"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 1



  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    So yesterday I was able to walk nearly 3 miles. I did 180 crunches and I didn't binge late last night. When I got up and I felt like I was hungry, I ate a hardboiled egg. Just 1. I am proud of myself.

    yay for you!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    annalobdell - Look at the progress you've made already! Absolutely smashing. You can do more than you even knew!

    So this morning as soon as hubby got home I showed him the Scentsy website and told him how I was interested in joining. Guess who's the newest Independent Scentsy Consultant?! :D I don't think I can post my Scentsy page here (MFP's got rules on promoting businesses), but if anyone in here likes this stuff and wants the link the my website, let me know and I'll private message it to you!

    Happy Thursday!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Did six miles this morning, but it wasn't fun... at all!!! I did it up at the gym on the nice treadmill while watching Deadliest Catch reruns... but only because of the flooded sidewalks all around town, I didn't want my shoes to be all squishy!!!! So, I finished. That's all I'm gonna say.

    Anyway, I do have some happy's for the day..... my husband is home, my race is a week from Saturday, and I lost 3.2 pounds this week!!!

    Yup, that's right, 3.2 pounds since last Thursday!!!! I'm kinda on cloud nine right now... thinking I might throw in some more crunches later just for fun!!!! Just kidding... I may do them, but they're not fun!!!
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Today I walked 3 miles, it was easier today, but it still hurt. It didn't start hurting until I got my mile and a half done. I pushed through the pain and while my calves hurt, I feel pretty good. I also bought jillian michaels ripped in 30. That I finished, but barely. My new goal is to do something every day to get me up and get me moving. Plus, I weighted myself this morning and I am down 2 pounds from yesterday. I'm not logging that because my official weight in days are wednesdays, I just like to check, to keep myself accountable and make tweaks if need be. Everyone else is doing great!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Nikstergirl- I may have to steal your new motto :) Great work at the gym! and the 6 miles!

    Aprildauer- Thanks! I'm super excited and can't wait for it to get here.

    Pink- Definitely a good idea to take it easy if you're sore. Better safe then sorry.

    elysetoplin- Hope everything works out for you, sorry it's been so stressfull.

    Annalobdell- You're doing awesome!!

    So I had a major meltdown last night when I got home. I ended up eating a ton of candy and junk food. I logged it all but it I'm disappointed in myself today. I did have a good run at the gym today though. I felt like I might die towards the end but I kept going and made my 5K in 38:42 which I'm very proud of.

    CW:207.2 (yeah...)

    1) 5k in 38:42!
    2) I'm getting off from work earlier tonight and am off tomorrow so YAY!
    3) Still getting myself to the gym and kicking *kitten* at the gym even though I felt blah and unmotivated.
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Managed to indulge in a full Applebees meal tonight. I think I may try to do ALL of my week one challenges into one night to make up for the ridiculous amount of calories I just consumed! Thank goodness I only had water to drink, lol.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Started cleaning, until my husband came home and became a total *kitten*. needless to say i was very pissed off. i was trying to prevent and argument so i went into the other room and he throws the freaken coffee table. so i make him pick up his damn mess. Im not going to deal with that **** and I told him. hes pissed about money situation.. well if hed quit smoking wed have atleast 100 extra dollars a week. and he wont do the rolled cigarettes, they hurt his throat. So he should only be pissed at himself at this moment. and i let him have it after he cooled off.. to bad his freaken laptop wasnt on the table he threw.. it would have then been funny.. i still managed to make dinner.. :( i was going to make him fend for himself. and Im going to bed here in a few. I have to work at 9am. I hope everyone has a great night. sorry for the vent. Im still mad. he didnt even apologize. He tells me not to freaken cry. He better change his attitude or something is going to happen and he will be pissed. Im not dealing with that crap. he acts like hes the only one working his *kitten* off.. but I work my *kitten* off at work AND at home. Im the ONLY one that keeps the house clean, and he RARELY cooks. So I feel that I work my *kitten* off twice as much. Hopefully he makes some better choices soon. Sick of crying over this crap. :(
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Three happy's
    1) stuck to my calorie goals!
    2) motivated my BFF to start exercising! Even talked her thru buying a new sports bra! Pay it forward!
    3) bought a new outfit even tho I feel terrible - that is no excuse not to look like a schlump!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Nikstergirl - RIGHT ON with the 3.2 loss in one week! That's smashing.

    annalobdell - I love that you pushed yourself to finish your 3 miles even though your calves were working. And two more pounds down already?! You're going to be a shining start in this challenge, I can tell.

    cenedria - You logged it and owned up to it, and now you just move on. You finished your 5K in great time!

