Food Scales, do you have one?

I have a food scale and would DIE without it! I bought one the first week i started using MFP. I got in on Amazon for $25 and it is a life saver. I didnt know what a "serving" was before I had my scale. If a serving is 15grams, I will weigh out 15grams. No exceptions or guestimates. If I am going to eat some strawberries and you can put it in as "2 large" or by the ounce, I will throw those bad boys right on that scale and weigh 'em up!!

Just wanted to see who else has a food scale and if you love it as much as I do.


  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I just got one!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I have one! We got ours for 10 pounds and I had a slight panic attack when the battery died, haha! I ended up stocking up on scale batteries, just so I'd never have to deal with that again. I weigh everything. It makes people think I'm obsessive and maybe I am, but it's been working for me.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    it works for me too. i weigh everything too! haha. i hope my battery never dies! i never thought about that. yikes, now i'm scared! lol :cry:
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I don't have one yet, but plan to on my next payday. I'm tired of the guess work and tbh it makes me a little paranoid.:grumble:
  • allanaaron
    allanaaron Posts: 43 Member
    I lost 120 lbs using my scale to weigh and cups and such to measure. I stopped doing it, because I got so good eyeballing food weights, so what happened? I gained 80 lbs back. Now that I found Myfitnesspal I'm back on track, weighing with my lovely scale and starting to lose again. I love my scale.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    I don't have one yet, but plan to on my next payday. I'm tired of the guess work and tbh it makes me a little paranoid.:grumble:

    oh it will help so much. i would never know a true serving without it. it really makes a difference. good luck to you! :wink:
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    I lost 120 lbs using my scale to weigh and cups and such to measure. I stopped doing it, because I got so good eyeballing food weights, so what happened? I gained 80 lbs back. Now that I found Myfitnesspal I'm back on track, weighing with my lovely scale and starting to lose again. I love my scale.

    i hear ya!! glad youre back on track with your scale. i love my scale and my measuring cups and spoons. i almost want to carry my tablespoon in my purse! ha ha! :laugh:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I weigh every morsel too, my hubby rolls his eyes, when I plod over to the dinner table with my scales to weigh everything out, I am a bit obsessive but it works for me ...!
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    I use mine everyday and could not live without them!! I did a little experiment and tried to 'weigh' food without them - e.g. guessing what 30g of porridge oats are and I was wrong every time and always wonder I wasn't loosing an weight!! :smile:
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    When I first started I borrowed my sons scale as he had done the HCG diet and you have to have a scale. I ordered one for myself when after a month he decided to do the diet again and wanted his scale back.. I tried to call him an indian giver and say mommy NEEDS her scale.. Instead I ordered him a new one!!! Can't be without my scale!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    Hey all! I'm considering purchasing on at Bed Bath & Beyond but I wasn't sure what the point seems to me like a lot of foods say, you know, "One cup" or whatever as the measurement, and then you're going to have to put it in a measuring cup to weigh it anyway, so when does it really get used? I can't remember ever seeing something that was a serving by the gram! I'd love some examples. :happy:
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    yes we do

    the scary thing is what is a portion when you compare that to a percieved portion

    now i weigh most things out and then use them as a reality check to ask myself do i need to eat it ?
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    Hey all! I'm considering purchasing on at Bed Bath & Beyond but I wasn't sure what the point seems to me like a lot of foods say, you know, "One cup" or whatever as the measurement, and then you're going to have to put it in a measuring cup to weigh it anyway, so when does it really get used? I can't remember ever seeing something that was a serving by the gram! I'd love some examples. :happy:

    everything will show grams on it just about. it might say that a serving is 1/2 cup but it will also show you the equivalent in grams. what if it is something big or long or just wont fit into a cup.

    or what if it is a chicken breast and you want 3 ounces and you have a chicken breast and you THINK that it is 3 ounces. you put it on the scale and it's 5 ounces, so you almost have 2 whole servings.

    i am telling you, it makes a HUGE difference.

    i weighed out 2 ounces of dry pasta yesterday. i put a glass on the scale and then hit the tare button, i had it on ounces as well. i put my spaghetti in it untill it showed me 2 ounces, and let me tell you, it was not a lot.

    you will be surprised as to what a serving really is.
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    Sunds great! I'm really excited now. :smile:
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Scales are definitely useful, not just for dieting but for consistent amounts when cooking.

    I ignore what the manufacturer says is a 'serving'. If they are in a 'health' war with competitors, one will use a smaller serving just to claim lower calories.

    That's why I found the 'per 100g' more useful than the 'per 37g' or 'per 1/3 cup' serving. I control my portions but weigh everything and calculate the calories.
  • celticcat63
    celticcat63 Posts: 8 Member
    We got our first scale 4 years ago when my husband found out he was diabetic. I got complacent about weighing things and thought I was good at eyeballing amounts. Man was I wrong! We both began gaining, now our scale goes to the table for dinner every night, I utilized it when cooking and when we make our breakfasts and lunches as well. I even take it when we are traveling along with measuring spoons and cups. I don't go as far as taking it into restraunts but use it the rest of the time.

    I have found it very useful when cooking as well. I have never been a by the recipie girl. But now I do measure and write down what I am putting into recipies. This helps when I put them in the reicpie tool to calculate calories, etc. per serving. Like so many have said I am a little obsessive but that's ok.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have this food scale:

    I use it for everything except salad dressing and other liquids.

    It's especially useful for things that are not shaped evenly so cup measures are not very accurate.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    luckily i have a few digital scales that are usually used for weighing out medicinal items. I think i will start using them for food now. just wish they were a little bigger
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Digital food scales are a must! I love mine, I'm a soapmaker so I originally bought it for weighing my oils and lye but it's a great multitasker!
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    I have this food scale:

    I use it for everything except salad dressing and other liquids.

    It's especially useful for things that are not shaped evenly so cup measures are not very accurate.

    i have the same one in red! :happy: