Too skinny for him....but not for me ;(



  • StaceyZombie
    StaceyZombie Posts: 69 Member
    Totaly not the jealous type at all me, the absolute right amount of caring and understanding in our relationship.
    the big question is, " do I keep going and reach my goal, or do I stop now cause I know it might make him happy?"

    I'm always surprised by how many people I have so much in common with on MFP. I have the same situation with my husband. I was always big. When we met 12 yrs ago I was probably 190 and that's the smallest I had been up until 3 years ago when I decided to lose the weight. I was 250 at my biggest and am now at 150(5'7") my smallest during this journey I was 139. Do what you need to do to make yourself happy. My husband sounds just like yours, unconditional love....we are lucky!! But at the end of the day, you have to be happy with yourself first and one day you may regret not reaching your goal. He will be happy with you no matter what, so make yourself happy <3
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    oh !!! one HUGE benefit that i have had from this whole experience is... i feel more excited to go out.. i almost started fights before we went out because i didnt feel good about myself and didnt want to get ready.. find something to wear. sometimes whole nights ruined.. so now that i am feeling better.. and have clothes i feel better in.. i am ready and dressed in no time.. and it has made us argue soooo much less when we are going somewhere..... MEN LOVE THAT!!! i can be showered, makeup , hair and dresses in 20-25 minutes when we used to fight for 2 hours before...LOL.... kinda ridiculous now that i look back but.... soooo glad its better....and it just feels good to feel good! ahhhhh the benefits of self confidence....has helped my marriage too!

    So glad I am not the only one that was like this! I cannot tell you the number of fights we had because of all this.

    But for OP, I think your plan is good. I am running into this problem with my hubby already. Right now I am still at 161 but want to get to at most 130 (and I am only 5') But hubby from the get go expressed concern over this. I have always been big since he has known me. I think it is scary for them to not know what this weight will look like on us.