"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 1



  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    How do you log 30 Day Shred LEvel 1 for your exercise?
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, have to vent... had a HORRIBLE run today. It wasn't really my fault, but still. Only did 7 of the 9 miles I planned, but it was because my son did the most STUPID thing ever!!! He decided it would be ok for him and three of his friends to take the bus to the next town, go to the Walmart and get caught shoplifting!!!! Yup, got a call from security about 3.8 miles into my run... told him to call my husband as he was in town getting some groceries anyway. So then I ended up losing all my concentration, taking or making about 4 phone calls and thinking up ways to torture my kid for the next six months!!!! Ended up cutting it short and was running really good but the last mile I just walked because the emotion had caught up with me and I lost it. I was bawling and walking trying to just get home!!!! Anyway, he's fine, but I'm sure this isn't over as they use lawyers to deal with this, even with 12 year old stupid kids!!!! I can't believe he thought this was a good idea, he was just supposed to be at his friends house in the neighborhood, he did NOT have permission to LEAVE the neighborhood, let alone get on a freaking bus and go to the next town!!!!

    So I need to calm down, need to not kill my son, and need to shop for some new work pants because mine about fell off me yesterday and I hear there's a decent sale on at Penney's... but I'm livid!!! Not only did he do the most stupid thing EVER for him, he also messed up my running mojo... there's no forgiving that!!!! Ok, I'm being melodramatic, but you get the idea... mama's MAD!!!!

    So, I'll try to think of some happys... but it will have to be later... sorry! Thanks for letting me vent!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Ok, have to vent... had a HORRIBLE run today. It wasn't really my fault, but still. Only did 7 of the 9 miles I planned, but it was because my son did the most STUPID thing ever!!! He decided it would be ok for him and three of his friends to take the bus to the next town, go to the Walmart and get caught shoplifting!!!! Yup, got a call from security about 3.8 miles into my run... told him to call my husband as he was in town getting some groceries anyway. So then I ended up losing all my concentration, taking or making about 4 phone calls and thinking up ways to torture my kid for the next six months!!!! Ended up cutting it short and was running really good but the last mile I just walked because the emotion had caught up with me and I lost it. I was bawling and walking trying to just get home!!!! Anyway, he's fine, but I'm sure this isn't over as they use lawyers to deal with this, even with 12 year old stupid kids!!!! I can't believe he thought this was a good idea, he was just supposed to be at his friends house in the neighborhood, he did NOT have permission to LEAVE the neighborhood, let alone get on a freaking bus and go to the next town!!!!

    So I need to calm down, need to not kill my son, and need to shop for some new work pants because mine about fell off me yesterday and I hear there's a decent sale on at Penney's... but I'm livid!!! Not only did he do the most stupid thing EVER for him, he also messed up my running mojo... there's no forgiving that!!!! Ok, I'm being melodramatic, but you get the idea... mama's MAD!!!!

    So, I'll try to think of some happys... but it will have to be later... sorry! Thanks for letting me vent!

    I feel your pain. No, really... I have! It can get better.. and usually does!! And THAT kid of mine ... is now a cop! LOL

    Cheer up, Nikster!! HUGS!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, have to vent... had a HORRIBLE run today. It wasn't really my fault, but still. Only did 7 of the 9 miles I planned, but it was because my son did the most STUPID thing ever!!! He decided it would be ok for him and three of his friends to take the bus to the next town, go to the Walmart and get caught shoplifting!!!! Yup, got a call from security about 3.8 miles into my run... told him to call my husband as he was in town getting some groceries anyway. So then I ended up losing all my concentration, taking or making about 4 phone calls and thinking up ways to torture my kid for the next six months!!!! Ended up cutting it short and was running really good but the last mile I just walked because the emotion had caught up with me and I lost it. I was bawling and walking trying to just get home!!!! Anyway, he's fine, but I'm sure this isn't over as they use lawyers to deal with this, even with 12 year old stupid kids!!!! I can't believe he thought this was a good idea, he was just supposed to be at his friends house in the neighborhood, he did NOT have permission to LEAVE the neighborhood, let alone get on a freaking bus and go to the next town!!!!

    So I need to calm down, need to not kill my son, and need to shop for some new work pants because mine about fell off me yesterday and I hear there's a decent sale on at Penney's... but I'm livid!!! Not only did he do the most stupid thing EVER for him, he also messed up my running mojo... there's no forgiving that!!!! Ok, I'm being melodramatic, but you get the idea... mama's MAD!!!!

    So, I'll try to think of some happys... but it will have to be later... sorry! Thanks for letting me vent!

    I feel your pain. No, really... I have! It can get better.. and usually does!! And THAT kid of mine ... is now a cop! LOL

    Cheer up, Nikster!! HUGS!

    Thanks Cazz... that totally helps me feel better!!! He totally swears he wasn't stealing and he even had $30 in his pocket to pay, but the other boys thought it would be fun to steal... so they all got busted. I don't know if I believe him or not, and the hopping the bus and lying about where he was is grounds enough for the punishment. The hard part is, hubs is gone all week, I work full time, and I don't have anyone super close to watch him! I obviously can't leave him to his own devices anymore... so he's to come to my office (a few blocks from school) after school and sit in my staff room to do homework or whatever... until I leave. Then he'll be home with me.. no xbox, no friends... until at least summer! Then the plan for now is to go to Grandma's all day while I'm at work, which is a pain for me to drive him 20 minutes there and then back to work and then pick him up after... I may just have him stay there for a few days each week... we'll see. He's in tons of trouble and we'll get a letter this week from the store to see if they are prosecuting. I don't think they will, he's only 12 and has never done this before, and he didn't actually walk out (if I got the story right) so I don't think they can charge him... I hope! Anyway.. he's been cleaning his room all day and I think he fell asleep already. He knows he's in trouble... I think he'll really know it after a few weeks of not seeing his friends!!!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Nikester - I'm so sorry that you've had such a crappy couple of days!! I think you're handling it really well - you've got a place to vent here and it seems like a supportive husband/family. Twelve year olds do really stupid stuff. My husband used to do a lot of things I'd classify as "stupid stuff", and it's shocking that he didn't get himself killed/arrested! However, now he's the most responsible man I know and he's awesome. Your son will be ok too - but it sounds like you're all over it. You're friends here are happy to listen if you (or anyone) needs to vent!

    April - I hope you're having a better couple of days and your husband had a reasonable apology!

    Pink - congrats on your new venture with Scentsy! A home business is always an exciting proposition and it's great that your husband is supportive.

    annalobdell - I hope you're feeling better and congrats on the loss! And getting in 200 crunches is pretty freaking amazing! I've done zumba classes at the gym and I love them. I haven't tried the zumba for wii or PS3 yet, but I've heard good things. But the dancing and music were great in the class I took.

    pmkelly - it's so great that you've motivated a friend to start exercising...that totally counts as a NSV to me :)

    cazz - I have a Slave Driver at the gym too, and thought she's a bit evil, at least we're seeing results! My SD was super impressed with the 50 extra jumping jacks I did after my session with her, because I had to get them in for the challenge this week.

    JustJenn - I hope the concert was great! Can you post a pic of you with the band?

    I finished my 150 jumping jacks tonight when I had my stepdaughter and niece at the YMCA! They were on the play structure and I was doing jumping jacks in the area next to them. Some of the parents looked at me, but whatever! And then a bunch of kids started trying to do jumping jacks, and they looked ridiculous - - no rhythm and no idea what they were doing, just thought it was a game. I laughed so hard! That was all three happy's in one :tongue:

    I'm going to add 150 jumping jacks to each week - or maybe kick it up to 200. It was a great challenge this week - thanks April!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    I feel your pain. No, really... I have! It can get better.. and usually does!! And THAT kid of mine ... is now a cop! LOL

