


  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    5 or 6 depending on how you count them.

    In date order:

    a small lizard on my left arm
    a city of Troy maze on my left arm
    a raven tramp stamp
    a large tree of life on my back
    a triskel & ivy wrist band
    and 3 larger lizards in a circle round my first little lizard.

    And I'm not done yet.:laugh:
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I just have one, on the small of my back

  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i have 3.. a big one of a koi and flowers on my right side... long story behind that one... a 'tramp stamp' yingyang symbol and a little angel feather with my grandsons name curled up inside it on the top of my right shoulder. i'd love more angel feathers lol and also would like the big one extended abit.. maybe a vine around my waist... when i find my waist again!!! :bigsmile:
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I have 14. Both my arms are sleeved
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    I cannot wait til I can get some tattoos. I have at least 3-4 ideas for tats. But I am not down to the size I want to be and I do know they can get pricey.

    I have a faerie picked out that I think looks JUST like my mother who passed 22 yrs ago. I want that on one of my shoulders with her initials and my grandmothers initials (she passed 6 yrs ago).
    Then my sister and I want a cross for our mother, we want matching ones so I am in the process of creating one, definitely a lot harder than I thought. If it works I will upload a pic. I found a pic someone had done and I modified it slightly but I dont know exactly what the celtic design stands for..Dont want something I dont know what it is on my body.
    Third I want some kind of stars and swirls on my ankle. I love turtles and plumeria flowers(dream is to go to hawaii one day) and i found a tat that incorporates both of those. would like that on an ankle too.

    P8280120.jpg sorry if it comes out big..The part I am referring to is the white part of the design. I added white part to a different cross style.. Does anyone know the meaning? Im not as educated in my irish heritage as I would like to be.
  • One on my thigh and one on my foot, the thigh is a geisha and an octopus and the foot is my sister's name with orchids.
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member

    Tribal Snake (left Upper Arm),
    Red Tribal Scorpion (left side of righ calf),
    Multicolored Tribal Scorpian (right side of right calf),
    Rattlesnake (covers from bottom left side of right calf around the back of the calf to other side),
    Kanji Symbol on back of left calf,
    Asian Dragon covering my entire upper back,
    BBW angel on my mid back,
    Wolf howling at the moon with wolf paws on lower right upper arm,
    Indian on horse riding in the sunset on upper right arm,
    and a secret one someplace else, lol
  • caligirl86
    caligirl86 Posts: 82
    too many to count...
    right arm fully sleeved..An assortment of images that represent me and my life
    left arm has all kinds of flowers and a vine...(needs to be finished..)
    Shoulder blade.. a geisha
    Lower back... Huge streched out spider mum
    Lower back" LIfe's a Journey not a Destination"
    Bikini... Lady bug
    Legs... Tribal ,seashell, and koi fish

    Yes I would get more.. And will..NO REGRETS...
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Waiting till I lose some more weight, but excited to think about getting some. I know what I want though, A caduceus on my back (medical ymbol with the snakes, I am a nurse), a frog for my son and a lady bug for my daughter, one on each ankle.
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    Think it's 14, although my last one incorporated an old one so um yeah. Most are on my arms, have a lot of text and some music symbols among other things
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    3 which are all on my spinal cord (one at top of neck, one at very top of back and other in middle of my back(higher than "tramp stamp" area)
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i have 3.. a big one of a koi and flowers on my right side... long story behind that one... a 'tramp stamp' yingyang symbol and a little angel feather with my grandsons name curled up inside it on the top of my right shoulder. i'd love more angel feathers lol and also would like the big one extended abit.. maybe a vine around my waist... when i find my waist again!!! :bigsmile:
    just found out during the weak.. that all being well and with gods blessings there will be another little feather on my shoulder at the end of this year :happy:
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