn't notice. So, what gives? Yesterday morning (prior to all the junk) I was so swollen, I could barely fit into my pants. Something's not right.

    Could it be the DHEA? I started taking it a few months ago, thinking it would increase my energy and help with the weight loss. I was only taking half a 25mg pill per day, until recently when I went to a whole one. Cue the swelling and irritability. A-ha! Could this little *kitten* have been the culprit all this time?
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    Has anyone had experience with DHEA? Should I post this as a new topic?

    My HRM seems to think I'm burning way more calories than I'm consuming overall. Even the treats I have every couple of days aren't putting me over my calorie goal, and I'm exercising off the ones that do. The HRM says I burn a minimum of 1920 calories a day (that's if I were to sit in a chair for 16 hours; it's calculated well more than that every day I've worn it). I just did a report for the last 90 days, and only four or five were over 1800 calories. This means by all rights and means I should be losing weight. I swear to you, MFP, that I am not cheating. I log all the crap foods along with the good stuff. I may miss a morsel here and there, but it's maybe one thing a week that I've forgotten or didn't notice. So, what gives? Yesterday morning (prior to all the junk) I was so swollen, I could barely fit into my pants. Something's not right.

    Could it be the DHEA? I started taking it a few months ago, thinking it would increase my energy and help with the weight loss. I was only taking half a 25mg pill per day, until recently when I went to a whole one. Cue the swelling and irritability. A-ha! Could this little *kitten* have been the culprit all this time?

    I dont know what DHEA is so I'm sorry that I dont have any advice for you, the only other thing I can think of is getting in touch with Newfiedan, and TrainingWithTanya, here on MFP . They both have a great deal of knowledge (personal experience, and schooling) and perhaps they can take a peek at your diaries and can come up with some ways to get your going. good luck, and cant wait to check in with you again.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Has anyone had experience with DHEA? Should I post this as a new topic?

    My HRM seems to think I'm burning way more calories than I'm consuming overall. Even the treats I have every couple of days aren't putting me over my calorie goal, and I'm exercising off the ones that do. The HRM says I burn a minimum of 1920 calories a day (that's if I were to sit in a chair for 16 hours; it's calculated well more than that every day I've worn it). I just did a report for the last 90 days, and only four or five were over 1800 calories. This means by all rights and means I should be losing weight. I swear to you, MFP, that I am not cheating. I log all the crap foods along with the good stuff. I may miss a morsel here and there, but it's maybe one thing a week that I've forgotten or didn't notice. So, what gives? Yesterday morning (prior to all the junk) I was so swollen, I could barely fit into my pants. Something's not right.

    Could it be the DHEA? I started taking it a few months ago, thinking it would increase my energy and help with the weight loss. I was only taking half a 25mg pill per day, until recently when I went to a whole one. Cue the swelling and irritability. A-ha! Could this little *kitten* have been the culprit all this time?

    I dont know what DHEA is so I'm sorry that I dont have any advice for you, the only other thing I can think of is getting in touch with Newfiedan, and TrainingWithTanya, here on MFP . They both have a great deal of knowledge (personal experience, and schooling) and perhaps they can take a peek at your diaries and can come up with some ways to get your going. good luck, and cant wait to check in with you again.

    Thank you! It was definitely the DHEA. I stopped taking it, gave the supply to my parents (who are both taking it with great results, so go figure), and already feel a lot better. I'm going to update my progress in another couple/few weeks when my self image isn't so fragile.

    I will check out those folks and see if they have any advice. Thanks so much for your support!!!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    So, yeah. Sorry, gang, but guess what. Here we are, months after what I thought was an issue with DHEA supplement. Turns out, that may not be the case. I've made all the suggested adjustments here: more good stuff, HRM, no supplements, not habitually eating back exercise calories, lowering my calorie limit from around 1800 to 1510 (and today down to 1450, because I updated my height by half an inch - who knew it mattered?)...

    I was curious about how far I've come. *disgusted scoff*

    I just went back to 5 weeks ago, June 29th, and checked my food diary. I selected the complete this entry option to see what it predicted. This would be a very boring story if the prediction was correct.

    It was not correct. It was not even close.

    June 29th predicted, if every day were like that day, that I would weigh 183.2 pounds today. Guess what. I'm back up to 190. I'm not going to update my profile with that nonsense at the moment, but that's the case.

    So, I went on to see the next day. June 30th believes I'll weigh 182.5 pounds by tomorrow. Uh-huh.

    So, you know what I did? I went through every day for the last 5 weeks, and completed the entries. Then I went through the 5 weeks previous to June 29th, and you guessed it, completed the entries.

    And do you know what?

    All but two days on each side (four total) predicted a five to ten pound weight loss in the following 5 weeks. That means I should be between 172 and 182.