    Cheer up, Nikster!! HUGS!
    Thanks Cazz... that totally helps me feel better!!! He totally swears he wasn't stealing and he even had $30 in his pocket to pay, but the other boys thought it would be fun to steal... so they all got busted. I don't know if I believe him or not, and the hopping the bus and lying about where he was is grounds enough for the punishment. The hard part is, hubs is gone all week, I work full time, and I don't have anyone super close to watch him! I obviously can't leave him to his own devices anymore... so he's to come to my office (a few blocks from school) after school and sit in my staff room to do homework or whatever... until I leave. Then he'll be home with me.. no xbox, no friends... until at least summer! Then the plan for now is to go to Grandma's all day while I'm at work, which is a pain for me to drive him 20 minutes there and then back to work and then pick him up after... I may just have him stay there for a few days each week... we'll see. He's in tons of trouble and we'll get a letter this week from the store to see if they are prosecuting. I don't think they will, he's only 12 and has never done this before, and he didn't actually walk out (if I got the story right) so I don't think they can charge him... I hope! Anyway.. he's been cleaning his room all day and I think he fell asleep already. He knows he's in trouble... I think he'll really know it after a few weeks of not seeing his friends!!!

    Being a parent is difficult, no matter your circumstances. None of my 4 kids were "easy" to raise! I am a single parent now. So I understand your having to juggle things. But, trust me, stick to your guns! I used to tell my kids... "it isn't my job to be nice. It's my job to TEACH you how to be a decent human being and introduce you to Jesus. What you do with that, is up to you." My opinion is that parents want to be friends with their kids. Kids don't need more friends... they need PARENTS! I think you're on the right track, Nikster!!

    Oh... the other thing... let him know you ARE judged by the company you keep!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    cazz - I have a Slave Driver at the gym too, and thought she's a bit evil, at least we're seeing results! My SD was super impressed with the 50 extra jumping jacks I did after my session with her, because I had to get them in for the challenge this week.

    What I like... she has kept me accountable and keeps me on track. I am losing at a slower rate now, but that's ok with me. I think I will be better able to maintain, once I reach my ultimate goal. She's done good with me so far... I am down about 57# since starting with her... so THAT is a very good thing!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    things have been so so.. ill get to week 2 as soon as i can. im soo tired and exhausted.. i cant think long enough to sit here and put it together.. so ill try to have ti together by tomorrow night.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Feel better soon April!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thanks for all the support and for letting me vent yesterday. Today has been alright, the kid knows what he did was wrong and is accepting his punishment without argument, so that's good. The biggest problem for me today is that last night I developed a cramp in my lower back/hip and it's hurting really bad!!! I can feel the knot, so I know that's what it is, and it's slowing me down a lot!!! I went up to the gym to lift and do what I could, but there were some things I just couldn't handle today. Certainly couldn't do any ab work, just too painful. So I did an "easy" hour at the gym, only burned a little over 200 calories in an hour? Seriously!!! That's so nothing anymore, but I'll take it. At least I can have a lean cuisine for dinner and hit the sack early. I'm going to pop some ibuprofen and get the ice pack back out here after my quick shower. Can't even bend over to pick up the flipping laundry! At least the kids can help with that, right??? Sure!!!

    So no miles to add for today, but I'll just be happy to have this knot gone by morning... I have things to do!!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Feel better soon April!!!

    thanks pam.. just tired.. ive had alot going on lately. things are getting better at home thank god.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I did it, I got week two up, and out of the way. i hope you enjoy it. :) have a great week everyone.


    Im exhausted.. Now off to bed.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Sorry for the bummer weekend, Ladies. I hope next week will be better - hopefully, our computer will be in working order, too.

    I'm kind of discouraged, but I hope to hit it hard this coming week.......just found out we're getting company - lovely!!! :tongue:

    Here's to a new week!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Did a mile Saturday, Sunday and Monday and will be doing my mile for today after dinner. I ordered the zumba set off of amazon and it should be here this week. I hate the ripped in 30. I have been doing it for 3 days and I just can't get into it. I hate it. It is boring. I love to dance so I am hoping that this will be my go to exercise. I have heard that it is a killer calorie burn! We will see. Off to start week 2. See ya!
  • autumn_lea85
    Anna- You're going to love zumba! It's so much fun, I do zumba on days when it's raining or too cold to take the kids for a walk/jog. And it burns so many calories!! Let me know what you think after you try it...