    JustJenn - Yum, Applebees! Hope you enjoyed every single bite.

    AprilVal - Aw hon, I'm sorry you had a bad night. :( Money is one of the worst things in life and causes so many problems. I hope you two are able to talk it through and move on. Maybe tonight is a good night to do some Wii Fit Rhythmic Boxing....

    pmkelly - How exciting that you've motivated your friend to join the bandwagon! And yay for a new outfit. New cloths are always fun!

    Apparently youth track happens a lot more in the Spring/Summer. They were taking up the track again tonight and there were a lot of walkers/runners there so it was quite crowded. Got 1.65 miles in.

    Today's happies:
    1) Scentsy!! Yay!
    2) Another "you've lost weight!" comment today.
    3) I'm thinking of treating myself to a Corona Light and a couple mini Cadbury eggs tonight...I've got the calories to spare!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I'm still here, Ladies. I feel like I had a good day and pretty sure I stayed under my calorie goal. I got a run/walk/bike ride in. :laugh: Yes, I did all three in the same "stretch of time". Oh well, better than nothing.

    It sounds like everyone is doing FABULOUS!!!! I'm so happy for everyone.

    AprilVal - (((HUGS))) :cry: I hope your day goes better tomorrow!

    Until tomorrow night - :drinker: Keep on trackin', Friends!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    So happy for how well everyone is doing. Ya know... I've said it many times... as long as you own up to what you've done (honesty to SELF) and don't make excuses... it's no big deal. You move on... Where people get stuck is when they start blaming others for their behavior. That's a bad cycle to get caught up in!

    April... There really is NO excuse for violence. Please keep in mind that no matter what the circumstances, you DON'T deserve it. I realize it was only a table... but it's violence just the same. You are worth SO much more!!

    Applebee's!! yum!! (Geez... I am just wishing for something - ANYTHING - crunchy right now!) AARRGGHHH!! :explode: In a few days... I am sure to go overboard on something! Purposely, mind you!! :bigsmile: I might just eat a whole bag of those Special K Cracker Chips! woohoo! :laugh: Yeah, I know... big splurge, right?! :yawn:

    My 3 happies for today:

    1) Had a very busy, but AWESOME day at work! :happy:
    2) Still drinking more water than usual... ALWAYS a good thing! :happy:
    3) My son had a good workout at soccer practice... he was so tired, he went to bed early! :smile:

    Now... to relax... and get a good night sleep! :bigsmile:
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Let me be the first to say... HAPPY FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile: Sounds like some of us need the weekend :tongue:

    NIKSTER--your loss this week is so awesome! So are your 6 miles, even if you didn’t enjoy it all that much :P
    APRILVAL—I’m glad you stood-up for yourself and aren’t putting up with that behavior!!! We’ve got your back no matter what happens, but I do hope things get better—hopefully he’ll get home today in a VERY apologetic mood :grumble:
    CAZZ—I think if you’re going “crazy” you def. deserve something more exciting than Special K cracker chips! But, if they’re yummy, then ENJOY :happy:
    PINK—don’t you wish you could just reserve even ONE lane of the track?! Main reason I don’t hit the track more often… think of it as obstacle training though :laugh:
    CRYSTAL—your run/walk/bike sounds like a GREAT workout! Nice job, girl.
    PMKELLY—I hope your new outfit made you feel a little better… I know shopping always does that for me :bigsmile:
    JUSTJENN—you have incredible willpower! I can’t fit Applebees anywhere in my “menu”, as I always get a drink, dessert, etc.
    CENEDRIA—Way to run it out! That is my fave way to get rid of any bad feeling, emotions, etc. And that is a GREAT 5k time—congrats! :flowerforyou:
    ANNALOBDELL—3 miles is really great!!! I don’t even get that in on some of my runs… way to keep at it, and welcome BTW :smile:
    ELYSETOPLIN—glad you feel comfortable enough to vent to us :wink: I wish I could run as fast as you, if it makes you feel any better… I guess we ALL really are already someone else’s goal, huh?!

