Are Screen Names With No Pics Trustworthy?



  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    I don't post a picture of myself for internet safety reasons. It's the same reason my FB is heavily locked down and my (public) twitter acct. doesn't have a picture of me. I work for the government working for victims of violent crime and have seen the dangers of being TOO out there in the internet world. I just posted the pic I have on here recently, but obviously it's not of my face.

    I agree! You need to be so careful on the internet these days.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I used to use a picture for my AV, now I have a couple on my profile only.

    I've had bad experiences on this site with people who disagree with my opinions. I also don't post my city anywhere publicly for the same reason. One stalked, twice shy.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Having said that, I've found people often aren't who they say they are on the internet. That beautiful person you are flirting with could be a totally diiferent person than the picture. I've used fake people pictures in the past (found at random on photobucket) - just to prove the point.

    I worry about people who give out all their info freely. It's the internet.....not a church group.
  • sociable15
    I don't post a picture of myself for internet safety reasons. It's the same reason my FB is heavily locked down and my (public) twitter acct. doesn't have a picture of me. I work for the government working for victims of violent crime and have seen the dangers of being TOO out there in the internet world. I just posted the pic I have on here recently, but obviously it's not of my face.

    I agree! You need to be so careful on the internet these days.

    And, not for nothing, all the stalking cases I've seen have made me very, very aware of what I put up on the internet. Those "check-ins" on Facebook? Four square? Terrible ideas. TERRIBLE.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Well if I saw b220091419.png as a profile photo, it wouldn't exactly be trustworthy to me.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I don't post a picture of myself for internet safety reasons. It's the same reason my FB is heavily locked down and my (public) twitter acct. doesn't have a picture of me. I work for the government working for victims of violent crime and have seen the dangers of being TOO out there in the internet world. I just posted the pic I have on here recently, but obviously it's not of my face.

    I agree! You need to be so careful on the internet these days.

    And, not for nothing, all the stalking cases I've seen have made me very, very aware of what I put up on the internet. Those "check-ins" on Facebook? Four square? Terrible ideas. TERRIBLE.

    But My question then: How will someone KNOW you if they Don't know your name and where you live? SOMEONE is Giving out their real information in their Profile or in Contacts with someone. Otherwise, using ONLY a pic, no one know you from the other 375 Million People in this country or For that matter all the world. The stalking stuff and safety issues have to do with "Someone" GIVING OUT REAL CONTACT INFO, NOT Putting up a PIC.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I dunno...I think people with blank profiles is what gets me the most. Doesn't mean they are Trolls, but from experience they seem to be either trolls or people who aren't going to stick around very long. (I've had people add me for friends, they log on for that 1 day, never fill anything out...and then never log back in. :0/ )
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    More importantly, are screen names with pictures of costumed cats trustworthy?

    Anyone loving cats cant be all bad ;-)
  • sociable15
    But My question then: How will someone KNOW you if they Don't know your name and where you live? SOMEONE is Giving out their real information in their Profile or in Contacts with someone. Otherwise, using ONLY a pic, no one know you from the other 375 Million People in this country or For that matter all the world. The stalking stuff and safety issues have to do with "Someone" GIVING OUT REAL CONTACT INFO, NOT Putting up a PIC.

    That's why I'm not friends with people I don't know IRL either. People give out way more information than they need to in small ways on the internet to strangers. I'm not saying it's just one thing or another, but a combo of factors that lead to people being at risk.

    And my picture should have nothing to do with my "internet credibility". My words should. You don't need to know what I look like, as a stranger to me, in order for me to offer support and advice. But the way the question was phrased, it sounded like the assumption was that people w/o pictures of themselves as their avatar were trolls, which is not true. Many people don't put up pictures of themselves for a variety of reasons and mine is internet safety.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I don't post a picture of myself for internet safety reasons. It's the same reason my FB is heavily locked down and my (public) twitter acct. doesn't have a picture of me. I work for the government working for victims of violent crime and have seen the dangers of being TOO out there in the internet world. I just posted the pic I have on here recently, but obviously it's not of my face.

    I agree! You need to be so careful on the internet these days.

    And, not for nothing, all the stalking cases I've seen have made me very, very aware of what I put up on the internet. Those "check-ins" on Facebook? Four square? Terrible ideas. TERRIBLE.

    But My question then: How will someone KNOW you if they Don't know your name and where you live? SOMEONE is Giving out their real information in their Profile or in Contacts with someone. Otherwise, using ONLY a pic, no one know you from the other 375 Million People in this country or For that matter all the world. The stalking stuff and safety issues have to do with "Someone" GIVING OUT REAL CONTACT INFO, NOT Putting up a PIC.

    Okay, original poster, why do they have to KNOW you? Are you going to go to their house? I've met in person three people from MFP - all were who they said they were, all were wonderful people.

    BUT. I've also been stalked on the internet and in person. And have been followed from one website to Facebook. It pays to keep everything private as much as possible. Someone could find you if you aren't careful with yor screen name and picture.

