gameset Posts: 100 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
OKAY- here is our new thread for the week, sorry everone!!! I must have been giddy with the thought of school starting tomorrow!!


  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    OKAY- here is our new thread for the week, sorry everone!!! I must have been giddy with the thought of school starting tomorrow!!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Happy Monday.... I'm so happy! :bigsmile: I've lost 4 lbs. over the past two weeks. Las Monday I weighed in after a long weekend at a tennis tournament and I had maintained. Today I weighed in (once this a.m. and again a few minutes ago) and I'm down 4 lbs. YAY! That brings my total to 14 lbs.

    I just came home from a professional development class, so now I'm off to do the Shred... moving up to Level 2 today... and a walk.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Good Mornin'!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend :wink:
    This week's goals are: Cardio 4-5x, Pilates/yoga 2x followed by strength training; with a 20 min walk before each.
    Keep practicing portion control, that means measuring for me, and plan snacks for less temptations. Ooooh, I made those 88 calories brownies yesterday......yummy!

    Hey Brenda, have fun with the kiddies today :happy:
    Way to go on your scale movin, Natalie!! :drinker:

  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Thanks, soup78! When the scale moves like that I get extra motivated.

    Those 88 calorie brownies sound good... Is the recipe on MFP? If not... please share. :bigsmile:

    I just finished the Shred Level 2 (much harder than Level 1) + 2 mile very brisk walk.

    I go back to work (teacher) in another week so I am changing my exercise time from the mornings to around 5:00 p.m., which is when I will get off of work. I want that to be a habit of exercising every afternoon to make the transition back to work easier for me.
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Hi everybody! :happy: I was sooooo worried about the weekend, as I don't go the club and workout! Sooo..... I got creative about burning calories, on Sat I brushed out a field for about 1300 calories of work (and a better looking field), and then Sun, my wonderful wiff and I went on a 3 hour bike ride (2300 calories! WOW).
    So, today, OMG am I sore (especially that bottom unmentionable place, :noway: ) but I dod go in and workout this morning. And now, just to burn off a few more calories, I went brushed out another part of the field! YEA, 1500 calories gone!

    so, here's to hoping that I can even MOVE tommorow, lol! :bigsmile:
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Goals: 4-5 days exercise and 6 days a week stay in calorie range

    Monday.......blew it:cry:

  • Congratulations Natalie424...however, I think I know where that 4 lbs. went:angry: Seriously, I ate exactly right, exercised more than I have in years....and had 4 lbs. back this morning. I'm thinking that what it really is is water...I had some salty pistachios yesterday and I think I'm very sensitive to water retention. I'll check it out again in the morning.

    I too am a New York City....I don't go back until August 28th, so I am trying to take full advantage of establishing a routine of gym, and eating now. What is your plan for eating during the work day? That has always been a problem for me...our lunch time is 3pm I'm starving.

    My goal this week is 1.9 lbs. That's what the food/exercise log says I should lose per week if I maintain the calorie count I'm doing. Wish me luck.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Congratulations Natalie424...however, I think I know where that 4 lbs. went:angry: Seriously, I ate exactly right, exercised more than I have in years....and had 4 lbs. back this morning. I'm thinking that what it really is is water...I had some salty pistachios yesterday and I think I'm very sensitive to water retention. I'll check it out again in the morning.

    I too am a New York City....I don't go back until August 28th, so I am trying to take full advantage of establishing a routine of gym, and eating now. What is your plan for eating during the work day? That has always been a problem for me...our lunch time is 3pm I'm starving.

    My goal this week is 1.9 lbs. That's what the food/exercise log says I should lose per week if I maintain the calorie count I'm doing. Wish me luck.


    Wow... that is such an early lunch! I would be starving too. My first official day back is August 25th, but next week I will be in working in my room. I don't know my schedule yet, so I'm not sure when I will have lunch or planning time. I will make sure I eat a healthy satisfying breakfast and pack a lunch with healthy options. I also pack snacks so that I'm not tempted to go to the vending machine in the lounge. I take a huge bottle of water, but I might buy another bottle to use because I am drinking so much more water now. I also thought about buying a huge jar of almonds and a measuring scoop to keep in my cabinet for after school.

    What grade do you teach?

