calories to stay at current weight

Does anybody have the formula for figuring out how many calories you need to stay at the weight you are at?

The one I have is as follows for women:

(4.35 x weight) +
(4.7 x height) -
(4.7 x age) =

Or does any body have a different one? Anyone know a good website?


  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Does anybody have the formula for figuring out how many calories you need to stay at the weight you are at?

    The one I have is as follows for women:

    (4.35 x weight) +
    (4.7 x height) -
    (4.7 x age) =

    Or does any body have a different one? Anyone know a good website?
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Couldn't you use the BMR on here to find out your maintenance calories and then just plug that info into your food diary