    Once you have had to get a restraining order and been in the hospital thanks to someone who "loves" you - life changes dramatically. Just try to be respectful of others' choices. If you want to tell all and have your face in the AV, by all means do so. :flowerforyou:
  • purplehaze12
    I will probably put up pictures of me soon. I have just had a rough start and still kind of ashamed lol...lame, but it's true!! When I can be a little more proud of what I'm posting I'll put my mug up here (though you guys might regret that decision lol). For now you've gotta deal with Kurt ;)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I don't post a picture of myself for internet safety reasons. It's the same reason my FB is heavily locked down and my (public) twitter acct. doesn't have a picture of me. I work for the government working for victims of violent crime and have seen the dangers of being TOO out there in the internet world. I just posted the pic I have on here recently, but obviously it's not of my face.

    I agree! You need to be so careful on the internet these days.

    And, not for nothing, all the stalking cases I've seen have made me very, very aware of what I put up on the internet. Those "check-ins" on Facebook? Four square? Terrible ideas. TERRIBLE.

    But My question then: How will someone KNOW you if they Don't know your name and where you live? SOMEONE is Giving out their real information in their Profile or in Contacts with someone. Otherwise, using ONLY a pic, no one know you from the other 375 Million People in this country or For that matter all the world. The stalking stuff and safety issues have to do with "Someone" GIVING OUT REAL CONTACT INFO, NOT Putting up a PIC.

    Okay, original poster, why do they have to KNOW you? Are you going to go to their house? I've met in person three people from MFP - all were who they said they were, all were wonderful people.

    BUT. I've also been stalked on the internet and in person. And have been followed from one website to Facebook. It pays to keep everything private as much as possible. Someone could find you if you aren't careful with yor screen name and picture.

    Once you have had to get a restraining order and been in the hospital thanks to someone who "loves" you - life changes dramatically. Just try to be respectful of others' choices. If you want to tell all and have your face in the AV, by all means do so. :flowerforyou:

    And if You don't by all means, Do So. BUT when YOU meet people and give them your REAL info or you are NOT creative enough to CHANGE Screen Names from one Domain to the next...Don't put it on a Pic, OK. Put it where it belongs, On YOUR BAD Judgment. Predators KNOW how to TRAP their Prey, and it AIN'T by a Pic.

    I like to See people and their progress.
    Be Well
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member

    I can't even come up with a nice reply......
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I know, someone can post a false pic.

    I used to keep my pic off of My postings on different websites, but then I thought...WHY? I'm not posting somewhere I'm ashamed of and I'm not ashamed of what I am posting, and no one knows my real name unless I choose to share it with them. So I decided to put My pic on My screen name where-ever I post. I think it adds some credibility relative to, frankly, not coming off as a "TROLL." Lately on here I have seen several screen names without pics who have been making some "wild" claims...I just can't believe that they are credible.

    What do you think?

    I, for one, am happy to see your smiling face! Seeing others smile makes me smile! As for my profile pic, I change it a lot depending on my mood. I tend to like funny or strange stuff, but my friends on here can see my pics and see real ones of me if for some reason they want to!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    To CMRiverside:
    Putting Flowers on Dung doesn't make it stink less. Answer your question: If you wear a LOW Cut Blouse in an Outlaw Bikers Club or a Men's Penitentiary...It could be thought of as "seduction." I always advise, particularly women, KNOW your surroundings, including your home and work place, take NOTHING for Granted. 85-90% of assaults and murders are Committed by People/Persons the Victim KNOWS! That MUST be remembered, Who YOU CHOOSE to KNOW is a matter of YOUR JUDGMENT and either Your Strengths or Vulnerabilities.

    You changed your response, hope this isn't too "REAL."
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I know, someone can post a false pic.

    I used to keep my pic off of My postings on different websites, but then I thought...WHY? I'm not posting somewhere I'm ashamed of and I'm not ashamed of what I am posting, and no one knows my real name unless I choose to share it with them. So I decided to put My pic on My screen name where-ever I post. I think it adds some credibility relative to, frankly, not coming off as a "TROLL." Lately on here I have seen several screen names without pics who have been making some "wild" claims...I just can't believe that they are credible.

    What do you think?

    I, for one, am happy to see your smiling face! Seeing others smile makes me smile! As for my profile pic, I change it a lot depending on my mood. I tend to like funny or strange stuff, but my friends on here can see my pics and see real ones of me if for some reason they want to!

    Hey Now...I'm home today and Bored, I gotta make something "pop." LOL!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Good conversation topic. Thank you

    Just remember - being careful is always important, however, white pages makes it easy to find anyone whether or not you are posting your face or information on the internet, in that respect, no-one can be really safe from stalking. Being aware (as you said) is the most important thing.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    The picture I have now says more about my personality than a picture of my face would.
    Plus it's still stock, so I have nothing to lie about.