    Good luck!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Goals: 4-5 days exercise and 6 days a week stay in calorie range

    Monday.......blew it:cry:


    Don't worry about yesterday, we all have a day or two when we're not exactly perfect. Besides, everyone needs a day off! Keep your head up, Anne!!! :flowerforyou:

    Happy Tuesday! :bigsmile:
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Well, it's a gorgeous morning here...70 and calm outside. yesterday was walk and taebo, so today is low-key. Time for a walk, then pilates and some strength training. Beautiful, beautiful day......:smile:
  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
    Hi everybody! :happy: I was sooooo worried about the weekend, as I don't go the club and workout! Sooo..... I got creative about burning calories, on Sat I brushed out a field for about 1300 calories of work (and a better looking field), and then Sun, my wonderful wiff and I went on a 3 hour bike ride (2300 calories! WOW).
    So, today, OMG am I sore (especially that bottom unmentionable place, :noway: ) but I dod go in and workout this morning. And now, just to burn off a few more calories, I went brushed out another part of the field! YEA, 1500 calories gone!

    so, here's to hoping that I can even MOVE tommorow, lol! :bigsmile:

    WOW Bro that's some serious calorie burning man. keep up the good work, you'll have to really eat to replenish. That's like p90x X 3, way to go.
  • Hi Natalie

    I teach High School English. I've taught all four grades and have been able to introduce the AP program in my school. I work in an area where most of my kids have been to more funerals than I hope ever to attend, and it is a challenge. But I love it .... every day.

    I always take my lunch, as cafeteria good as it not going to be good for my waist. The nuts are a good idea, are you doing any specific eating plan, or just watching the calories? I've enjoyed using the logs on this site and boy does it keep me in line.

    What grade do you teach?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Well- how did my first day of FREEDOM go? I put my kids on the bus and....
    went back to bed!!

    nah just kidding- i took my badly behaved puppies for a walk, then hopped in the car, went to the gym- did an hour of Zumba, followed by 40 minutes of pilates- i left early when i realized the instructor was trying to kill me- i had to meet the school bus, after all!!

    Anyway, went out for lunch- say yay for the salad!! All in all, a wonderful day, i am struggling to stay awake though!!!

    Now, hopefully tomorow will be the same rush of enthusiasm and good intentions carried out!

    Peace out, catch up with y'all later.:flowerforyou:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    OK... so last night I had the midnight munchies :frown: I usually just have a tblspn of peanut butter, and back to bed, but noooooooo...... the braunschweiger was a callin my name! :tongue: So I make half a sanny, with a wee bit of mayo. This morning when I dutifully *giggle* logged in my snack...ZOWIE! That was 288 calories! YIKES! So, I went to work out, and did 2 sets on the orbiter, and a lap around the circuit for strength training to get back on track. I'm gonna go finish the brush cutting in my field for some more calories to burn, and then grill some ribs for diner, and still have a great day! :happy:
  • It's amazing isn't it how many calories are in such things. I pigged out the other day and had a piece of pizza..1 slice of pizza from my local pizza guy...1....250 calories :sick: I was shocked. I also started writing down every little thing I put in my is totally amazing how many calories I consume cooking. I have to watch out for those.

    I'm back to school in two more weeks and I mean to stay off the stuff and eat only healthy things :grumble:


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    OK... so last night I had the midnight munchies :frown: I usually just have a tblspn of peanut butter, and back to bed, but noooooooo...... the braunschweiger was a callin my name! :tongue: So I make half a sanny, with a wee bit of mayo. This morning when I dutifully *giggle* logged in my snack...ZOWIE! That was 288 calories! YIKES! So, I went to work out, and did 2 sets on the orbiter, and a lap around the circuit for strength training to get back on track. I'm gonna go finish the brush cutting in my field for some more calories to burn, and then grill some ribs for diner, and still have a great day! :happy:

    Wow! I just finished the field, and burned 1386 calories...wooo hooo! Now to reward myself with a bit of grilling... life is good again :happy:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    You know, there was a topic a little while ago about someone falling off (and losing) their wagon- then ultimately finding it at the gym. I think i found my will power there- without even looking for it!!

    I had Lunch out- salad and clun soda- good girl, then dinner out tonight- we went to red robin, and i had my burger, and half myt fries. The red robin website is awesome- so i planned out my burger, and took all the bad for me things off, petite sized it- and went from 1036 calories, to just 504. Woo hoo. Then took the kiddies off to coldstone creamery for ice cream- and i walked out with NOTHING in my hand- i went and gota coffee instead. This seems to be a new me- making better choices- i like it!!
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Goals:4-5 days exercise and stay within cals 6 days


    Not starting well this week....sooooo busy at work loooong hours.

    I went over cals but not severely
    no exersice today
    two days in, not quite on my game this week.

    Tomorrow is another day
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    great day for me.....biked and ran. Feels good to work hard. Looking forward to tomorrow
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Hi Natalie

    I teach High School English. I've taught all four grades and have been able to introduce the AP program in my school. I work in an area where most of my kids have been to more funerals than I hope ever to attend, and it is a challenge. But I love it .... every day.

    I always take my lunch, as cafeteria good as it not going to be good for my waist. The nuts are a good idea, are you doing any specific eating plan, or just watching the calories? I've enjoyed using the logs on this site and boy does it keep me in line.

    What grade do you teach?


    MA... I teach 6th grade language arts and social studies. I know what you mean about the cafeteria... that's why I pack my lunch too. You asked about my eating plan...I'm not doing any specific program. I'm just staying within my calories with healthy food options and exercising daily. Some days my exercise is more intense than others. The food log and exercise log hold me accountable... I love that!
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