Husband keeps enterfearing while i work out?



  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I would have that problem but I nipped it in the bud. My husband likes to be my "personal trainer". He loves to dictate how, what and when I work out. I told him that my work out routine is a way that I relieve stress and it is all "me time". His involvement adds stress and it is meant to remove stress from my life. He wants me to be motivated and knows now that he has to stay away. He isn't allowed within visibility of me while I exercise and he isn't allowed to tell me what to do. My repayment for that, is that I tell him what my program is and keep him informed of how I am doing. Men like to take over sometimes, and show their "knowledge" by making unwanted suggestions. If I want a coach or personal trainer, I will hire one! lol

    Maybe he feels left out? Offer to include him - go walks together (but quick paced ones) or do weight lifting together. Having a spotter is more about saftety, but they're also there to push you through those last few where the weight is unbearable and you want to give in too.

    You have to tell him how you feel. You love that he's being supportive but that you would feel more supported and less criticized if he did _________ instead. Remember how guys work - in HIS mind, he's being HELPFUL but in your mind helpful is him yelling from across the house "5 more minutes honey! come on you can push it out!!" or something similar. Tell him you need a cheerleader not a coach. I mean if what you're doing is actually harmful (as in improperly lifting weights or something where you can get seriously hurt) then his help is needed to prevent that from happening and he is doing his hubandly job of protecting your from yourself in that case. However, if his idea of being helpful is to tell you "do weights first, then run" or what order you want to do something or how many reps and sets you NEED to do then that's crossing a line. Only you know your body and you know what you can do and when you're quitting and when you need someone to help you push through. Call on him in those times and make him feel helpful. Not knowing what he's like (or what shape he's in) maybe he's a feeling a little insecure about your wanting to "change" and being so dedicated. Reassure him that changing your body and getting healthy can only be GOOD for your relationship and will give you many many more years together!

    You're changing right before his eyes and it's out of his control! You've turned his world upside down. Make sure you keep him in the loop.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Or... you could snap your fingers and say in a stern voice,"I'm glad your here. I found something hidden under the mattress on your side... We need to talk. But not until after I'm done working out because I need to burn off some anger." Then while he's hiding in the garage you'll have all the peace and quite you need.
