whats your odd food?



  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Wow all of this stuff sounds DISGUSTING. I don't know if I have a weird food. BTW ketchu + mayo = fry sauce & it's not weird. Fries in milkshakes all also very common lol. I'm trying to think of something weird I eat.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    Wow all of this stuff sounds DISGUSTING. I don't know if I have a weird food. BTW ketchu + mayo = fry sauce & it's not weird. Fries in milkshakes all also very common lol. I'm trying to think of something weird I eat.

    very true about the common stuff. the state of utah (probably other places as well) has the ketuchup with mayo at the condiment stations of all fast food restaurants. and the milkshake and fries...one of my favs....
  • insyweensy
    insyweensy Posts: 53 Member
    apples and cheese... in the same bite. i have it for lunch every day. it's my comfort food. :)
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Sardine and dill pickle sandwiches, (my grandad used to make them for us)

    and my husband thinks its weird, but I like ketchup on french toast instead of syrup
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    apples and cheese... in the same bite. i have it for lunch every day. it's my comfort food. :)
    totally not weird, I eat cheese with apple pie too
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    When I was little, my grandmother would make potato sandwiches. She would fry up thick slices of potato and serve with mayo on white bread. They were so good but I cringe at the thought of how many calories, fat, and carbs must have been in them
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Peanut butter and bologna.

  • LilShortChick
    I used to love cracking open a can of french style green beans, dumping the entire thing into a bowl... then mixing in some mayo and eating it cold. I made my ex husband throw up once when he saw me do that.. Aaahh that should have been a sign that he wasn't a keeper :)
  • LilShortChick
    Ohhhh and you gotta love a spaghetti burrito! YUM!
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Thought of one! Grilled peanut butter & cheese sandwiches! a local coffee shop of mine makes them! YUM!
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    OK.....I know this is weird but..
    everytime (when I used to)baked a chocolate cake he had to have green beans.
    Yes....he ate them together.......yuck!
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Potato chips in ketchup...to the point where I don't really like potato chips just plain. Ketchup on grilled cheese too!

    I also had chocolate once with peanuts, potato chips, and caramel. YUM.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I mix ranch and barbecue sauce together (only the restaurant kinds though) and dip my french fries in that. I've also done the fries in chocolate shake, but Mcdonalds Chicken nuggets in a Strawberry shake is awesome. Haven't done that in about 8 years though! I still do the french fries in bbq & ranch though if I get fries, but i don't do that often either because I'm broke!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    wow! some awesomely strange and odd food mixes! I love it! thanks guys for posting! it was fun!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    When I was a kid. I don't know how it happened, or why.
    Peanut butter and .......... ketchup sandwiches.

    Can't stand the thought now.

    Also premium plus crackers in a wendy's frosty.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Bumping this for when I can remember something weird I eat (because I KNOW I am a weird eater sometimes..)

  • Bjornulf
    Bjornulf Posts: 29
    My dad used to scramble pig brains and eggs, cooked together, and then smother the whole mess with strawberry preserves. I never really had the courage to try them but he seemed to think they were great.

    Some things I HAVE tried are a boiled egg with salt and pepper, smashed into a spot of maple syrup with a fork. It's not as bad as it sounds. In college I remember corn and bacon sandwiches, not recommended but especially not if the only bread you have available is rye, like we did. My cousin Howard used to make mayonnaise and mustard sandwiches, not bad when I was 6, haven't wanted to try one lately....

    I remember green bean and spaghetti sandwiches. One scoop of green beans(usually with pearl onions) and one scoop Spaghetti in meat marinara sauce. Usually did this with whole wheat or potato bread.

    I don't know if this counts but it is really very tasty. Cream cheese, vanilla yogurt, green onions and cooked & peeled shrimp. I heat the cheese and yogurt in a crockpot to avoid scorching. When they are warm and of an even consistancy I add the green onions and shrimp.

    My Ex thought this was odd but I grew up with it being considered normal amongst family and friends, Plain, unflavored oatmeal and 1 cup of yogurt, plain or flavored. What a great way to start off a cold morning!
  • meowmx
    meowmx Posts: 15 Member
    And I thought I was the only one that thought PB and cheese (has to be cheddar!) on bread was good together! Never tried it grilled though, always eaten it cold :)
  • Thexplodingirl
    My husband will never let me live down my mac n cheese with mustard habit. One of the reasons I'm dieting today. I'll still OCCASIONALLY have mac and cheese lean cuisine with brown mustard in it. Hell at least it's better than eating a whole box I made with more butter than milk!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    A plain omelette with applesauce and a processed cheese slice. We grew up eating it and I've tried to feed it to other people but nobody seems to like it.