Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    I just started TurboFire last week also. Looking to lose 20 pounds :) I need buddies too!
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    I gained 2lbs. :mad:

    My clothes definitely fit a little better so maybe it's all muscle??? The thing is I'm still depressed and mad about it. The whole "muscle weighs more than fat" fact just doesn't do it for me. I neeeeeeeeed to see those lower numbers on the scale. I'm sure it's because I've gone over my calories 2-3x a week... every week. Eating is the hardest thing for me, I love food, LOVE IT! sigh... got to focus on the goal, not the food. ugh.

    Not resting today, gonna rest tomorrow instead. HIIT 15 and whatever else is on the schedule (tone 30?), here I come. Maybe even with hand weights to punish myself. :devil:

    Try not to beat yourself up too much! If the scale has become your enemy, take a break from it for a while. I try to only weigh myself once a week, and I feel like I get more accurate numbers that way. You're bound to fluctuate day by day.

    Also, maybe try to reevaluate what you're eating. I don't follow the Turbo Fire diet plan very strictly, but I have made an effort to do a food make-over and I try to keep an eye open for smarter eating choices all the time. Believe me when I say I have a BIG appetite for a woman! I'm a big snacker, especially when it comes to salty stuff like crackers and cheese. My tip for all the hungry girls out there is this - keep eating! I snack all day long - just keep your snacks healthy and low-cal. And if you're still hungy??? Don't underestimate the power of a stick of gum!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Oh, if anyone wants to check out my before and after pics from Day 1 to Day 30 check out my youtube channel...and PLZ tell me what you think :)



    WOW Shannon you look AMAZING!!! I subbed to your channel I also have one if you would like to sub back.Keep up the good work!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/glittermommy1?feature=mhee
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Hi Guys! I am starting TurboFire on Monday and just joined my fitness pal today... anyone else just starting or wanting to start over? I need some motivation!

    I just started on Sunday, you are in good company. Not going to start over, but I'm close enough to you :smile:

    I think I have to do the 45EZ tonight. Not done it so far, but I love that some of you say its your fave.

    My knee is hurting today. I hate it. It hasn't been hurting in the workouts so that's good. I had an MRI and nothing wrong with it, just pain. Ibuprofen works though, so I'll be taking some soon.
  • GoodBye_Fatty
    GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
    I am still waiting for my Turbo Fire to come in the mail. Hope to get it today and will start Monday! So excited I found new TF friends. Will be adding all of you guys so I can see how everyone is doing!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Great, I can't wait to work out today except it's freaking Fire 30 and I hate it. But I am determined to pretend to looove it. So here goes.
    I love the way it makes me sweat and I love that it is short. I love that even though it's 30 minutes for some reason I find it more challenging physically than some of the others. And that's all I've got. Now to get home and get the baby down for a nap and find something for the 7 year old to do so I can make this the best workout ever! (ugh, pretending like I love Fire 30 makes me so sick I think that I just threw up in my mouth a little)
  • carriecolleen
    Great, I can't wait to work out today except it's freaking Fire 30 and I hate it. But I am determined to pretend to looove it. So here goes.
    I love the way it makes me sweat and I love that it is short. I love that even though it's 30 minutes for some reason I find it more challenging physically than some of the others. And that's all I've got. Now to get home and get the baby down for a nap and find something for the 7 year old to do so I can make this the best workout ever! (ugh, pretending like I love Fire 30 makes me so sick I think that I just threw up in my mouth a little)

    I just did Fire 30 and I think I figured it out...It's the music...It's the Bobby Brown song. Mute the TV!!!! LMAO
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I think that you are right about the music on Fire 30. I did it today without the weighted gloves and it was a lot easier...too easy. But with the gloves it's too hard. I can't win, at least I'm done with it for the week.
    Fire 30 & Tone 30 for a total of 524 calories burned.
    Tomorrow is Fire 55EZ and the music is soooo much better. I rather enjoy 55EZ so I am more excited for this one. Great job everyone you are all awesome! Welcome to all of the newbies!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Hi Guys! I am starting TurboFire on Monday and just joined my fitness pal today... anyone else just starting or wanting to start over? I need some motivation!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome! We are all in different places, so feel free to join in and keep us updated on how it's going. We'll help you any way that we can!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I did HIIT 20 this morning. I was supposed to do Sculpt 30 but I ran out of time... couldn't be late for work!

    I'm going to do something tonight, but I'm trying to decide what to do. I'm not crazy about the sculpt one... actually, I don't like using the bands really at all. They are just awkward to me. I'm not sure if I'm going to use free weights or try a different strength workout tonight. We shall see!

