Beachbody coaches, I will not be 'friending' any more of you



  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I've never used Shakeology just because I'm not big on taking supplements. However, I have several friends who have used P90X and liked it. But, frankly, I'll never buy it. First, the whole line of BB products is grossly over-priced in my opinion. Second, and most important, the pushy, shady tactics used by the BB program turn me off big time. Anyone who is profiting off of something they're endorsing loses all credibility with me. I agree with other posters here about BB coaches - there is no requirement to know anything about fitness at all. You're not a coach, you're a salesman, so let's not kid ourselves here, OK?

    There are plenty of perfectly good shakes and workout DVDs out there. If I ever get the inclination, I'd choose one of them over a BB product just on general principle. Until this company cleans up its act, they'll never get a dime of my money.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It isn't a pyramid scheme, but it's almost borderline pyramid scheme.

    Really? I thought Ponzi / Pyramid schemes were illegal in the States? They want to be careful....
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    I am totally turned off by Beachbody products because of some of the coaches on facebook. I'm sure the products are ok but I'll never know, because i have vowed to never buy any of them.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I am NOT a beachbody coach.
    I don't know if any of my friends on here are beachbody coaches. If they are, they have never tried to push anything on me.

    I do have to say, I LOVE Beachbody. I used Slim in Six about 8 years ago and had great results. From there I was HOOKED. I got Slim Series, Yoga Booty Ballet, Turbo Jam, Power 90, P90X, and now ChaLEAN Extreme.

    I feel like all of their videos are quality (unlike some of the videos I have picked up at Walmart/Target (of which I also have a lot, i.e. 5 Firm Workouts, 2 Biggest Loser videos, 2 Leslie Sanson Videos, and some other randome videos). I don't think Beachbody is shady, maybe some of the coaches are, but if they aren't going to profit, why have a company?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well I am sorry that you feel this way! Looks like you have run into some not so great coaches! I personally became a Coach to motivate and inspire others to feel good about themselves and stay focused on their goals. I am always here to help people and don't solicit anything to anyone who doesn't ask about a program or product. Because I will also be the first to recommend Jillian workouts or Zumba, I'm here to help people get their lives back and achieve a goal whether they decide to try BeachBody or not. I lost half of my weight without BeachBody, but I also saw BeachBody as an opportunity to reach more people with my story and "pay it forward" I can make 0 money from it, and wouldn't care because as long as I know I have helped at least 1 more person to reach their goal and pay-it-forward that is what means EVERYTHING to me. Do I enjoy their programs and products...yes! But I also know that everyone is not in the financial situation to buy extra big deal! I'm here to truly help matter what! I hope that you don't hate us all :)

  • Soupskin
    Soupskin Posts: 74 Member
    It isn't a pyramid scheme, but it's almost borderline pyramid scheme.

    Really? I thought Ponzi / Pyramid schemes were illegal in the States? They want to be careful....

    It's MLM (multilevel marketing) which is basically a legal pyramid.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I did get a msg once because I mentioned p90x. When I said I was "borrowing" the dvd's, she said if I was interested in anything, let her know. Very friendly and not pushy at all.

    But it's PATENTLY against the rules of this site to send those "message me for more info" messages, or to post it on the forums, or to post it on your profile, or to post it on other people's profiles. It IS using MFP as a free advertising site and it is NOT allowed.

    From Mike: "Specifically, you may not post anything from which you might financially benefit, i.e. talking about a product and asking people to visit your website to learn more, "message me for more info", "I can get you free samples", etc. "

    And from the Forum Rules:
    "1) No advertising or self-promotion. You may not post advertisements for other services, websites, etc. which intend to sell products or services for monetary gain. Any such links will be removed at moderator discretion without warning and could result in your posting privileges being revoked. You also may not make any posts from which you might financially benefit, i.e. "message me for more info", "I can get you free samples", "visit my site for more info", etc.

    2) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products, are considered inappropriate and will be removed without warning. This rule has been created to protect members from multi-level marketing schemes or other hidden sales tactics which are strictly prohibited on this site. "

    Whether or not these BB coaches are "friendly" is not the issue. :grumble:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    *Looks around. "Now where did I leave that dead horse?"
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I'll add you coaches if you sell me Shakeology for $80 MAX ;)

    Sorry but it's the nature of the beachbody-deal-finding beast I now am. I've supported beachbody through DVD purchases but second hand.

    My purchases, all new/sealed;

    $15 Turbo Jam
    $30 Insanity
    $25 Chalene Extreme
    $50 Turbo Fire but realized the sales potential and bought more and sold all 3 for $113-126 EACH on ebay.

