highly aggrivated



  • I understand you want to lose weight and all, but you shouldn't worry so much about how pretty you are. You're setting a good example for your daughter by exercising. You should also set a good example by respecting yourself. Stop worrying about being so pretty all the time. That's not good for her or you. Eat a piece of pizza if you want. It's ok. You're just gonna exercise it off. Don't deprive yourself of some of the good things every now and then. Cheer up. You've obviously lost weight since whenever ago. Keep it going. It's good for you anyways. And good for your daughter. Remember, your daughter will always think your pretty. So screw those other people.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I agree with the others......you need to speak with a professional. You're fat??? I'm 4'11" and 110 and KNOW that I'm tiny. The only reason I want to lose "weight" is to achieve a 6 pack. So, I am 3 inches shorter and weigh more than you and I know that I am by no means fat which means you definitely are not. Please seek help.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    I havnt read everyones answers to your post but as a personal trainer and as a friend who has been overweight my whole life...ok maybe only 23 of my 27 years....you should do more toning less cardio....do 40-60 min of cardio a day and the rest of the time tone! crunches, core training, look up pilates core training on youtube....youll find great workouts. Try adding calories with peanut butter, heavier milk in your shakes etc. you dont need to eat meat but make sure your getting in enough protein. xoxo
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Before you work on your body, fix your mind. The rest will follow.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    109 pounds on a 4'11" woman would be a very good weight and you are 3 inches taller than that. You're problem isn't so much fat as it probably is lack of muscle. You, yourself said you don't like meat that much. If you don't keep protein up you will not build muscle and if you don't eat enough calories you won't buld muscle.

    At your height and weight you should try eating about 1500 calories per day. Do that, keep the protein and calories up and lift some weights and you will actually look much leaner. If you have no muscle mass it won't matter how much weight you lose, you still won't be happy with the way you look.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Hi - I'm sorry you are feeling this way. Just because you are small doesn't mean that you aren't in your own head like most of us here. Beating yourself up, feeling very isolated and alone. Hang in there.

    As far as your food journal - I'm going to say, like the others, you do need to eat more......no - not untill you are absolutley stuffed - but just eat more through the day. Sounds wierd, but the more you eat, the more you burn, the more you eat, the hungrier you are through the day, your body is like a furnace - burn burn burn - you aren't giving it enough to burn....so it's got some embers in there - basically it's just shutting down.

    Try to eat more often, you don't like meat - do protien shakes, peanutbutter, eggs......

    3-4oo cals bfast
    2-3oo cals snack
    3-4oo cals lunch
    2-3oo cals snack
    4-5oo cals dinner

    Adjust according to your needs - but honey, working out as hard as you are.......EAT! Stick to the middle of the calorie range in here and I guarantee you will feel better! You will start to sleep better, your mind will be in a better place.

  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm 5'2 and would be SOOOOOO happy to be at the weight you are now.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    just to clarify im not the skinny chick that say oh whoa is me. i used to be heavy heavy all my life. I am 5 foot 2. Ive worked so hard to get to this point. And nothing looks better. My mom died when i was 17. She was ery obese. I lost my world. the only person that ever knew i was pretty and then at 17 i had to step into the real world with my father telling me no one will love me and girls when i was in hs making fun of me so ive worked so hard to try to accomplish pretty and i cant seem to have it. the only reason im so upset is because i worked really hard to get here and nothing seems to help. like i was told the other day while walking "exercise doesnt make pretty" and its obviously true. i just want a damn flat stomach and still have a life. and no i dont know why i hate myself. but im sick of waking up and feeling this way. and way sicker that i work my butt off and not seeing a difference. im sorry i jjust need to vent because im tired of crying about it on my lonesome

    Well, if you're 5'2" then the ideal weight range for you is between 110 and 120 lbs. I'm 5'2" and that's what I'm shooting for. If you want to see more results, I would probably recommend toning instead of losing weight.
  • When you feel like nobody loves you, and thinks you're pretty, remember this:
    God made YOU. God loves YOU! Just the way you are. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be you. Don't be so hard on yourself. Remember who you are, the strong, healthy woman that God created you to be.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Ok, from a guy POV, you look great. You are a pretty young woman, with a nice figure, at least from what the pictures show. I think more of the issue is stress. You are trying to do too much at once. You look great as you are now. Focus more on school and your beautiful baby girl. Maybe once you de-stress about the food and your no-improvement-needed body image, you'll feel better, and things will improve. Seriously. For 4 years, stress and depression weighed on me, made me get out of whack. Once I refocused, and got happy with me again, I got back on the fitness path. Refocus, and some of he stress will melt away, I promise.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    if you feel you can't eat more -maybe you need to change what you are eating so foods with higher carbs and protein rather than just fruit and veg?

    but seriously, you really need to stop punishing yourself. Your father sounds like a git and you need to realise that his opinion is bs and that unfortunatley just because these people are our parents-doesn't mean what they say or do is gospel.

    You are beautiful, and you need to see that.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I don't even know what to say to this. I enjoy giving and recieving encouragement from my friends here at MFP, but you're attitude after only 3 weeks is not quite right. First, most of us are on a lifestyle journey, not a quick fix, secondly three weeks is not enough time for even a quickie diet to work. There is nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight just for vanity, that's a valid reason, however, don't expect a lot of empathy from people who are having to lose weight in order to save their lives!

    I'm sorry but you need to work on your mind as well as your body. Stop letting other people define who you are, it's really not about a flat stomach, it's about inner strength. You have a daughter who will look to you as her example, begin to focus on loving yourself so she will model your behavior. I wish you the best of luck with your efforts.
  • Ready for some much needed straight conversation? Stop your whining. You weigh a buck o' five drenched. I don't care how skinny you are, you will never be attractive with that attitude. If you see your time working out as not 'your time', then quit. Go eat pizza, and ice cream, and other "good food".

    If that's how you define good food, and your time, you need more than a new diet plan. I'm sorry to break you the bad news, but life isn't easy, staying fit isn't easy, but it is just that - life. Remember, life is managed, not solved. If you don't enjoy the daily grind...grind something else. Now go workout.

    P.S. By the way, to my 'old friends', you'll know me by my writing style...add me, this is a new screen name, unrelated to my previous...I couldn't keep up with so many messages and requests for advice. I'm gonna limit it a bit this time around!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    People are telling you "you NEED to eat at least 1200 calories!!!"

    Well, eff that. *** No, you don't. ***

    The AVERAGE PERSON needs to net at least 1200. But the general rule of thumb is 10 calories per goal pound. If you want to weigh 105, net 1050. (For example: I am netting 1200 til I reach 135 then bumping it up to 1350 to maintain.)

    (People forget some of us are shorter or have different body types.) BUT! Every BODY is different. Listen to your body.

    That said, try increasing for a bit, see how it works.

    But I have to ask...why are you spazzing out over 4 lbs.? Sounds like there is much more going on here than your physical health. I hope you get everything under control because it is exhausting to let things make you so hysterical. Personal experience talkin' there. One thing I do know is that no amount of b*tching and whining will change your life. Though sometimes it's just necessary to purge.

    P.S.: We're the same height and anywhere from 103-140 is in our healthy range. You're close to being underweight. Ease up a bit on yourself.

    Good luck, honey. :heart:
  • nissafull
    nissafull Posts: 48
    Very nicely said.... agree agree!
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