    All those looking for free/online workouts—I know I've posted this before (maybe more than once--haha!), but to anyone that’s missed it, check-out bodyrock.tv It’s a little intense, but she usually shows beginner options (hell, anyone who doesn’t look like her would probably be considered beginner! Me included… *ahem*). I try to do just one workout per week… I can’t handle any more than that, but I feel awesome/sore in a good way afterward!!!

    I’ve been doing pretty good with the challenges this week—strength training has always been ‘lacking’ for me, but I’m sore all over every day this week, so I know I’m doing something right :laugh:
    :smile: My 3 Happies:
    *Got my daughter up to watch Princess Kate & her ‘Prince Charming’ kiss on the balcony—she LOVED it!!!
    *Um, did I mention it’s FRIDAY!?!?!?
    *Grateful that my family is not affected by the horrible weather disasters… and that we will be able to give something back to those affected.

    :heart: Have a great weekend y’all! Get your booties moving, drink some water, and eat something delicious AND healthy this weekend :heart:
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    wow everyone is doing so good.... walking 3 miles a day thats super good i think.....

    I have also been doing good with the walking part but thats about it the mini week challenge sad to say but i am at zero with that.... for some reason after work i am so tired and i fall asleep

    does anyone else feel tired and if so what do you do to get your energy back up?
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    It's Friday!!! And I am completely unmotivated to do any kind of work today! I was supposed to take the day off but decided to come into work because I had a ton to do. I've been here for five hours now and I've managed to do NOTHING!!! The sun is shining and I just want to be outside... RUNNING!!! :) I am feeling a bit down because I have put on some weight over the last two weeks. And of course, that never feels good. I haven't done any of my week 1 challenges and I haven't been running since Tuesday. Needless to say I am a bit frustrated.

    So, tomorrow I am going to a concert and will be there all day. I am going to count this as some form of exercise because I will be standing the whole time and jumping for a good part of it. (30 Seconds to Mars is the band.) I'm hoping that will help get me on my feet and going again. Between tonight and tomorrow morning, I'm hoping to get at least half of the challenges done.


    My three happy's:
    1. Going to see 30 Seconds to Mars tomorrow
    2. Going to meet and get my picture taken with the band tomorrow
    3. I witnessed history this morning when I actually woke up to watch the Royal Wedding.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had a pretty good Friday. Work wasn't super crazy like it has been lately so it felt nice to just be steady and not want to rip someone's head off!!!! Went for a quick supper with my oldest son and hubby and then ran my 2 miles. I have a 9 miler planned tomorrow... not looking forward to it, but can't wait to say I finished it!!!! Still have some calories left so deciding what kind of snack to have... pb&j or chocolate/??? Tough decision!!!!!

    Happys for Friday..
    It's Friday!!!
    It's sunny, finally!!!
    I got to witness the wedding this morning... yup, I'm a total sap!!!! What a beautiful girl and a lucky prince! Wish them nothing but the happiest of happys for the rest of their lives!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    does anyone else feel tired and if so what do you do to get your energy back up?

    What works is not laying down in the first place! Working out will give you energy!!! Hard to believe, but true! :happy:
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    So, today was kind of a blehhhh day. I managed to get in a mile walk and did 200 crunches, but no jillian tonight. I am whupped. I will be doing it tommorrow. also, does anybody do Zumba? I just ordered the dvds off of amazon because I love to dance and it looks like fun. Anybody got any reviews?
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    So, today was kind of a blehhhh day. I managed to get in a mile walk and did 200 crunches, but no jillian tonight. I am whupped. I will be doing it tommorrow. also, does anybody do Zumba? I just ordered the dvds off of amazon because I love to dance and it looks like fun. Anybody got any reviews?

    I have a good friend that does Zumba and loves it! I haven't tried it. (Still doing my cardio and strength circuits at the gym with the Slave Driver! ...still hate her... ) :bigsmile:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Happy Saturday! Working today then going out with friends I haven't seen in FOREVER! Had a pretty good Friday, it was my 12 hr work day. Nice group of patients...lots of laughs and fun. Coming with that of course is lots of walking back and forth! Went to dinner with the family...my brother was in town for a minute to fix my son's car. I miss seeing him everyday.

    Anyways...hope everyone has a beautiful day...hope it is sunny where you are.

    I am hoping to ride my bike for a bit when I get home!

    I am breathing!
    My hubby is off this weekend....I am off tomorrow.
    I am going to work...and I don't mind. Love what I do!

    Bye all!