    I am 190. I have lost four pounds, and gained back two... doing exactly what MFP thinks should have produced a bowling ball or two of weight loss.

    The only daily medication I take is Zyrtec. Almost daily, I take a multi-vitamin and a fiber tablet That's it. So, there are no pills hindering my weight loss. Logging errors? Nope. I put down everything, even when I'm ashamed of it - (if you look at my diary, there are plenty of embarrassing items, like the way too many ice creams I had the other day because it was too hot out). But those are seldom, and included in my logged calories. Even if I missed a handful of days or items, it wouldn't account for the huge difference I'm seeing. I should be 5 - 20 pounds lighter than I am right now

    I have no money for a doctor right now, but am seriously baffled. So, before I do anything crazy like make an appointment I can't afford, I'm asking here.

    Now, I'm willing to start off and say maybe my body doesn't burn through junk food or processed food calories at the same rate as other foods. But even so, overall, I eat a lot of good stuff, and raw stuff. Could those few items really be enough to sabotage my whole lifestyle? I don't have it very often, and when I do I either stay under in calories or exercise it away.

    What could I possibly still be doing so incorrectly that it's causing me this much trouble? Is my body not burning as many calories as MFP thinks? Could she be hanging onto exercise calories somehow (I've been using an HRM, so that should be accurate), afraid to let the weight go? I don't make a habit of eating back the exercise calories, but it has happened on occasion.

    I must again ask, W.T.H and what gives???
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    *Bump* Just trying to avoid posting a new topic.

    (I should have posted this at a more reasonable hour, when folks were on MFP to see it.)
  • Rockindreamer
    I just went and looked at your diary, over the course of the past month you are consistently over in sodium. Sodium is the worst weight loss sabatoger. I would really look at sodium content in the things you are eating. Also watch your carbs, saw those went into the red pretty often too. The only thing in red should be protein (make sure you are getting lots of lean proteins. It promotes muscle health which burns calories more efficiently.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I just went and looked at your diary, over the course of the past month you are consistently over in sodium. Sodium is the worst weight loss sabatoger. I would really look at sodium content in the things you are eating. Also watch your carbs, saw those went into the red pretty often too. The only thing in red should be protein (make sure you are getting lots of lean proteins. It promotes muscle health which burns calories more efficiently.

    Thanks! I'll admit I don't pay attention to carbs. I'll watch for that.

    Hmm... from what I see on mine, the daily limit shows 2,500mg of sodium, and I only went over 5 days between July 4th and August 4th. I'm not seeing much over when I run a 90 day report either. I wonder why when you look at it, it shows consistently over... Is 2500mgs too high of a limit, and that's why I'm appearing to be over to you?
  • zlopera
    zlopera Posts: 5
    I couldn't help but notice your original post (gained 10lbs). I saw two things that stood out to me, one was you sit for hours and the other was your change in eating healthier foods. I presume your doing all things right but are you really getting enough exercise for the new foods you have introduced to your body. I can only share my experience: I followed MFP for 7 weeks and got nothing but 1lb more. From having tried many diets over the last 2 years, I know i can loose the weight but if I have to eat exactly what a diet tells me to for life -- success plumets and weight slowly comes back. I want to eat my heatlhier choices, now in my lifestyle for the last 10 years, and not feel boxed in to "planning" every meal. I don't recommend anyone eat 1200 calories but never say never. My BMR calories, based off of Bally's 6,7, 8 Plan, are 1876 and I took 500 caloreis away to loose 1lb a week. From my new total of 1376, I calculated exercise that would burn another 500 calories 6 days a week (one day off). Now, I do believe if you are pumping iron to bulid muscle mass you will need to eat the addtional calories MFP encourages you to, but if you are not and you are just exercising yet not killing yourself ---then you may not need to eat them. I don't feel weak, I have energy and I can now breath in my clothes again. I sweat when I workout and my heart rate is elevated but I am never fully out of breath. My workouts are either walking 4 miles daily when possible (about 1.5hrs) or I get on an elliptical for 60min (again moving but not killing myself). I noticed this type of reptitive low lean muscle producing movement - burns calories for me. I don't diary my exercise and I just try to keep to 1376 calories. As I loose weight, I plan on adjusting the process as if I were starting over. So far I've lost 6lbs in 3 weeks: first 3lbs, then 1lb, then 2lbs. I eat high protein low carb naturally all my life but if I am ever hungry or out of calories I will let myself eat a salad w/1TB dressing or apples - which isn't often. Before, I was only getting 30min of ellipitical daily with one long walk on one of the weekend days and eating the calorie intake MFP recommended. This did not work for me. Since I am now eating foods I would normally eat anyway, staying successful for life should be easy. If I know a party or a McDonald's craving is coming up then I try to incorporate additional exercise to allow for it but not gain weight from it. Maybe more or longer low impact workouts could be a key for you. Keep updating us.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    So, yeah. Sorry, gang, but guess what. Here we are, months after what I thought was an issue with DHEA supplement. Turns out, that may not be the case. I've made all the suggested adjustments here: more good stuff, HRM, no supplements, not habitually eating back exercise calories, lowering my calorie limit from around 1800 to 1510 (and today down to 1450, because I updated my height by half an inch - who knew it mattered?)...

