Just sharing-cultural shock



    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    OMG too funny. When I lived in Okinawa Japan i felt like Godzilla and I am 5'3 and was around 130 at the time. The good part was I could find my 5'7 hubby easily at the mall. H was a head above everybody else.
    I wear a 20 here what would I be in vietnam? lol


    sorry I had to
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    At my slimmest I was about 140lb and 5'4" tall. When I was in India I felt like a blimp, I was so much bigger than everyone else. And being very pale & red haired I really drew the crowds when we were in smaller towns/villages.:embarassed: I learned quite quickly to cover my hair up to avoid the attention.

    What was strange was that being pale & larger than the average Indian lady made me more attractive to the local men. Large & pale = wealthy & high cast apparently. Go figure!:laugh:
  • Charlea1981
    Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
    Well in my culture I'm regarded as big boned, thick or in proportion or 'well' LOL, I call it FAT!! All my family and some friends keep saying I dont need to lose any weight as I am currently losing my best assests lol, that is my Bum and breast gone from a DD Cup to a C cup ;-( Oh well pity you can't spot reduce! lol
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I live very close to the border with Mexico and the Mexican families are very similar. Many people have nicknames which point out their physical "issues". Seriously. If you're a fat man, and especially if you'd been a chubby kid, you might have the nickname "Gordo", literally "fat man". Similarly, an overweight woman would be "Gorda". A bald man might be called "Pelón" which means "hairless" and a fair skinned woman "Guera" (for a man "Guero") which literally means "blonde" but which they use for anyone fair skinned. The first time I encountered that I was literally shocked but the people don't take it negatively at all.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    It was the same when I lived in Japan, instead of the 'hey, nice weather, isn't it?' like I was used to, they would say 'have you put on weight?' (Mind you, back home I would still have been considered a normal weight)
    Thought I had escaped all that, then I moved to Turkey where the same thing happens- 'hey, have you put on a bit of weight?' Is quite a common way for family to greet each other. Crikey!
    At my henna night my friend heard a conversation between a mother and daughter (my husbands aunt and cousin). The mother was saying 'you are too fat to wear a belt. That dress is so unflattering! You should really lose weight!' The girl (husbands cousin) is beautiful, very natural curves and not overweight at all. When I told my husband, he was like, 'what is wrong with saying that?'

  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I wear a 20 here what would I be in vietnam? lol


    sorry I had to


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    HAHA normally I would have taken offense to that, but damn that was funny,.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I wear a 20 here what would I be in vietnam? lol


    sorry I had to

    Funniest thing I've seen in my 3 weeks stalking the forums.