Is 150lbs still too heavy for a 5'4" person?



  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    It is really up to you and how you feel at 150. I know there are charts out there that say we need to weigh this or that, but if you have a certain body type or alot of muscle, then what can you do? I know for me, I'm shooting for the most I should weigh for my height because I'm big boned and have alot of muscle from years of dancing. Good luck, you can do it!!!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    5'4" here too... I'm at 170 now... and a size 12... I'm bigger boned and muscular especially in the the thigh area... -
    I wanted to get to 145 also, but I"m thinking 150lbs... people (of course) are telling me not to lose too much more weight... but I want at least another 20 off!

    I really think it depends on your body type and how you generally look... - if that makes sense!!!!

    I gotcha, it makes sense. I have a really squishy body type. My fat's not just concentrated in certain areas, its EVERYWHERE. When I weighed about 148 in highschool, I looked thin on the outside, but of course without clothes, everything was still soft and.. squashy. I've grown a few inches height wise, so who knows what 148 will look like on me now?
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    if it's the goal youlwant and find realistic for you then go for it

    i'm 5'4 and have a lower goal, but that's for me. you have to do what you need for you
  • Mmmie
    Mmmie Posts: 31
    I am 5'4" too and I set my goal for 145 so I thing 150 is a great i would be very happy if I make it that Far

    Good Luck

    I love your mini goal I would have to change the Great Dane though I have 3 dogs already what I really want is to be a Mommy
    so I hope by then i can get pregnant
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    5'4" here too... I'm at 170 now... and a size 12... I'm bigger boned and muscular especially in the the thigh area... -
    I wanted to get to 145 also, but I"m thinking 150lbs... people (of course) are telling me not to lose too much more weight... but I want at least another 20 off!

    I really think it depends on your body type and how you generally look... - if that makes sense!!!!


    Yes, yes!!! It does make sense.

    I am often astounded at how different body types are! I was a 14/16 at 160 lbs, and it was mostly above the hips, specifically in my belly. I carry it under the muscle so I had a large hump rather than rolls. I was asked, more than once, when the baby was due (then I would go home and cry.) I am apparently some type of freakish 100% apple type.

    The problem was that my lipid panel was elevated, even though I was only in my twenties. My specific pattern of weight gain (mostly visceral abdominal fat) was likely responsible. If I stored fat like most women, in my hips, rear, and thighs, I'd probably be OK. Even though I was technically "normal" BMI for my height, albiet on the very high end of normal, my doctor recommended weight loss.

    My goal was smaller belly, negative hip to waist ratio and improved lipids, rather than a weight number or BMI. And, losing weight did improve all of my values, my triglycerides are in the low end of normal, my LDL is borderline (instead of high, I'll take it!) and HDL went up.

    The BMI does not take into account your frame or shape. I think BMI should be thrown out the window. People can be healthy at a wide range of weights, and it will be different for every body. I've seen women who look amazing that are supposedly "overweight", who have normal lipids, and still supposedly at cardiovascular risk. It makes no sense.

    To the OP, I think stopping at 150 and assessing is a good idea.
  • Thresherinc
    I don't know why people put so much stock in BMI! BMI doesn't factor in muscle mass! So, my fit, muscular hubby is always considered "obese" when he goes to the doctor because his weight is higher that the chart THINKS he should be! Um, he has low body fat and lots of muscle; hardly obese in my book! :smile:

    My point is that you should focus on body fat! When you drop to 150lbs, have your body fat tested. THEN gauge where you need to go from there.

    Spot on!!

    I am 6' exactly, have 22% Body Fat(Which is too much I know) but my BMI is up in the mid 30's and I'm considered Clinically Obese by doctors who haven't met me. A great majority of the rugby players down my club are also considered obese by BMI standards, some of these guys are so low in Body Fat it's ridiculous.

    Yeah Right, BMI is an arbitrary set of numbers that bear no resemblance to real life and should be ignored, go with Body Fat %, Heart Rate, Size(not Weight), Blood Pressure instead of some scale someone thinks should apply to everybody but in reality couldn't possibly do so.
  • feistypants_
    feistypants_ Posts: 1 Member
    lol exactly! I always think.. i'm just 150 and being told i'm at risk for disease.... really? just 4lbs off from being "normal" weight....?? c'mon!
  • OliveRiver
    OliveRiver Posts: 81 Member
    I can only answer this question based on my personal experience, so forgive me if I come off as being a bit rude.
    I'm 5'6" and currently 134. Even at that weight and being 2 inches taller than you, I personally could still stand to lose another 15-20 pounds, or at least trade some of the fat for muscle.
    I weighed 150 at one point and I was not at all happy with my appearance back then.