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's progress so far!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Today was my official rest day but since I had a bad lunch I decided to get some exercise calories. Didn't do TF, just walked on the treadmill at 3.7mph on a 2.0 incline with ankle weights for 1hour 15min - not bad for a rest day.

    Watched Sweeny Todd while I walked. Sure is a dark and creepy movie, not sure about my reasoning to put it on as workout entertainment. What was I thinking???
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Ugh. I didn't get to Sculpt 30 tonight. I ALMOST got there... started warming up and then my grandma called, kids were getting out of bed, etc. Now I have to finish up some work and get to bed so that I have energy for Fire 55 tomorrow. Oh well. :ohwell:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I did HIIT 20 and Sculpt 30 today..I am gonna feel that in the morning.My arms were like jello LOL
  • carriecolleen
    To all the newbies...add me please! I love having Turbo Buddies!!! :)
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I finished Tone 30 for the first time tonight. My whole body feels like jello. :bigsmile: I am still on track with the prep program and I am still liking it :smile:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hey guys!

    late night check-in. it's definitely bedtime so i'm going to make this short.

    today was HIIT 15/Tone 30. i scrapped the resistance bands for free weights during tone 30 because it was so much easier on my wrists. when i finished, my arms and legs were jelly. it reminded me of that beyonce track - so i had "bootylicious" playing in the kitchen while i was cooking. ("i don't think you're ready for this jelly.")

    welcome newbies! i love how everyday we get more new people wanting to start this awesome program. we're a great bunch so feel free to add us if you need words of encouragement! you can also post all your thoughts here too! also, don't worry if you are just starting out -- everyone is on different schedules here :)

    @sass i cracked up laughing at your expressions of love for Fire 30. i'm going to do that when i do 45EZ tomorrow. that's the one i don't like.

    @stacio - yes!! try the free weights, i found it ten times better. it was still very challenging. i also know to increase weights if it gets too easy.

    @tropicalseashell - your results in week 4 are amazing!!! you can really tell a difference.

    FAB job everyone - love hearing your thoughts on here!

    tomorrow is friday and the start of a long weekend. that means loads of fun, friends, food, sunshine (i hope) and drinks. may spell danger but i'm gonna try my hardest to keep it in check. i'm also going to start inferno on monday! (completely perfect thing to do after a long weekend!)

    ok i'm out --

    sweet dreams lovelies!

  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Finally, I am getting the hang of it! I keep doing the New to Class workout and I am catching on to the moves much faster than I anticipated.

    Did the Sculpt 30 tonight -that was fun.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I did the 55 workout last night. I tried the 'new to class' but I started too late and it was just too long. I skipped through one of the instructions, maybe two I can't remember. My HRM wasn't working and I didn't check it so I have no idea on cals burned. Oh well. So far I haven't hated any of it, but I've only done 3 of the workouts, there's bound to be something I hate :smile: I do love having a schedule - that keeps me on track and accountable. No idea what is on deck for tonight but I can't wait!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    hey guys!

    late night check-in. it's definitely bedtime so i'm going to make this short.

    today was HIIT 15/Tone 30. i scrapped the resistance bands for free weights during tone 30 because it was so much easier on my wrists. when i finished, my arms and legs were jelly. it reminded me of that beyonce track - so i had "bootylicious" playing in the kitchen while i was cooking. ("i don't think you're ready for this jelly.")

    welcome newbies! i love how everyday we get more new people wanting to start this awesome program. we're a great bunch so feel free to add us if you need words of encouragement! you can also post all your thoughts here too! also, don't worry if you are just starting out -- everyone is on different schedules here :)

    @sass i cracked up laughing at your expressions of love for Fire 30. i'm going to do that when i do 45EZ tomorrow. that's the one i don't like.

    @stacio - yes!! try the free weights, i found it ten times better. it was still very challenging. i also know to increase weights if it gets too easy.

    @tropicalseashell - your results in week 4 are amazing!!! you can really tell a difference.

    FAB job everyone - love hearing your thoughts on here!

    tomorrow is friday and the start of a long weekend. that means loads of fun, friends, food, sunshine (i hope) and drinks. may spell danger but i'm gonna try my hardest to keep it in check. i'm also going to start inferno on monday! (completely perfect thing to do after a long weekend!)

    ok i'm out --

    sweet dreams lovelies!


    I am going to try the free weights next time I have sculpt or tone...The bands just get to wobbly for me and my wrists keep doing the wrong thing lol, Thanks for the tip!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Yesterday I did HIIT 25 and it was so tough to get through it. I haven't done it since the beginning and I forgot how hard it was but I was able to finish it. My legs were so sore after it and it was a blessing that I was able to get through Sculpt 30. Well today is Fire 55EZ and I hope everyone has a great weekend.