
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    great day for me.....biked and ran. Feels good to work hard. Looking forward to tomorrow

    :happy: YAY! Awesome! Isn't that a great feeling?:happy:
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Today I had planned to do the Shred Level 2 + a walk... I had a really hectic day and only manage to walk 35 minutes. Bummer.
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Today was a good day. I unintentionally did the Jared food plan with a 6-inch sub for lunch and another 6-inch sub for dinner. A bowl of microwave popcorn and some fruit is coming after my w/o which I am on my way to do now. Incredibly hectic day but I am 100% commited to doing the treadmill every single day. DH set it up so that I can watch TV so I recorded the Olympics. Fast forward through the commercials. SOOOOOO inspired by those athletes . . .

    Keep it up, Everybody! Rough days just make you appreciate the good ones, no?
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Woke up at a ungodly hour to meet first goal:

    35 minutes walking/25 minutes weights

    Let you know how goal 2 goes: staying in my cal range

  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Go Team USA!!

    ANd GO Team Generating results!!!

    I agree- it is so inspiring watching those athletes!!
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    I stayed up watched the Olympics last night, so combines with a few days of heavy workouts for me, boy howdy was I tired this morning! I really just wanted to pull the covers over, and not get out of bed. But, the (somewhat) more rational part of me realiozed that simply wouldn't do. So... I got up, went and worked out, and it was pretty dragging. yuck. Didn't burn as many calories as normal, couldn't get my heart rate up, blah, blah. But I pesevered, and came home, and made a nice lunch, then went for a little walk with the wonderful wiff (luvya Ezzie:love: ), and feel mucho bettero! Now for some more Olympics tonight, and a great day tomorrow.
    Hope everybody gets a gold in here too!
  • Today was definitely a gold medal day for me. Finally made it back to the gym after a three day hiatus and did 35 fat burning minutes on the bike and then another 35 fat burning minutes on the elliptical and boy am I happy. The food is another story......I managed a very good breakfast, but fell short at lunch...I'm thinking of having only a salad for dinner, but I am I have to go figure something out.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    This morning I did

    20 minute walk (slow speed)
    10 calistentics
    55 minute run (10min mile pace)
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Great work , guys! :drinker: Keep it up!

    Today I did Shred Level 2. I feel good!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    You guys rock- you definately make em think twice about scarfing something i shouldn't, and also about skipping a workout.

    I di not get to the gym today, as i had a dentist appt, but i did walk for 70 min while my son was at football practice. I love multitasking!!! Next to the football field is this lovely neighborhood with all these wooded trails and lakes and such- its os peaceful and beautiful- i just love walking there.:smile:

    STill 700 calories down- a good day foodwise- life is good- now if only that damn scale would move.... i love the feeling when my bod is so tired and a little sore from a good workout!!!

    keep up the good work- i am with you jamerz- i am finding it impossible to turn off the olympics and get to sleep- they are sooooo exciting- esp the swimming with all those records being SHATTERED!!

    Peace out, get some sleep, see you tomorrow:yawn:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Hello Everyone. I have lost another pound this week! Yeah! I am excited at the prospect of weighing in at 150lbs next Monday. Rarely, I have I been 150. I am ususally between 155 and 160.

    Last week I had only one bad day. I got lazy I guess. I put off one strength training session (legs) until the following day, but it didn't happen. We had an unexpected out-of-town visitor, and since I love eat (and I am always hungry) I sacrificed the strength training time rather than cut my cardio in half-I need those exercise calories!

    I did add yogurt to my diet, and the Fiber 1 bars that numberous people have posted. I also feel proud of myself, because instead of satifiying my ice cream craving with an entire pint ot chocolate peanut butter ice cream (as I would have in the past), I choose a Dreyers vanilla ice cream bar dipped in dark chocolate (only 210 calories). However, I still wouldn't trust myself buying a box of them! :noway: I did stop buying nuts, because I love them so. As a result, I was having way too many servings.

    This week I am thinking pretty much the same.

    Mon/Sat Yoga
    Cardio, 60 minutes, 5 days
    Strength Training, 4 days
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Wednesday, didn't count calories after work so don't think I met 2nd goal, but I didn't do too bad


    20 minute bike
    25 minute weights

    hopefully I can stay in cals today and meet my 2nd goal
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Goodly morning to everyone... yawn... reached for coffee...
    One thing I do that really helps me is to leave my Food diary screen up all day on my 'puter, and also log each and every thing as I do it (calories and exercise). That way, it's a constant reminder (not an irritant) of how I can *plan* what I want to achieve. Just my .02¢ is all... :flowerforyou:
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Great job everyone!!!! I credit the constancy of MFP to keeping me in the game. Ordinarily, pre-MFP, I would give up as soon as the scale went up. But I've hung in there this time and it feels really good. The scale is dropping (slowly) and I'm glad for that. But, more than that, I know I have gotten real honest about my food (and alcohol) calories and have made real changes. Yippee!!!!

    The Olympics are making it easy (and inspiring) for me to exercise. No way would I ever be an athlete but I can do the treadmill (8-10 miles every day this week -- yahoooooo!!!!) and I can eat 1/10 of the calories that Phelps eats.

    I'm on my way to go watch last night's taped events while I walk the treadmill!

    Have a fabulous day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Good morning all

    Today I'm pretending I'm in class so I can complete my final paper for this semester. It's not so easy being home all the time (I teach so I'm off for the summer) very many distractions. However, I went to the gym yesterday and did 1 full hour of aerobics...I a so excited :bigsmile: it felt good and i can't wait until I go again today.

    Let me ask....are the calories and heart rate on the machines (elliptical, bike, treadmill, etc.) accurate? According to my input here I am burning way more calories than the machines say I do...any ideas?

    btw I'm almost afraid to say this, but I lost another pound...:bigsmile:


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: <
    That was me last night.

    My vocabulary didn't include the word "no" either. Know when to say when?! Not last night! :ohwell:

    So, I had a day off the "new me" and now I'm paying for it.....:grumble: .....oh, my head......aspirin, need it NOW. At least I went with the light beer, I guess. But going for the HUGE glass probably wasn't the best choice, especially after ummmm.....oh I don't know I lost count after 5! Live music and beer just go hand in hand, though. Just kinda got lost in the moment, ya know. Next time I'll have to write MODERATION on my hands so I don't forget everytime I take a drink :tongue:

    Today I plan to take a leisurely walk with my doggie and drink lots of water. Other than that, recoup. :yawn:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Finally, a pound. AT this point i would GIVE a (several) pounds of flesh to th emerchant of Venice- can i choose wher it comes from?

    SO, today i missed cardio tennis- they moved it to a new time slot (2 months ago!!!) so rude, so i did 25 mins on the elliptical- it si really hard to stay motivated on that thing. Maybe i will try going for a walk after diiner???

    You know - how do you eat 12000 calories a day (Phelps)? That in itself is a full timke job!!! Imagine when the poor guy stops training so ahrd? he is going to feel like he is starving to death?
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    soup78...i hear and beer does go hand and problem is I never seem to want it to end!!

    Today I earned a glass of wine or two! My DH is cooking and we are going to have dinner on the deck....there is just a hint of fall in the air tonight.

    Just got back from a great run...7 our beautiful neck of the woods......i am usually an avid runner but this summer I have branched out to balance my exercise "diet"....running just felt great today!! I have included yoga to my regime and what a difference when biking and running. I am hooked!

    Love reading everyone's story!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    ahhhhh... pizza and beer for dinner. Yikes- but i made a salad, and had a heaping big plate of that.
    Tennis tomorrow. Hooray!!!

    had to bag my walk, i am expecting someone to come buy my washer and dryer off Craigs list- they called an hour ago and said they were on their way- i could have gone and been back by now, for petes sake....

    Yikes, all is good- a hint of fall? In AUgust- you are scaring me!! we moved here from AZ and i am still not used to the chill in the air!!
    Oh well, good nigt everyone!!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    OK... I am sort of back at work now. I am a teacher, and I take care of all of the technology in our building. I have been in this week making sure all of the computers (there are too many) are working properly and ready to start the school year. Today, I was late coming home and didn't get to exercise when I had planned. Then had to make dinner... blah, blah, blah... Now I am just going to take a shower and go to bed. I'm exhausted! I've gotten out of the routine of work. I guess this is good practice for me for when school really does start. I've got to work out a plan to fit in exercise each day. I wasn't sedentary today or anything, I was up and down the stairs many times and walked all over the building (and it is a large building). I guess I'm feeling guilty because this is the first time since I joined MFP on June 23 that I haven't completed my planned exercised... and I plan exercise everyday.
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