Posting my weight on here



  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    When I started this, I told myself that I was going to put it all out there. If is easy to give up if only you will notice. So, I started a blog (offsite, before I found MFP) and started out by talking about my situation and why it needed to change. I shared the link with my friends and posted on Facebook. For better or worse, I made myself completely vulnerable. If I was going to fail and fall back to old ways, everyone was going to know about it. THAT in an of itself was a huge motivator not to fail! As such, I've been pushing forward and not looking back. I have since given up the blog, as I have found that I do not have as much to talk about now that this lifestyle is becoming more routine. Not to mention, I have MFP to vent, share, and learn from. My weight and comments still post to Facebook though, so my friends still know that I'm hard at it.
  • kendylyndie
    kendylyndie Posts: 9 Member
    Don't push your comfort level if you're not ready for it. But like everyone else has said: nobody's here to put you down, we're all here for the same reasons and that's to encourage and support one another in the journey to a healthier lifestyle! I think posting your weight will definitely be hard at first, but you'll be facing and combating a fear and insecurity and once it's out there, that's what makes it real. You'll be able to be more accountable to your goals then and be that much prouder when not only you, but all of us supporting you, will see the awesome progress you're making!