    I do think it's a wonderful idea to have these smaller goals just so you don't become discouraged, but based on my experience alone, I do find it likely that you'll want to go a bit further once you reach that point.

    But, as many have already said, it's all up to you to decide what your perfect weight should be. It's your body and everyone is different.
  • ForABetterMe89
    I know I'm insanely huge right now (considering my height.. :/), but I set my goal weight to be 150; currently 82 pounds lighter than I am right now. I had originally had set it to 132; 100 pounds lighter, but forgive me for thinking that was a little too unrealistic.
    I honestly don't want to pressure myself into thinking 132 is a MUST, then becoming discouraged half way through, which is now why I have mini goals, displayed in my siggy.

    Thoughts? Should I keep my goal weight at 150 or would 132 be healthier for my height?

    I think 150 is perfectly fine. I am 5'2.75" started at 172, currently at 164. My initial goal weight is 150 lbs, however I think 145 sounds so much better. So I'm going to 150 and then from there going on. According to BMI I would still technically be overweight, but I don't care. Make a goal, whether it be 200, 175, or 150, aim for that. If you get to 160 and you really like what you see in the mirror, stick with it, if you get to 150 and realize 'hey, i'd still like to be a little lighter' go for it. Go with what you feel and then figure out what feels best for you.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm 5'4, and 150 is too heavy for me. But I'm at 33 percent body fat.
    I'm lifting to get my lean muscle up.
    It's possible that while trying to get to 24 percent body fat that I might not see a change on the scale, but there would be a size difference.
    If I stay the same weight after reducing body fat, then that would be ok, but right now, my body composition is wrong.

    edited for spelling.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    150 is fine for a goal. Reassess once you get there!
    and quit with the negative self talk! Think positively about yourself!! You're awesome, for setting such a wonderful goal, and for getting advice from supportive people!! You rock!!!!!
  • falnangel1205
    you should be good at would put you at a BMI of 25.7..normal range is up to 24.9...145 would put you right at the 24.9 BMI
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    That is my goal as well. I actually may stop before that. Last time I was that weight I looked very small and actually felt sick. I was wearing a size 0. It makes it tough to actually pick a goal weight!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I am 5'9 and I just reached my goal of 150 and I am still pudgy in areas...especially tummy and waist. I think 150 would be a bit much for someone 5 inches shorter than myself.
  • fullofhope76
    I am 5' 4". My ultimate goal is to be 126, but I would be insanely happy with 140. As long as I can fit in a size 8 I will be happy no matter what the weight.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    That is my goal as well, and as I am only about 5-6 pounds away from it, I honestly think it is a healthy weight, realistic weight. It really depends on your bone structure size and how you carry your weight that matters the most. If I hit 150 and I still have some "love handles", then it means I still have a little ways to go. If I hit 150 and everything just falls into place, I will be a happy person. You have to be comfortable in the body that you have and no number on that scale is going to do this for you! Good luck and have doing it! >:O)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    If you are losing weight for health then 150 is a very reasonable target. There are actually some protective qualities for a FEMALE carrying some extra fat. Females in the "overweight" and even the lower ranges of the "obese" categories can be very healthy especially if the waist to hip ratio is good.

    If you are losing weight to look good.. then you'll look ok at 150 but some people might still call you chubby.

    I am 5'5" and I have made my goal to be 150 because I know I'll gain a bit when I try to enter maintenance and I ultimately want to maintain at 160-170
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    As people have said, it's how you feel. I set myself small goals and then decide. My first was to get from 175 to 160. Then I decided to get to 150. I've now decided that for my frame (I have tiny tiny bones despite being tall) I am aiming for 140 but no lower. Get to 150 THEN decide. No rush. Good luck until then.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I think get to 150 then think about it...

    I'm about the same height (well 5'4 at a stretch... lol) and I did a lot of looking online and things came up between 120 and 135... but I know I have always looked smaller than I measure...(shock in dress fittings..).. So my goal currently is to get to about 150 then just going to keep assessing it...
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    With that big of a change, you might want to hold off on making a decision like that until you get to that point. Once you weigh 150, reevaluate how you look and how you feel.