Does anyone else get grossed out by...



  • mkirby
    mkirby Posts: 30 Member
    On a related topic, I cannot cook ground meat without seasoning, because I hate the smell of it, and I hear the song Meat is Murder playing in my head. I really should be a vegetarian, but animals are just so delicious...

    Oh my goodness, I am the same way about chicken!! I have to hurry up and add my seasonings because the smell of just the chicken cooking makes me wanna puke!. :sick:

    Lamb does it for me. I have to leave the house if its being cooked as i just throw up at the smell of it.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    Re the meat maxi pad why dont you just tip it into the bin rather than touching it and then rinse out the container? Problem solved no?
    In most cases, it's glued down to the bottom of the container. You have to grasp it firmly and rip it off!
  • microfat
    microfat Posts: 44
    This is why I hunt my own food. I keep my deer meat during the off-season, and I kil rabbits with a pellet gun all the time. I clean them and eat them myself. When I eat deer steak, I eat it medium rare. Not a lot of things in this world gross me out. Except cottage cheese. It is ROTTED MILK!!!

    WOW deers and rabbits??? :noway: so no cow or chicken for you??.. i've never heard of such a person lol..

    I am another such person. We eat mostly natural. I buy fish regularly and chicken occasionally. It is also more humane with a hunting experience and the meat is so much leaner and better for you. There are so many additives to store bought meat now, it's scary.

    Oh i agree its much better for you, meat these days is medicated. Its just not the norm here in Sydney Australia in the suburbs to gobble on deer and rabbits.. I do respect anyone that can hunt there own meat though, power to you!
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    I do! I always forget about it until after I run water over the meat too >:[