    I was curious about how far I've come. *disgusted scoff*

    I just went back to 5 weeks ago, June 29th, and checked my food diary. I selected the complete this entry option to see what it predicted. This would be a very boring story if the prediction was correct.

    It was not correct. It was not even close.

    June 29th predicted, if every day were like that day, that I would weigh 183.2 pounds today. Guess what. I'm back up to 190. I'm not going to update my profile with that nonsense at the moment, but that's the case.

    So, I went on to see the next day. June 30th believes I'll weigh 182.5 pounds by tomorrow. Uh-huh.

    So, you know what I did? I went through every day for the last 5 weeks, and completed the entries. Then I went through the 5 weeks previous to June 29th, and you guessed it, completed the entries.

    And do you know what?

    All but two days on each side (four total) predicted a five to ten pound weight loss in the following 5 weeks. That means I should be between 172 and 182.

    I am 190. I have lost four pounds, and gained back two... doing exactly what MFP thinks should have produced a bowling ball or two of weight loss.

    The only daily medication I take is Zyrtec. Almost daily, I take a multi-vitamin and a fiber tablet That's it. So, there are no pills hindering my weight loss. Logging errors? Nope. I put down everything, even when I'm ashamed of it - (if you look at my diary, there are plenty of embarrassing items, like the way too many ice creams I had the other day because it was too hot out). But those are seldom, and included in my logged calories. Even if I missed a handful of days or items, it wouldn't account for the huge difference I'm seeing. I should be 5 - 20 pounds lighter than I am right now

    I have no money for a doctor right now, but am seriously baffled. So, before I do anything crazy like make an appointment I can't afford, I'm asking here.

    Now, I'm willing to start off and say maybe my body doesn't burn through junk food or processed food calories at the same rate as other foods. But even so, overall, I eat a lot of good stuff, and raw stuff. Could those few items really be enough to sabotage my whole lifestyle? I don't have it very often, and when I do I either stay under in calories or exercise it away.

    What could I possibly still be doing so incorrectly that it's causing me this much trouble? Is my body not burning as many calories as MFP thinks? Could she be hanging onto exercise calories somehow (I've been using an HRM, so that should be accurate), afraid to let the weight go? I don't make a habit of eating back the exercise calories, but it has happened on occasion.

    I must again ask, W.T.H and what gives???

    It honestly sounds like you need a good blood work-up. It truly sounds likes a potential underlying health cause, and I'd even venture a guess that it's a thyroid issue. I know you say you don't have the $$$ for a doctor, but when you do, I would definitely suggest a full check-up.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    Oops hit reply too soon. I also wanted to add that you seem to be eating quite a bit of processed foods. I recommend more whole foods (the less that comes in a cardboard box- the better). I know, here in my 30s also, I really need to focus on lean proteins, fruits, veggies, good fats and minimize the carbs (not eliminate--but less than 100 grams here day) to see any progress on the scale.

    Plus, I think I read that allergy meds might hinder weight loss? Zyrtec might be one of t hem!

    So, until you can see a doc, maybe you could look at some of these things? Good luck--I can only imagine how frustrating it must be!!
  • zlopera
    zlopera Posts: 5
    Sorry, me again. I failed to mention that I also believe certain combinations of meals can slow your weight loss to a screaching halt, so you may want to read up on blood diets where certain foods work better with your body type and blood type. I know it sounds crazy but I really belive ...all things in moderation when it comes to weight loss and exercise because we are all so different.
  • zlopera
    zlopera Posts: 5
    I agree with CLA2801, processed foods are very bad and I do belive they drastically hinder weight loss. I think less than 10% of my diet, what I eat daily, would be processed foods on most days.
  • Markus718
    Markus718 Posts: 6 Member
    Why not try a low-carb / more protein approach? If you aren't burning all those carbs, they are getting stored.

    Excess carbs also make your body retain water.

    Have a look at the Protein Power plan. Please verify, but I believe it will suggest you each around 36g protein / 10-20g carbs per meal, and that is it. That will be WAY BELOW your current carb goal of 200+, and just above your current protein goal.

    I have been following it to letter for the last 3 months. Over the last three weeks I am down about 8 lbs. Of course, exercise helps too, but it looks like you are doing that as well.

    Good luck!