Does anyone weigh in every day?



  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    Do you update this when you do it?

    Nah. I try to weigh in "officially" about once a week. I just need the monitoring. But I'm also mindful of the fluctuations and don't let them get me down. If you can't do that, a daily weigh in will make ya a little nuts. Just my opinion though.....
  • KCB1978
    KCB1978 Posts: 113
    My official weigh in day is going to be a friday morning - I will probably stick to weighing myself most days to see where I am as I feel it keeps me motivated.. Like when I stood on the scales this morning and they said I am 4lbs down already :D
  • LeeBeeW
    LeeBeeW Posts: 100
    I do but won't post it in my FP data unless it went down :O)

  • ashmo1785
    ashmo1785 Posts: 117
    I weigh every day as well.

    I like to see how i'm going and then try to adjust my eating or exercise for that day.

    But only record my weight every Saturday
  • flowergirl2011
  • superdave123
    There are so many factors that can make your weight fluctuate on any give day. Such as water retention (high sodium levels, bowel movements, inflamed muscles, time of day.

    If you are recording body fat % from a BMI scale, than that can go wild from body heat and even heart rate.

    So I always advise my clients to weigh once a week, 2 days in a row, and average the two. Also, its best to always weigh yourself at the same time of day, under the same conditions so there is little chance for fluctuation, preferably in the morning.
  • Evjones28
    Evjones28 Posts: 70
    I weigh everyday when I get home before dinner (I don't like weighing myself first thing in the morning). And I record it on MFP (whether gain or loss), this way when I run a report it shows my daily weight and I can detect patterns in my weight (from high/low sodium intakes, some/no workout, TOM, etc ...). I would lke for my stats to post when I gain weight as well (but I don't know how), so that when I lose, I won't have to put a 'comment' that it's weight loss from the weight that I just gained the day or two before ... I honestly don't mind putting my weight gain on here because that's how comfortable I feel with MFP peeps and it makes losing it 'again' that much more enjoyable. :blushing:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    everyday here
  • Mommyof3texans
    Yes, I do. It has helped me see a pattern in my weight/fat loss. I looked back at my entries and realized I stay within a small range for roughly two weeks before I drop to the next pound. It's a slow process for me, but it's helped to know how my body is behaving so I don't rush to change things too soon.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    The best way to record your weight...which I used to do, I don't know why I stopped.... is to weigh every morning after you have a BM/pee, naked. As long as it is before you eat or drink anything the time isn't so important. Record the weight and then at the end of the week add all the numbers and divide by the number of weights that you recorded for an average. That is the most accurate weight. I weigh in every morning. I only record it on MFP if it goes down. Just me. I am the only one who really matters, right? lol
  • Mark330
    Mark330 Posts: 75
    Weighing in once a day is great, as it gives you the ability to get comfortable with the fluctuations.

    Airline Pilots dont check their GPS every half hour. They are constantly monitoring to their destination.
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    I do but won't post it in my FP data unless it went down :O)

    Exactly what I do! That's why I have a lot of .8 and .4s in there. I'm in control of it this way, I'm not going a week not knowing there's a problem. If I gain in ONE day, I'm able to INSTANTLY look back at my diary and say "hmm... I stayed good with calories but GOOD LAWD who knew chicken broth had so much sodium! Alright, game plan for today, try to avoid sodium like the plague!" Instead of having say, chicken soup for a week, thinking I'm doing great and then seeing a 4 pound gain after a week of busting my *kitten*!
  • maddiex_x
    maddiex_x Posts: 43
    I weigh myself every monday. Daily weigh-ins would just disappoint me.
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    You really shouldn't. I know a lot of people that do not weight themselves at all, but I do 1 time a week to see how I am progressing, but everyday will make you crazy. I think 1 day a week makes me crazy. I think I am going to start doing it once every 2 weeks! Please don't weight yourself every week. You will drive yourself crazy!

    Everyone is different. I would personally go crazy having to wait for a certain day to do it! I actually go to sleep everynight giddy like a school girl because after 110 days, I've got this down to a science and I KNOW that I'm going to wake up and be .4-1.0 lb. lighter on most days and I also know when I ate something that will cause it to temporarily go up.