    Thank you Craig’s List!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    *Looks around. "Now where did I leave that dead horse?"
    I know, right? Lol. I am waiting to see how long it is before this post gets locked. Lol.

    Bottom line people -- BeachBody products work, as does any other fitness/healthly eating/workout program, if you stick with it and do it right. There are people who are out just to make a buck, and those are the ones who are ruining it for the good (BeachBody associated or not) rest of us.

    PS (just for the record) - I really like the BeachBody products I have used so far, but I am *not* a BeachBody coach nor do I intend to become one. :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It isn't a pyramid scheme, but it's almost borderline pyramid scheme.

    Really? I thought Ponzi / Pyramid schemes were illegal in the States? They want to be careful....

    It's MLM (multilevel marketing) which is basically a legal pyramid.

    Ta. So all the elements of a pyramid except that a product is sold? There's only one real winner in that kind of arrangement: the top. The owners of BB must be raking it in...
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    *Looks around. "Now where did I leave that dead horse?"
    It is right here...deadhorse.gif
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    That might be one of the best forum graphics evar!!!
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Well I am sorry that you feel this way! Looks like you have run into some not so great coaches! I personally became a Coach to motivate and inspire others to feel good about themselves and stay focused on their goals. I am always here to help people and don't solicit anything to anyone who doesn't ask about a program or product. Because I will also be the first to recommend Jillian workouts or Zumba, I'm here to help people get their lives back and achieve a goal whether they decide to try BeachBody or not. I lost half of my weight without BeachBody, but I also saw BeachBody as an opportunity to reach more people with my story and "pay it forward" I can make 0 money from it, and wouldn't care because as long as I know I have helped at least 1 more person to reach their goal and pay-it-forward that is what means EVERYTHING to me. Do I enjoy their programs and products...yes! But I also know that everyone is not in the financial situation to buy extra big deal! I'm here to truly help matter what! I hope that you don't hate us all :)


    And thanks, Krystle. It's true. You are an infinite source of inspiration and wise comments. And you do discuss things other than BB. It's clear that you believe in what you do, but I have never felt that it's all you do.

    I do strongly dislike pressure situations caused by anyone, especially concerning money (because raising a kid with autism is NOT cheap and I get excited when there's money in the budget for some new hand weights. That's why I can't even consider most of their products)... and I could see how this would be the prime place to "hit people up" but I don't think all BB reps are that forward. If they are, I delete them. Simple as that.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well I am sorry that you feel this way! Looks like you have run into some not so great coaches! I personally became a Coach to motivate and inspire others to feel good about themselves and stay focused on their goals. I am always here to help people and don't solicit anything to anyone who doesn't ask about a program or product. Because I will also be the first to recommend Jillian workouts or Zumba, I'm here to help people get their lives back and achieve a goal whether they decide to try BeachBody or not. I lost half of my weight without BeachBody, but I also saw BeachBody as an opportunity to reach more people with my story and "pay it forward" I can make 0 money from it, and wouldn't care because as long as I know I have helped at least 1 more person to reach their goal and pay-it-forward that is what means EVERYTHING to me. Do I enjoy their programs and products...yes! But I also know that everyone is not in the financial situation to buy extra big deal! I'm here to truly help matter what! I hope that you don't hate us all :)


    And thanks, Krystle. It's true. You are an infinite source of inspiration and wise comments. And you do discuss things other than BB. It's clear that you believe in what you do, but I have never felt that it's all you do.

    I do strongly dislike pressure situations caused by anyone, especially concerning money (because raising a kid with autism is NOT cheap and I get excited when there's money in the budget for some new hand weights. That's why I can't even consider most of their products)... and I could see how this would be the prime place to "hit people up" but I don't think all BB reps are that forward. If they are, I delete them. Simple as that.

    Thank you! I really appreciate what you said.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Funny, as I read this there was a P90X advertisement on the sidebar to the right. P90X paid MFP to advertise on their site...right?
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    I did get a msg once because I mentioned p90x. When I said I was "borrowing" the dvd's, she said if I was interested in anything, let her know. Very friendly and not pushy at all.

    That's the sex harrassment, son.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I did get a msg once because I mentioned p90x. When I said I was "borrowing" the dvd's, she said if I was interested in anything, let her know. Very friendly and not pushy at all.

    That's the sex harrassment, son.
    Can you really harass the willing?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    *Looks around. "Now where did I leave that dead horse?"
    It is right here...deadhorse.gif


  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    I did get a msg once because I mentioned p90x. When I said I was "borrowing" the dvd's, she said if I was interested in anything, let her know. Very friendly and not pushy at all.

    That's the sex harrassment, son.
    Can you really harass the willing?

    Depends who your lawyer is :)